Understanding the Business Impacts of Cloud Computing

By Leslie Willcocks, Will Venters, Edgar Whitley and John Hindle Cloud computing is already changing the way IT and business services are delivered and managed....

Crowdsourcing Disaster Response: Mobilizing Social Media for Urban Resilience

By Thérèse F. Tierney As urban populations continue to expand worldwide, natural disasters are precipitating increased challenges to public health, welfare, and safety. Informal methods,...

Internet of Things: A Review and Future Perspective

By N. K. Suryadevara and S. C. Mukhopadhyay Internet of Things (IoT) is all about the ability to sense things, understand and act according to...

Who Needs Silicon Valley? Made in Digital Germany is Europe’s Big Hope

The industrial and manufacturing landscape of 2025 will be massively different from today and every single “traditional” company has to digitally innovate if it...

The Challenge of Leading Digital Platforms in Responsible Ways

By David De Cremer, Jess Zhang, and Leander De Schutter Digital platform businesses are increasingly being confronted with a host of unethical consequences due to a lack of...

Swarm Economics: How 3D Manufacturing Will Change the Shape of the Global Economy

By Olaf Groth, Mark Esposito and Terence Tse The collaborative economy and commons are challenging the way

The Building Blocks of Digital Transformation: Intelligence, Integration and Impact

By David Dubois Leading an organisation’s digital transformation simultaneously entails driving change within three key pillars of one’s business: intelligence (competitive insights); integration (organisational structure...

Adapting Your Digital Business to a Fragmented World

By Omar Abbosh, Paul Nunes and Armen Ovanessoff We are aware that this era calls for your business to be able to continuously adapt to...

Turning Talent Data into Talent Intelligence

By Nik Kinley & Shlomo Ben-Hur Talent management is built upon talent intelligence—the understanding that businesses have of the skills, expertise and qualities of their...

Flexibility to Improve Forecast Accuracy

By Karin Bursa To succeed in a business economy shaped by uncertain demand and rapid market changes, companies must be able to sense and adapt...

How to Stand Out Online

By Dorie Clark Adapted from Stand Out: How to Find Your Breakthrough Idea and Build a Following Around It (Portfolio/Penguin 2015), this article discusses how...

Why You Need Digital Know-How –Why We All Need It

By Howard Rheingold We’re in a period where the cutting edge of change has moved from the technology to the literacies made possible by the...

The Impact of Blockchain on the Energy Sector – Expectations from German Energy Executives

By Christoph Burger, Andreas Kuhlmann, Philipp Richard & Jens Weinmann How do energy executives see the potential of the Blockchain? Is it just hype, or...

Big Data Meets Big Brother: The Privacy Risks of Big Data

By Viktor Mayer-Schönberger & Kenneth Cukier In Big Data: A Revolution That Will Transform How We Live, Work, and Think, Viktor Mayer-Schönberger and Kenneth Cukier...

What Digital Leadership Does

By Stijn Viaene Leadership has been an indispensable factor in any business development. As businesses undergo digital transformation, Stijn Viaene offers exciting insight on digital...

Social Media Strategy: Learning from the Online Cola War

By Fang Liu and Willem Smit The battle between Coca-Cola and Pepsi1 has been one of the longest and most arduous in the history of...

Gamifying E-Commerce: Gaming and Social-Networking Induced Loyalty

By Yasmin Razavi, Bernard Ho and Mark S. Fox Introduction and Motivation Customer loyalty has been an ongoing concern of retail companies and with the...

5 Smart Ways to Increase Europe’s “AIQ”

By Francis Hintermann, Madhu Vazirani, and Carsten Lexa At first glance, it would be surprising to learn that Europe is lagging behind in the field...

Breaking the Mould! A New Business Model for the 21st Century

By Karl-Heinz Streibich The pace of change in the digital era is too fast, and survival is the main objective.  Software AG CEO Karl-Heinz Streibich...

Marketing Strategies for a Digital World

By Eric Greenberg and Alexander Kates In an increasingly digital age, organizations are being rapidly educated about the importance and scale of digital channels, and...

Social Media and the Business of Trust

By Wilfried Vanhonacker How far is too far in gleaning user data and handing this over to advertisers, even though the aim is to continue...

Top IoT Companies Grow Faster But Require All-In Commitment

By Peter Weill and Stephanie Woerner The Internet of Things is one of the many inevitable changes happening in our digital world. In this article,...

Easy Being Green: Why the Internet of Things Will Help Sustainability

By Joy Tan  The Internet of Things is just one of the technologies that is re-shaping the world. It is not only perceived as a...

Want More Innovation-Driven Entrepreneurship? Go Low-Tech!

By Terence Tse and Mark Esposito Promoting entrepreneurship is increasingly seen as a way to revive stagnant economies. Below, Terence Tse and Mark Esposito argue...

The Real Reason the NSA Wants Your Data: Predictive Law Enforcement

By Eric Siegel The NSA can leverage bulk data collection with predictive analytics to target law enforcement activities. But this little-known capability both intensifies and...

The Digital Transformation Journey: Four Steps to Success

By Carlos Cordón and Teresa Ferreiro Traditional businesses know that if they want to survive the digital revolution, they need to make changes, but where...

