Anna Moltke-Huitfeldt, Jewellery in Life

Anna Moltke-Huitfeldt, Jewellery In Life, works with ecological gold from the Oro Verde (Green Gold) mining project in Colombia, a choice that is a natural consequence of seeking ethical transparency in the selection of raw materials.

With the gold prices seeing new highs every day the choice of working with gold for which an extra premium of 15% is paid may seem a surprising choice. This is nevertheless the choice of jewellers around the world, who choose to work with the ecologically mined gold from Oro Verde, Colombia.

ANNA MOLTKE-HUITFELDT, JEWELLERY IN LIFE, works since 2009 with ecological gold from the Oro Verde (Green Gold) mining project in Colombia, a choice that is a natural consequence of seeking ethical transparency in the selection of raw materials, such as rough diamonds (mostly transparent), South Sea and Tahiti pearls, and gold and silver.  Knowing where and how the gold was mined, that the diamonds are conflict-free, the origin of the pearls, all this adds to the inner value of the jewellery piece and brings to the customer “The Luxury of Knowing”.

Knowing where and how the gold was mined, that the diamonds are conflict-free, the origin of the pearls, all this adds to the inner value of the jewellery piece and brings to the customer ‘The Luxury of Knowing’.

In her recent collection bearing the name “The Luxury of Knowing”, Anna Moltke-Huitfeldt makes it clear, though not evident to the eye, what this degree of knowing means to her and her designs, by placing rough diamonds (from the Liqhobong Diamond Cooperative, Lesotho) inside globes of Oro Verde gold.

“I live by a lake and looking out one morning, the lake was hidden in the mist. It made me think about what ‘knowing’ means and how “The Luxury of Knowing” is exactly what I wish to pass on to my customers through my choices of raw materials and the way these choices acts with my designs. Since I started working with the Oro Verde gold I have a feeling of my designs springing from a natural fountain,” says Moltke-Huitfeldt.

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Often a design is built up to fit a special pearl or a diamond of a special form, emphasizing the special glow of the gem and paying a special compliment to the bearer.

Moltke-Huitfeldt finds her inspiration in nature and philosophy, from walks in the countryside with her camera, closing in on the beauties of nature. In one of her more recent designs, a choker made for a special exhibition at the 2011 Copenhagen Jewellery Fair, the designer drew her major inspiration from ancient Egypt and the cartouches that encircle and protect the names of the Pharao. In the piece each cartouche is a cartouche for love and beauty: the Oro Verde gold and the exquisite South Sea pearls.

ANNA MOLTKE-HUITFELDT, JEWELLERY IN LIFE, also designs to order, and customers from around the world have found their way to her Danish workshop. The jewellery pieces are available direct from the studio and from selected outlets.



Contact information:

+45 2825 1010





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