
Some of our readers reached out to us and asked for our two cents on the Phenocal reviews that have been popping up all over the internet lately.

Phenocal is the latest weight loss supplement to hit the WWW and as is the case with weight loss supplements these days, they make some tall claims.

At the forefront is the claim that Phenocal is the Most Powerful Diet Pill and the ‘#1 Rated Diet Pill’ on the internet.

Whenever we see such claims, we always like to do our due diligence and check out the research to see if they hold up. We do not offer professional medical advice.

But that’s how we have been able to separate the chaff from the wheat over the years and give our readers an honest appraisal of the top weight loss supplements on the market.

So, what did we find?

That’s what we will share with you in this detailed Phenocal review. Stay with us. We are sure that this will be an eye opener.

Click here for PhenQ the Best Alternative for Phenocal

What is Phenocal?

Phenocal is a weight loss supplement that is manufactured by the company called Pharmaxa Labs. They have a wide range of dietary supplements to their credit, in a variety of categories.

Before we get into details, let’s get something clear.

Phenocal is their #1 selling supplement in the weight loss category. If you are familiar with weight loss supplements, you’d know that there are millions of brands out there, each one claiming to be the best.

Given this, how does Phenocal manage to stand out and make such tall claims?

They claim that Phenocal is a Metabolism booster, it amplifies your energy levels, helps you reduce hunger pangs all day, and reduces appetite to help you control calories.

The claims are very similar to some of the best weight loss pills that we have reviewed.

So, we are not surprised one bit that Phenocal is using these claims to advertise their dietary supplement. But how much of this is true?

That’s what’s more important while looking at a weight loss supplement.

How does Phenocal work?

Phenocal’s claims are on par with combination weight loss supplements that work by increasing your metabolic rate, suppressing appetite, and helping excrete dietary fat at a much quicker rate.

What we mean is that Phenocal tries hard to not portray itself as a one trick pony in the weight loss category. Here’s how it claims to produce amazing weight loss in the advertisements.

Claim#1 – Boosting the body’s core temperature

Also called Thermogenesis, this process is the key to all the weight loss claims of Phenocal. When your body’s core temperature increases, it leads to a host of reactions in the body that burn off more calories than usual and produce energy.

That is why you feel an increased heart rate and an elevated core temperature when you exercise or do strenuous activities.

In this case, Phenocal claims that it can increase your body’s core temperature without exercise the same as Phentermine alternatives do. That’s sounds appealing to a lot of people. But is it true?

Claim #2 – Suppressing Appetite

Phenocal’s next claim is that it can help reduce hunger pangs and help you feel fuller all day. We have reviewed several appetite suppressants that use different biological processes to achieve appetite suppression.

None of the weight loss pills that we have reviewed claim to suppress hunger all day. At best, they can suppress hunger for a few hours. That’s it. But again, we need to look at the research to see if this claim holds true.

Claim #3 – Energy Levels

Finally, Phenocal claims to boost energy levels which is vital when you are suddenly reducing your calorie intake. Low energy levels can lead to a lot of problems, including giving up on the diet altogether.

So, is Phenocal really the most powerful diet pill? Or does it rely purely on hype?

We believe that Phenocal does a good job of marketing itself as a weight loss supplement that can do it all. But when you take a closer look at our phenocal review, you will see that most of their claims are unsubstantiated.

List the ingredients in Phenocal

There’s only one way to find out if Phenocal really does deliver all that it claims to do. That’s to look at the Phenocal ingredients. Most fat loss supplements that claim to be the holy grail for helping you to lose weight, fall flat on their faces when you look at the ingredients.

That’s precisely what happens when you take a close look at Phenocal ingredients too.

  • Vitamins D3, B1, B2, B3, B5, B6, B8, and B12
  • Biotin
  • Chromium Picolinate
  • Folic Acid
  • Fucoxanthin
  • Bioperine

These are the ingredients that they are transparent about. They reveal the actual dosage concentrations on the product label and it is pretty decent.

But none of these products alone can help you to lose weight. They need a strong support system, else they end up working like a normal multivitamin.

This is where Phenocal’s claims fall apart. The fat loss blend of herbs and compounds is masked behind a proprietary blend.

It contains –

  • Green tea leaf extract
  • Glucomannan
  • L-tyrosine
  • Cocoa extract
  • Phenylethylamine
  • Hoodia Gordonii
  • Green tea leaf extract
  • Garcinia cambogia
  • Coleus Forskohlii
  • Evodiamine
  • L-tryptophan
  • CLA
  • 5-HTP

Many of those are some of the top ingredients in the fat loss supplements space. But it doesn’t matter even if it includes every single known natural ingredient that can burn fat.

Because the proprietary blend just sucks the efficacy out of the product. You might be wondering why this is the case. Read on. Our Phenocal review has lots more.

Does phenocal work for weight loss?

If we were to judge it purely on the basis of the natural ingredients in Phenocal, then yes, it would be the best fat burner in the world. There’s green tea leaf extract which is crammed with catechins which will help you lose weight.

There’s Glucomannan which is a dietary fiber that swells up in the stomach and makes you feel full, thus facilitating weight loss.

