Edge Computing in Europe: A Key Driver of Business Innovation
By Ram Ramalingam, Teresa Tung, Nitu Kaushal & Shalabh Kumar Singh
Edge is an essential component of the cloud computing model and has the potential...
Pivot or Perish: Modern Enterprise Networks Will Drive the Digital Future in Europe
By Jefferson Wang, Michele Marrone, and Swati Vyas
As Europe sets out to deliver on its second digital agenda, companies will need to equip themselves...
Why Strong Technology Leadership Matters to Europe’s Future Competitiveness
The Right Leadership Can Help Bridge Europe's Lag in Technology Adoption, R&D, and Patents
By Jean-Marc Ollagnier, Svenja Falk, and Surya Mukherjee
Increasing leaders’ technology quotient...
Countdown to Cybersecurity in the Quantum Era: Will Businesses be Ready in Time?
By Tom Patterson and Laura Converso
Leaps in quantum technology and hybrid approaches are shortening the time to Q-Day, when adversaries can use quantum computing...
Why Fixing the Planet is also about Seizing Business Opportunities
By Jean-Marc Ollagnier, Sybille Berjoan, Dr Jacques Bughin and Yuhui Xiong
Companies’ efforts to become more sustainable can often be driven by regulation or government...
2023, A Space Opportunity: Pioneering Space Technologies, Protecting the Earth, and Preserving the Space...
By Shruti Shalini, Shalabh Kumar Singh, and Shubhashis Sengupta
Space-to-Earth observation technologies are helping businesses and governments make progress towards realizing sustainable development goals on...
Accelerating Europe’s Path to Reinvention
By Jean-Marc Ollagnier, Svenja Falk and Laura Wright
Despite the challenging business environment, European executives are optimistic about their organization's future growth. By embracing Total...
Why Mastering AI is Harder than You Think and Four Essential Behaviors to Get...
By Jean-Marc Ollagnier, Philippe Roussiere, and Praveen Tanguturi
Powered by recent investments, European companies are on pace to collectively lead the world in artificial intelligence...
Conversational AI is Asking for Ethical Oversight: How Can Humans Best Answer the Call?
By Laetitia Cailleteau and Patrick Connolly
As conversational artificial intelligence (AI) advances, it is able to sustain ever more human-like relationships with end users. This...
Fixing the Progression Paradox: One Way to Accelerate Social Mobility
By Simon Eaves, Camilla Drejer and Dominic King
Socio-economic background continues to weigh on career progression in the UK. Despite this, a new Accenture study...
The Future of the Data Economy: Four Building Blocks to Maximize Value From Data...
By Svenja Falk, Surya Mukherjee and Laura Wright
Data has massive potential to create both social and business value. Yet, most companies are yet to...
Three Steps to Getting on Track in the Race to Net Zero
By Jean-Marc Ollagnier, Sytze Dijkstra and Monique de Ritter
The UN Climate Change Conference of the Parties (COP26) in Glasgow saw a welcome spate of...
How European Companies can use the Cloud to Increase their Competitiveness
By Jean-Marc Ollagnier, Sybille Berjoan, Surya Mukherjee and Gargi Chakrabarty
Most European business leaders think of cloud as shared, public data centers to host workloads...
How European Companies Can Become Growth Leaders
By Jean-Marc Ollagnier, Sybille Berjoan and Regina Maruca
Accenture’s recent survey of 700 C-suite executives of large businesses in Europe reveals confidence that new global...
Smart Moves for Europe’s Energy Intensive Industries
By Jean-Marc Ollagnier, Sytze Dijkstra, Lasse Kari and Gargi Chakrabarty
Europe needs to keep producing chemicals, steel, and cement while reducing emissions from those industries....
Focus on Value: What Your Company Does Matters more than Where It Sits
By Rachael Bartels and Kathleen O’Reilly
Companies everywhere must find new sources of value creation both inside and outside traditional industry boundaries.
For decades, industry definitions...
5 Keys to Resolving Cross-Functional Rivalries in your Digital Transformation
By Bhaskar Ghosh, Nigel Stacey, Raghav Narsalay, Aarohi Sen, and Paul Barbagallo
The challenge is as old as business itself: How do you get people...
How Businesses Are Getting Back on Track in China
By Svenja Falk, Frank Riemensperger and Serena Qiu
Two months ahead of most other businesses in dealing with COVID-19, companies in China offer key insights...
How the Next Wave of Innovators will Change the Fabric of the World
By Jean-Marc Ollagnier and Vedrana Savic
The next wave of innovation will see products and services combining technology from across the digital, physical and biological...
Preparing for the Next Wave of Innovation? Think Beyond Technology
By Gianfranco Casati, Vedrana Savic and Koteswara Ivaturi
More than ever, industry giants are applying what we call “non-incremental” innovation, to shake up their established...
Using Technology To Turn The Dial On Inclusion: The Mental Health Opportunity
By Barbara Harvey
The stigma long associated with mental health challenges is fading. Companies should turn that to their advantage. Technology can help.
Companies increasingly understand...
How Banks Grow Now
By Piercarlo Gera, Alessandro Secchi and Luca Gagliardi
Spending on customer loyalty keeps going up, but returns are diminishing. This article will tackle how banks...
