Unlocking Leaders’ Potential

CareSource, one of the largest public sector managed care companies in the United States partners with ICF (International Coaching Federation) to deliver Leadership Transition...

Getting a Job In 2025

By Lynda Gratton Lynda Gratton’s new research identifies the careers and skills likely to be valued in the next decade. Even with my own three decades...

The Global Talent Management Challenge

By David G. Collings David G. Collings outlines key factors which can effectively develop global talent management systems to drive sustainable performance based on his...

Powerful Leadership Wins Employees Hearts + Minds…Gains Customers

This article explores how to use effective leadership strategies to win hearts and minds of employees to improve the bottom line. It draws attention...

Extrapreneurs: A More Sensible Form of Entrepreneurship?

By Maurits van Rooijen Being an entrepreneur is exciting with greater control over one’s destiny and a more direct link between work and rewards. But...

Turning Talent Data into Talent Intelligence

By Nik Kinley & Shlomo Ben-Hur Talent management is built upon talent intelligence—the understanding that businesses have of the skills, expertise and qualities of their...

Build High-Quality Connections

By Jane E. Dutton Jane E. Dutton explains why high-quality connections (HQCs) are critical building blocks for bringing out the best in people and...

Needs-Based Coaching: Employee Motivation in a New Light

By Craig Perrin Behind every unmotivated employee is a leadership problem to be solved. Yet many leaders see motivation as a game of rewards and...

The Five Fundamentals of Effective Performance Management

By David G. Collings and John McMackin In this article the authors present the five issues that any organisation must tackle in order to design...

Are You – And Your Company – Prepared For The Future Of Work In...

Assessing Your Level Of Preparedness In 10 Key Domains1 By Simon L. Dolan, Alex Makarevich and Kristine Marin Kawamura This article describes 10 key dimensions that...

GLOOM vs. BLOOM OF THE FUTURE OF WORK: Can We Chart A Positive Roadmap?

By Mario Raich, Simon Dolan, Dave Ulrich, and Claudio Cisullo As the digital era is continuously in its process to ripen, discussions of destructive unforeseen...

Strategic Transformation at Tennis Canada

By Roger Martin Aside from the small percentage of hugely successful game-changing start-ups like Apple, Microsoft and Google it can be hard for a small...

Talent Management 2.0: Transformation Powered By People

By Amber Román and Richard Lynch In “Moving Beyond the Anecdotal: What Will It Take To Create Your Digital 2.0 Business Model,” we discussed our...

Leadership and the Structure of Trust

By Paul R. Lawrence and Robert Porter Lynch Trust enables everything to move faster more effortlessly,and with less conflict. In the business world, executives soon...

The Daily Practice of Leadership Communication During Times of Change

By Terry Pearce In this article Terry Pearce, the author of LEADING OUT LOUD A Guide For Engaging Others In Creating The Future, places authenticity...

Creating Abundant Organizations

Interview with Dave and Wendy Ulrich In “The Why of Work: How Great Leaders Build Abundant Organizations” (McGraw-Hill 2010), Dave and Wendy Ulrich set out...

Managing Difficult Personalities

By Zahir Irani and Amir Sharif Taking a lead in handling difficult situations and difficult people can be the hardest part of any management role....

The TRUST Principles: How to Embrace the New World of Work

By Alison Maitland and Peter Thomson The transformation of work in the digital, global era is gathering pace, with demonstrable benefits for business, people and...

Building Change Capacity in your Organization: Ensuring that you have the talent and bench...

By Charles H. Bishop, Jr. Introduction Business has experienced an evolution from the agricultural age to the Industrial Revolution to the information age. Now, the talent...

Identity In and Around Organisations

By Majken Schultz & Steve Maguire At the heart of any successful organisation lies a powerful conception of identity: the coherent way in which it...

The 7 Keys to Unlocking Organisational Greatness

By Sean Culey Sean Culey, member of the European Leadership Team of the Supply Chain Council and CEO of business improvement consultancy SEVEN Collaborative Solutions,...

Transforming Employee Performance One Coaching Conversation at a Time

By Brian Souza Why is it that so many good people are such bad managers? It’s an interesting question, isn’t it? Often when I give...

5 Myths about Employee Learning

Here are some common misperceptions about corporate education— and how to get beyond them. Under what circumstances do organizations embrace a learning culture? Often, it’s when...

Why Robots May Not Be Taking Your Job – at least, not in...

How Organisations Can Embrace Automation By Leslie Willcocks In this article Professor Willcocks discusses the reality of robots, what they mean for ‘human’ jobs and how...

Talenting: Framework and Metaphors for a New Processual Approach to Talent Management

By Simon L. Dolan & Paulo Hayashi Jr. Although the necessity for attracting, retaining, and motivating talent is an old challenge for all competitive organisations,...

Organisational Vitality: The Life Line for Your Company

By David De Cremer Where do you see your company many many many years from now? In this article, David De Cremer tells us the...

Embedded Values and Induced Spirituality in Management Education

The Case of Two Successful Business Schools in Barcelona By S. L. Dolan, Y. Altman, B. Capell and M. Raich

The Missing Puzzle Piece? How Action Learning Can Help Solve the Dual Challenge of...

