Building the Everything Store: Amazon’s Cycles of Creativity and Circles of Destruction
By Sean Culey
In just 20 years, Amazon has grown from an online startup focusing on selling books, to a devastating multi-platform, multi-industry technological disruptor,...
Segmenting for Success – From Value Chain Theory to Everyday Execution
By Sean Culey
Theory has little value unless it can be successfully translated into everyday execution.
“Real artists ship.”
Scrawled on an easel in January 1983 by...
International Facility Management
By Kathy O. Roper
Kathy O. Roper discusses the growing field of Facility Management and charts how it has evolved over the last 25 years...
Innovative Technologies in Aviation Logistics
Due to the fierce competition caused by the economic downturn, rising fuel costs and growing customer demand, airfreight companies are forced to look for...
The Globally Integrated Enterprise: Developing Enterprise Integration as a Strategic Capability
By Maximilian Chowanetz and Sia Siew Kien
Many large enterprises have embarked on enterprise integration (EI) initiatives in recent years. Below, Maximilian Chowanetz and Sia...
Flexibility to Improve Forecast Accuracy
By Karin Bursa
To succeed in a business economy shaped by uncertain demand and rapid market changes, companies must be able to sense and adapt...
The Four Challenges of Supply Chain Transparency
By Steve New and Dana Brown
In this article we examine a key business question: how much should organizations know about their extended supply base,...
The Spreadsheet Sabotage and its Impact on Supply Chains
By Karin L. Bursa
Although many employees are not properly trained to use them, spreadsheets are used by the a huge number of businesses worldwide...
Transformers: Supply Chain 3.0 and How Automation will Transform the Rules of the Global...
By Sean Culey
From the 1960’s up until the 1990’s Western manufacturing companies were out-performed by new levels of quality, cost and efficiencies emanating from...
Transforming Procurement to Achieve Competitive Advantage in the Coming Decade
By P. Spiller, N. Reinecke, D. Ungerman & H. Teixeira
In this article, the authors argue that procurement must be transformed to meet the challenges...
Mapping and Strategising Across Business Ecosystems
By Hervé Legenvre and Isabelle Herbet
Business ecosystems are the new unit of analysis for strategic thinking; they offer fertile grounds for innovation. This article...
Making 3D printing work for you: Defining Business Models for Additive Manufacturing
By Matthias Holweg, Kai Hoberg, Frits K. Pil, Jakob Heinen
Companies struggle to define the value proposition 3D printing brings: While the opportunities for...
The Digital Revolution is an Evolution for the Outsourcing Industry
By Mike Salvino
Digital technology has transformed virtually every industry, affecting the way companies serve customers, manufacture products,
The Challenges of Global S&OP
By Karin Bursa
What do you want to achieve? Where does your company want to be in 12, 18, 24 months? Do you know? If...
Technology Innovation the New Currency of the Digital Age
By David Stokes
The advent of the internet changed modern day lives irreversibly but the new game-changer is already here: mobile digital technology is changing...
The 7 Keys to Unlocking Organisational Greatness
By Sean Culey
Sean Culey, member of the European Leadership Team of the Supply Chain Council and CEO of business improvement consultancy SEVEN Collaborative Solutions,...
Predictive Analytics: New-generation Strategic Decision Support
By Tobias Klatt & Klaus Moeller
Environmental turbulence has be- come a key challenge for companies’ strategic planning. Planning results remain arbitrary and risky, and...
The Limits to Outsourcing: Beware of the Consequences for Market Success!
By Masaaki Kotabe, Michael J. Mol, Janet Y. Murray & Ronaldo Parente
Over the past few decades, outsourcing, in particular offshore outsourcing, has become a...
Efficient Frontier: A Moving Target
By Karin Bursa
Do you view inventory as a cost factor, a risk, a service level influencer or a competitive advantage? Many executives view inventory...
6 Keys to Inventory Optimisation
By Karin Bursa
Many companies around the world have adopted inventory optimisation and those without a formal process are falling behind their competition. Effective companies...
Analytics Drive Informed Supply Chain Decisions
By Karin Bursa
Supply chains are overflowing with data, and even the most advanced organizations struggle to keep up with the ever-accelerating flow of information....
Ensuring the ROI from ERP has a Bigger ‘R’ than ‘i’
By Sean Culey
It is over two decades now since Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) systems first arrived on the scene promising a new dawn of...
The Impact of Becoming Demand-Driven
By Karin Bursa
Becoming demand-driven enables companies to knock down organisational silos and create an integrated planning platform that ensures all teams involved are aligned...
What We Can Learn from the Collision of Supply Chain and Retail
By Karin L. Bursa
Traditionally, Supply Chain Planning and Retail Planning organisations have operated independently of each other, to the detriment of both. But, Karin...
Creating an Omnichannel Supply Chain for Branded Manufacturers: The Untapped Potential for Growth
By Michael Hu and Sunil Chopra
In today’s omnichannel world, the distinction between brands and retailers is of little interest to consumers. They will buy...
Putting Supply Chain Performance at Your Fingertips
By Karin Bursa
Leveraging supply chain analytics to boost corporate performance
Is your company run on intuition? Or do you have a set of metrics that...
Executive S&OP – Put it Front and Centre for Your Organisation
By Karin Bursa
Does your company have the right S&OP process in place?
These 5 steps to success allow you to assess trade-offs between many interdependent...