Are You Following the Right Digital Recipe?
By Tracey Countryman, David Abood, Aidan Quilligan, Raghav Narsalay, and Aarohi Sen
To produce a successful dish of digital reinvention, start by combining six ingredient...
The Fintech Opportunity for Banks in Europe
By Elena Mazzotti and Francesca Caminiti
Propelled by data-driven innovation, fintech companies continue to gain traction – taking some financial firms by surprise. For banks...
To Find Value in the Digital Age, Find It for Others First
By Omar Abbosh, Vedrana Savic and Michael Moore
To grow their businesses consistently, leaders must envision a much bigger picture of where value resides than...
The Rise Of The Imagination Economy
By Mark Purdy, Athena Peppes and Suning An
The physical constraints of distance and geography shape how we live, work, produce and consume. But advances...
5 Smart Ways to Increase Europe’s “AIQ”
By Francis Hintermann, Madhu Vazirani, and Carsten Lexa
At first glance, it would be surprising to learn that Europe is lagging behind in the field...
Adapting Your Digital Business to a Fragmented World
By Omar Abbosh, Paul Nunes and Armen Ovanessoff
We are aware that this era calls for your business to be able to continuously adapt to...
What Companies Must Do Now That Better Is Also Cheaper
By Paul F. Nunes and Larry Downes
Industry-disrupting products used to enter the market as inferior but more affordable versions of existing offerings, giving incumbents...
Solving Marketing’s Inventory Crisis
By Paul F. Nunes and Joshua Bellin
Just-in-time manufacturing was adopted shortly after World War II to save companies from drowning in excess inventory as...
India’s Lessons for Creating a Digital Business
By Raghav Narsalay and Avnish Sabharwal
As India rapidly moves into the digital era, leading Indian businesses are changing their business models to capture the...
How the Industrial Internet of Things Can Add to the Wealth of Nations
By Mark Purdy and Ladan Davarzani
To capture the benefits of Internet-connected machines, national leaders must nurture the conditions that are needed to translate technological...
The Digital Revolution is an Evolution for the Outsourcing Industry
By Mike Salvino
Digital technology has transformed virtually every industry, affecting the way companies serve customers, manufacture products,
The Digital Transformation Opportunities Ahead
By Mike Sutcliff
The proliferation of digital technologies allows scope for innovation in the way organisations deliver customer experience. Here Mike Sutcliff explores the first...
Disruptive Digital Technologies Can Help Europe Recapture Competitiveness
By Mauro Macchi
European countries have long lagged behind other developed economies in productivity and innovation, even prior
Demographic Changes in the Workplace
By Andrés Hatum
The global ageing population and the new generation of young professionals entering the market are changing the shape of the workplace. Companies...
Best of All Worlds: Hybrid Models of Public-Service Delivery
By Tim Cooper & Matthew Robinson
Governments around the world are facing increasing pressures on all fronts. From Europe to Japan to the United States,...
Don’t Despair: Growth from Consumer Behaviour Change in Developed-Market Economies
By Paul F. Nunes, Sam Yardley & Mark Spelman
Mired in a period of low growth, developed economies are becoming increasingly tough places to do...
Reimagining Enterprise IT for an Uncertain Future
By Jeanne G. Harris, Allan E. Alter, Stéphane J.G. Girod and Iris A. Junglas
The role of the information technology department is under scrutiny in...
Reclaiming the Battlefield of Consumer Influence
By Paul F. Nunes and Joshua B. Bellin
Companies are increasingly finding their marketing messages contradicted – or worse, turned against them – by a...
Making China Your Top Priority
By Gong Li, Henry Egan and Andrew Sleigh
Companies have never had such an array of options when it comes to investment opportunities in the...
How Europe Can Rebuild Skills and Generate Growth
By Tim Cooper, Athena Peppes, Mark Purdy and Matthew Robinson
Europe is facing a jobs and unemployment crisis that is unprecedented in recent times
• Since...
Walking the New Corridors of Power: Positioning your Business for the Era of Emerging-Market...
By Mark Purdy, Athena Peppes, Armen Ovanessoff & Kuangyi Wei
Over the past decade, the corridors of trade and investment have increasingly been occupied by...
Making Inclusive Growth a Reality: Lessons from India
By Raghav Narsalay and Anish Gupta
Reaching out to the poor in emerging markets has long been a laudable social goal. But in India today,...
Capturing the Growth Opportunity in Emerging Markets
By Henry Egan and Armen Ovanessoff
Over the next five years, emerging markets will account for much of the globe’s economic growth. To compete on...
Jumping the S-Curve: How to Reach the Top – and Stay There
By Paul Nunes and Timothy Breene
One obvious trait of high-performance companies is that they are all adept at launching new businesses -- a process...
The Empathy Illusion: Why AI’s Perceived Humanity Matters More Than Its Reality
By Luke Treglown
AI is transforming how we work and interact, not just through efficiency but by mimicking human qualities like personality and empathy. As we debate whether AI can truly possess humanity, its growing...
Intuition or Data? Are You Ready to Let Artificial Intelligence Choose Your New House or Business?
By Fernanda Arreola and David Jaidan
The accessibility of new tools for improving our decision-making based on data seems to be a promising way to gain insights. From the choice of our holiday itinerary to...
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