By Alex Makarevich, Christian Acosta-Flamma and Simon L. Dolan To win in the “war for talent”, companies can no longer rely on conventional recruitment methods...

Feeling and Affect in the Contemporary Workplace

Rick Iedema & David Grant Ongoing organisational change and rapid product and service turnover are demanding increasing levels of employee commitment to innovating work...

Inner Work Life: The Engine of Performance

By Teresa Amabile and Steven Kramer Workers around the world are becoming increasingly disengaged from their jobs. AON Hewitt found a global drop of four...
innovative business ideas

Keys to Manage Human Resources – Rules of Thumb: Part 1

By Guido Stein, Ángel Cervantes and Marta Cuadrado This article, which is in two parts, aims to acquaint readers with the main personnel management...

Overcoming the Triple Hurdle of Diversity Management

By Winfried Ruigrok Diversity management is a key instrument to position your company as a preferred employer. Fail to recite this mantra and you risk...

Unpacking the ‘Big Data’ Skill Set: It’s not Just – or Even Mostly –...

By Mihnea Moldoveanu Big Data presents challenges and opportunities that need a new set of skills. Current formulations of the Big Data skill set are...

The Happiness Conundrum

By Manfred F. R. Kets de Vries Based on a case example of a deeply unhappy person, this article examines the elusive topic of happiness,...

What’s Your Superpower?

By Lauren Noël and Christie Hunter Arscott Imagine you enter an interview for a job and an executive asks you: “What’s your superpower?” How would...

Managing People in Mergers and Acquisitions Part 2: Integration and Survival

By Guido Stein and Marta Cuadrado In Part One, we addressed the key reasons why companies decide to pursue merger, the reasons why many...
women in leadership

Whither Talent?

By Adrian Furnham To what end can talent be defined, sought out and developed? In this article Andrew Furnham discusses the different ideas of what...

The Transformation Imperative Collaborative Leadership is Key For Future Success

By John Mattone In this article, John Mattone discusses how progressive leaders in the business world are moving away from a conventional leadership culture and...

Creating a Sustainable Society through Integrated Reporting Delivered via Cloud Computing

By Kyle Armbrester and Robert G. Eccles A sustainable strategy is best reinforced through integrated reporting, a new management practice based on an integrated presentation...

Strategising to Win On the Global Playing Field: Making Real Strategic Choices in...

By Bart Tkaczyk Attract the best people. Own shares either in good ships, or in none at all. Make your ship attractive, then good people...

Organizational health: The ultimate competitive advantage

By Scott Keller and Colin Price To sustain high performance, organizations must build the capacity to learn and keep changing over time. The case for health...

The Art and Science of Negotiating a Job Offer

By Guido Stein and Kandarp Mehta In every professional’s journey, there are those defining moments which can change one’s entire career. In this article, the...

The Psychology of Disenchantment

By Adrian Furnham Justice has always been a major issue among people. Especially in an organisational context, where many employees with different values, interests, and...

The Business of People: Effective Strategies to Drive Success in Global Business

By Sharon Schweitzer In this article, Sharon M. Schweitzer delves into the intricacies of the global marketplace. She shares an eight-point introduction in cultivating communication...
corporate learning

Making Corporate Learning Work

By Shlomo Ben-Hur & Nik Kinley Corporate Learning functions are under pressure to deliver like never before. Yet studies have repeatedly shown that business leaders’...

Managing People in Mergers and Acquisitions Part 1: Reasons and Reality

By Guido Stein and Marta Cuadrado In Part One of this article we will address a number of issues related to mergers. First, we will...

Why Reward for Performance Fails to Deliver

By Jonathan Trevor Blind conformity can be very dangerous especially when it comes to managing your company’s talent. In this article, the author elaborates on...

Careering Off Track: The New World of Work

By Adrian Furnham Today, the idea of a ‘job for life’ is, for many people, neither possible nor desirable.  The concept of the career has,...

Changes in Work, Changes in Self? Managing our Work and Non-Work Identities in...

By Lakshmi Ramarajan & Erin M. Reid Diverse workplaces are challenging the boundaries between workers’ personal and professional lives, as workers today navigate employer pressures...

Three Traps Facing New Corporate Centre Executives

What Companies Should Consider When Hiring for Corporate Role By Sven Kunisch & Eva Bilhuber Galli When appointing corporate centre executives, many large firms focus on...


Image of a LGBT rainbow flag and American Flag

“two sexes” – Trump Executive Order: From Gender Dysphoria Controversy to Gender Stigma

By Marcelina Horrillo Husillos, Journalist and Correspondent at The European Business Review On his first day back in office, President Donald Trump signed more than 200 of executive actions, of which, one was an executive...

The Empathy Illusion: Why AI’s Perceived Humanity Matters More Than Its Reality

By Luke Treglown AI is transforming how we work and interact, not just through efficiency but by mimicking human qualities like personality and empathy. As we debate whether AI can truly possess humanity, its growing...


Double exposure of coin stack and alarm clock with city background and financial graph, business finance

Scaling You: Leverage the Value of YOUR Time to Scale Your Business Impact

By Elizabeth Eiss Small businesses often face unique challenges in scaling their impact while juggling limited resources such as funding, sales, customer care, talent, and time. In our previous article, Small Employers 2025: Scaling Impact on Customers,...