PwC (PricewaterhouseCoopers)- Outsourcing and Shared Service Programmes
Increasingly, value is created from successful collaboration of stakeholders connected in a network. Therefore outsourcing solutions must capture opportunities and navigate risk across these...
Leveraging Collaborations to Create Shared Value
By Hervé Legenvre, Francois Bacalou & Hugues Schmitz
In this article the authors discuss how the competitiveness of an organisation and the health of the...
The Real Industry 4.0 Challenge
By Richard Markoff and Ralf Seifert
As the manufacturing industry enters into the fourth industrial revolution or the Industry 4.0, supply chain leaders are challenged...
Risk Sharing in Joint Product Development – Lessons from 787 Dreamliner
By Yao Zhao
Reconciling an empirical study1 of 787 delays with an economic analysis of financial incentives, we reveal a subtle incentive trap in the risk...
Logistics Clusters: The Feedback Loop Leading to Economic Growth and Jobs
By Yossi Sheffi
Governments around the world are investing in logistics clusters to encourage economic growth and create jobs. While the advantages of high-technology, knowledge-based...
The New Supply Chain Challenge
By Cathy Johnson, Hitachi Consulting
Supply chain alignment is demanding a different paradigm of roles, responsibilities and accountabilities and with that, how performance is managed....
The Tears in the Deep Tiers
By Yossi Sheffi
Many leading companies have well-developed risk management and crisis management systems for their own operations. Yet for all their prowess of risk...
The Competitive Advantages of the Digital Economy Require a Digital Mentality
By Michael Gravier, Christopher Roethlein, and John Visich
In today’s rapidly changing business landscape, supply chain leaders are being challenged by the profound effects of...
Transforming the Global Supply Chain
By Carlos Cordon and Winter Nie
The rise of the emerging economies, fluctuating prices in commodities, the lingering effects of the global financial crisis and...
Tools for Success
By Gwynne Richards and Susan Grinsted
Supply chain management and logistics is taking centre stage in many companies today. Until recently the areas of warehousing...
Getting Ruthless With Your Processes
By Avinash Goyal, Suzanne Heywood & Toby Gibbs
Consistent global processes add value—up to a point. New research helps companies find the right balance between...
Supply Chain Digitalisation Management Challenge
By Richard Markoff and Ralf seifert
As part of the broader Industry 4.0 trend, the digitalisation of supply chains is happening quickly. Much of the...
Outsourcing: Debunking the myths and unveiling the realities
By buyingTeam
Firmly entrenched misconceptions surround outsourcing, and they are holding many companies back from maximising the potential benefits from this fundamentally important tool.
Despite misunderstandings...
Operationalising Excellence: Making it Happen – Part II
By Sean Culey
It is easy to look good in a boom.
It is a lesson that the executives at Chaos Corp have learnt the hard...
A Word About Dynamic Supply Chains: Delivering value through people
By John Gattorna
The key to successful supply chain management is recognising that it’s people who really drive the living supply chains that are at...
Post Global, Going to a “Local-to-Local” Approach. Sometimes.
By Francesco Stefanelli
Today’s companies are global in nature and for many, this translates into a dynamic environment for designing their Supply Chains, in order...
What You Need to Know About Supply Chain Disclosure
By Lucy McCarthy, Paul McGrath, and Donna Marshall
Our study examined twenty multinational companies and their supply chain disclosure decisions. We found a number of...
The Hidden Costs In Business Processes
By Richard Ward
Most businesses are affected by hidden costs in procurement, distribution, order processing, sales and finance. Organisations can benefit from a careful review...
Is Your Supply Chain Sustainable? Probably Not
By Cory Searcy
A growing number of companies are working to develop sustainable supply chains. A key challenge is to align their supply chain...
Full Electronic Data Integration: How a review of Business-to-Business transactions processes can help save...
By Steve Hill
In his 2010 study into business-to-business payment processes, Alessandro Perego said that electronic invoicing was a “competitiveness lever.”
His study, which was carried...
Enhancing value through customer centric supply chain
An exclusive interview with Allan Dow, President, Logility
In today’s fast-changing marketplace, Allan Dow, President of Logility, knows all too well that a customer centric...
The Reliance on Blockchain Technology Will Increase as Businesses Become Knowledgeable on How to...
Not every company will accept Bitcoin as a potential investment. However, businesses cannot deny the potential of the technology behind the cryptocurrency. Blockchain's tamperproof...
PDF Documents Now Accessible to Enhance Supply Chain Integration
By Steve Hill
For years the benefits of electronic integration of supply chain integration documents have been clearly identified by businesses, consultants and acknowledged in...
“two sexes” – Trump Executive Order: From Gender Dysphoria Controversy to Gender Stigma
By Marcelina Horrillo Husillos, Journalist and Correspondent at The European Business Review
On his first day back in office, President Donald Trump signed more than 200 of executive actions, of which, one was an executive...
The Empathy Illusion: Why AI’s Perceived Humanity Matters More Than Its Reality
By Luke Treglown
AI is transforming how we work and interact, not just through efficiency but by mimicking human qualities like personality and empathy. As we debate whether AI can truly possess humanity, its growing...
Scaling You: Leverage the Value of YOUR Time to Scale Your Business Impact
By Elizabeth Eiss
Small businesses often face unique challenges in scaling their impact while juggling limited resources such as funding, sales, customer care, talent, and time. In our previous article, Small Employers 2025: Scaling Impact on Customers,...
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