Big Data Takes On Big Weather

By Djeevan Schiferli, IBM Some European cities are turning to Big Data to not only predict the weather and its potential impact, but also to...

Socialise for Success: Three Key Steps for Better Business Outcomes Online

By Jim Macnamara Research shows that most businesses are jumping on the social media bandwagon. But many are not using social media effectively or wisely,...

What Companies Must Do Now That Better Is Also Cheaper

By Paul F. Nunes and Larry Downes Industry-disrupting products used to enter the market as inferior but more affordable versions of existing offerings, giving incumbents...

Selling Illusory Joy: Emotions, Big Data and the Coming Retail Renaissance

By Christopher Surdak and Ed King Today the world is awash in massive amounts of context-rich data. Whether it’s GPS position information, social media posts,...

Unlocking the Internet of Things

By John Bates Big data is amassing like snow in a blizzard, forming an avalanche that threatens to bury anyone who ignores it. Below, John...
women in leadership

Mobile Customer App Engagement Pays Off

By Peter Weill and Stephanie L. Woerner The popularity of the smartphone has exploded, and continues to do so. The ever-growing usage of the latest...

India’s Lessons for Creating a Digital Business

By Raghav Narsalay and Avnish Sabharwal As India rapidly moves into the digital era, leading Indian businesses are changing their business models to capture the...

United Airlines, Artificial Intelligence, and Donald Trump: Reawakening Values in the Era...

By Avi Liran and Simon L. Dolan Society has evolved and not all aspects of our lives were able to cope up with the changes...

Tech for Britain: Building a Better Tomorrow

The tech sector in Britain is booming, it’s transformed the economy and put the UK on the map as a formidable tech nation. Tech...

Smart Manufacturing

By Seeram Ramakrishna, Chen-Khong Tham and Teo Kie Leong Manufacturing is vital to a country’s economic growth and ability to innovate. Manufacturing is changing from...

Leadership Mindsets for IT Success

By Donald A. Marchand and Joe Peppard Negative stereotypes regarding IT departments abound: they are slow, ineffective, dull. But the reality is very different. As...

The Digital Revolution is an Evolution for the Outsourcing Industry

By Mike Salvino Digital technology has transformed virtually every industry, affecting the way companies serve customers, manufacture products,

The EU Now Regulates Internet Services. But What Does that Mean, Exactly?

By Martin Schallbruch Internet access has become crucial to the functioning of our most important systems. The Directive on security of network and information systems...

Five Styles of Business Analytics

By Mark Torr and Diane Hatcher Whether you’re using one, two or all five business analytics approaches, the technologies are capable of much more than...

Analysis Paralysis: How “Big Data” May Finally Spell the End of Make-Believe Numbers

By Chris Surdak  In this article, Chris Surdak speaks from experience and argues that financial models are not used to present scientific or mathematical fact...

Technology Innovation the New Currency of the Digital Age

By David Stokes The advent of the internet changed modern day lives irreversibly but the new game-changer is already here: mobile digital technology is changing...

This Too Shall Pass Change is Not Only Necessary, It’s Inevitable

By Christopher Surdak  If one word was used to describe the year we have just lived through my choice would be “change”. For most businesses,...

Predictive Analytics: New-generation Strategic Decision Support

By Tobias Klatt & Klaus Moeller Environmental turbulence has be- come a key challenge for companies’ strategic planning. Planning results remain arbitrary and risky, and...

A Magna Carta for Inclusivity and Fairness in the Global AI Economy

By Olaf Groth, Mark Nitzberg and Mark Esposito Machine meritocracy is here. In this article, the authors elaborate on questions of inclusivity, fairness, and governance....

Understanding Cloud Computing Competition, Environment and Finance

By Federico Etro Cloud computing allows firms to rent computing power and storage from cloud computing providers, and to pay on demand; this improves productivity...

Why Robots May Not Be Taking Your Job – at least, not in...

How Organisations Can Embrace Automation By Leslie Willcocks In this article Professor Willcocks discusses the reality of robots, what they mean for ‘human’ jobs and how...

Why Mark Zuckerberg’s Leadership Failure was a Predictable Surprise

By David De Cremer In today’s more developed global village, responsible leadership is of paramount importance especially from businesses that make use of digital platforms....

Internationalisation in Online Retailing

By Moritz Hahn and Niccolò Pisani Online retailing is clearly on the rise. In this article the authors offer a snapshot of the current status...

Internet of Things: Challenges and Opportunities

By S. C. Mukhopadhyay and N. K. Suryadevara The term “Internet of Things” (IoT) is used to describe embedded devices (things) with Internet connectivity, allowing...


The Empathy Illusion: Why AI’s Perceived Humanity Matters More Than Its Reality

By Luke Treglown AI is transforming how we work and interact, not just through efficiency but by mimicking human qualities like personality and empathy. As we debate whether AI can truly possess humanity, its growing...
Intuition or Data

Intuition or Data? Are You Ready to Let Artificial Intelligence Choose Your New House or Business?

By Fernanda Arreola and David Jaidan The accessibility of new tools for improving our decision-making based on data seems to be a promising way to gain insights. From the choice of our holiday itinerary to...