
A biohazard is a biological material that threatens the health of living organisms. Examples include sewage, blood, bodily fluids, vomit, and bacteria. These substances must be cleaned up as soon as possible, but you should not do this yourself.

ICE Cleaning is a specialist cleaning company that provides biohazard cleaning services including professional sewage cleaning services. Its emergency biohazard decontamination team can be on site in a matter of hours in an emergency, wherever you are in the UK.

Read on to find out why biohazard cleaning is best left to the professionals.  

Biohazard clean up is dangerous

Biohazards are very harmful to be exposed to. Blood, for instance, could contain bacteria and viruses like HIV and Hepatitis B which might infect you. Or, if you don’t properly wash your hands after sewage cleaning, you may suffer from gastrointestinal illnesses.

Some biohazards can put you at risk of physical injury, as well. Raw sewage gives off methane and hydrogen sulphide which are flammable, and sharp items could hurt you when you touch them.

You might not clean it up correctly

Unless you have training in biohazard cleaning and access to industrial strength cleaning products, you might not thoroughly disinfect the area or prevent cross-contamination. You could leave behind a dangerous environment, and put others at risk of exposure.

Professional cleaners will have the products, experience, and equipment to make the area biohazard-free. They will have the right personal protective equipment to stay safe while they do it, too.

It requires specialist knowledge of waste legislation

There are lots of regulations involved with biohazard cleaning, transport, and disposal. The disposal of sewage, for example, must be carried out by licensed human waste removal companies and follow specific local regulations.

Crime scene clean up is also strict. If you start cleaning the scene without permission from the police, you may contaminate it and affect their investigation. Professionals will have the knowledge of the relevant laws and be able to correctly follow them.

Cleaning up after a trauma can be very upsetting

The scene of a crime, undiscovered death, or suicide can be quite traumatic to see, particularly when you know the victim. Cleaning it will be a much more difficult experience. Professional cleaners can discreetly restore the scene to how it was before, while supporting the customer.

Even if a serious incident did not take place, biohazards like human faeces and used needles could be very unpleasant to be around.

Professional cleaners will be able to quickly eliminate the specific biohazard you are dealing with, and then restore the affected area to how it was before.

ICE Cleaning’s fully trained technicians can tackle a range of biohazards, including raw sewage. Their sewage cleaners can clear, sanitise, and decontaminate spills and the affected property. They are available 24/7, 365 days a year.

To find out more about their broad range of services, visit their website.

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