Advertising technology provider Bannerflow, has created an infographic revealing the four key trends affecting European display advertising in 2019.

Display ads continue to thrive in Europe, with total ad spend predicted to hit $17.3 billion across France, Germany, Italy, Spain and the UK, growing by 14.7% from 2018.

Despite this growth, many marketers struggle with the format. To support those working within the space, Bannerflow have revealed the four trends marketers should be concentrating on in the world of display ads in 2019



In-banner video has been one of the formats biggest successes over the past few years. The technique of delivering a video within a banner ad has been proven to increase CTR by an incredible 18.4%.

If you need inspiration when creating these types of ads, look no further than the following three industries who are leading the way with in-banner video:

Industry impression share of video banners

1.Telecom – 2%
2. iGaming – 2%
3.Travel & Hotel – 4%


Dynamic Creative

Dynamic creative is display advertising which adapts to the viewer, and is able to deliver specific messages to individuals depending on their location, time zone, age gender etc.

Whilst this relevancy factor can greatly increase the chances of users taking an interest in our advertising, only 17.3% of display advertising served last year used dynamic data feeds. Given how important personalisation is to the modern consumer, this is very low, and we can expect to see that number rise considerably this year.



We’re spending more and more time on our mobile devices, meaning advertisers need to be prepared to think of this as the primary format in which to create their ad specs. 55.2% or all weekend ad impressions happen on mobile, dropping down to 45.5% during the week.

Weekend campaigns now need to be focused on delivering mobile optimised content, and we will see this be put into practice far more heavily in 2019.


Banner Sizes

Deciding on the display ad-size and format to feature your content in has always been a primary focus of marketers carrying out this activity.

Whilst the most popular sizes will evoke no surprises and will continue to be heavily used, it’s how marketers utilise the less popular options which can provide an advantage.

Savvy usage in this department can cause your cost per mille (CPM) to drop since the competition is lower for less common sizes and enable your demand side platform to perform better since it can learn from more sizes.

Head of insights at Bannerflow, Antonia Lindmark, commented on these trends…

Display advertising continues to be a strong weapon in online marketer’s arsenal’s, in terms of raising awareness and getting customers to discover their website.

 Featuring fresh statistics and expert analysis from Bannerflow, our infographic highlights the biggest trends affecting European display advertising in 2019.

These trends have been put into an infographic which you can take a look at here –

Display Advertising Trends 2019
Provided by Bannerflow


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