There’s Garcinia Cambogia which is one of the most popular natural ingredients for weight loss. There’s Hoodia Gordonii, which is a proven appetite suppressant.

There’s Coleus Forskohlii which is known to help with weight loss and there’s Evodiamine which can help to speed up the metabolism.

But here’s the thing. The problem with proprietary blends is that you don’t know how much of each ingredient is in the supplement.

So, if you’re taking a product that has a high dosage of green tea leaf extract then you stand a good chance of getting results. But if that dosage is too low then you won’t see any fat loss benefits at all.

Some companies use proprietary blends to mask the total number of active ingredients in their formulation, thus fooling users into thinking they are getting more for their money.

But in reality, Phenocal could contain 99% of cocoa powder, which is cheap, and 1% of the remaining ingredients.

We would never know the exact concentration of each of those ingredients. That’s why proprietary blends are disregarded in the supplement industry.

Would you pay this much for a multivitamin with cocoa extract and no money back guarantee?

So, while Phenocal does have some decent ingredients, it’s hard to say whether or not they work together in synergy to produce weight loss results.

Without knowing the dosage of each ingredient, it’s tough to say how well this product will work for you.

Phenocal benefits – What to expect

Since they are transparent about the vitamins at least, we can expect some of the health benefits that you would experience with a strong multivitamin.

  • If you are deficient in Vitamin D, then Phenocal can help fix this.
  • Some of the B Vitamins deal with metabolism, mood, and cognition. So, you could expect improved mental performance, better mood, and concentration.
  • Chromium Picolinate is useful to help maintain blood sugar levels and increase insulin sensitivity. So, you might experience minor appetite suppression.
  • Folic acid is good for promoting energy production in the body. Biotin helps with strengthening hair and nails.
  • Now, assuming that the proprietary blend contains at least a half decent concentration of the ingredients they mention, you should notice a minor bump in metabolism. But there’s no assurance. It’s only an assumption.

We don’t think that it will have any positive influence on your weight loss. To lose weight, you need these ingredients in much stronger concentrations.

A combined concentration of 2 grams isn’t going to cut the mustard, to promote weight loss.

Consumer Questions & Answers

Q. What is the cost of phenocal?

A. Phenocal is priced at $49.85 for a 25-day supply. You can get a 5-month supply for $199.40. So, it’s not overpriced for sure. But it’s not cheap either. Considering that you might be getting a multivitamin for this price, it suddenly looks grossly overpriced.

Q. What is the safest most effective weight loss pill?

A. If you want a safe and effective weight loss pill, you need to consider one that has a long and successful track record, proven and tested ingredients and a transparent product label.

One that does not hide the dosages of each ingredient. Phenocal does not have any of these qualities.

Q. Isn’t the green tea leaf extract in Phenocal a strong fat burner?

  1. Green Tea Leaf Extract alone does not burn fat. It helps to boost metabolism, which can in turn speed up the process of weight loss.

But it has never been used as a primary weight loss ingredient on its own because there’s no evidence that it works unless you combine it with other ingredients.

Our Phenocal Review – The Bottom Line On Phenocal Results

So, does Phenocal work? The answer is kind of a mixed bag. On the one hand, they have some good ingredients like Vitamin D, B Vitamins and Chromium. But on the other hand, they have a proprietary blend which makes it hard to say how well these ingredients work together.

So, as a fat burner, as an appetite suppressant, and as a weight loss pill, we would say that Phenocal is just plain ineffective for the reasons we mentioned above. We’re not saying it doesn’t work at all, but there are much better options out there based on both effectiveness and value for money.

Is there a better alternative?

Absolutely. There are much better alternative weight loss products that offer the same benefits that Phenocal claims to offer. However, these fat burners are tested and have an enviable success rate.

Our top recommendation is PhenQ.

# PhenQ – International Bestselling Weight Loss Supplement


PhenQ is a fat burner that uses a unique blend of natural ingredients to help you lose weight.

It not only helps you burn fat, but it also suppresses your appetite and increases energy levels. In other words, it ticks all the boxes that Phenocal claims to do. But PhenQ comes with a 60 day money-back guarantee.

Plus, it’s been featured in magazines and TV programs all over the world and has a long history of success. That’s 9+ years to be more precise.

If you’re looking for fat burners that offer the exact benefits claimed by Phenocal, look no further. You’ve just found it.

How does PhenQ help you lose weight?

PhenQ is a combination fat burner that will burn fat in multiple ways. It will help to suppress appetite to reduce food cravings, amplify the body’s core temperature and help you to feel more energetic.

That may seem like the same claim that most weight loss supplements make. But there’s one key difference with PhenQ. There’s ample scientific evidence to back these claims.

Burn Fat Quickly with Thermogenesis

Unlike raising metabolism Phenocal claims, PhenQ actually contains a bona fide thermogenesis blend which is very effective at burning fat. What this blend does, is raise your body’s basal metabolic rate. This, in turn, stimulates the rate at which you burn fat. This is the exact effect that you get with interval training exercises.

In fact, one of the key studies that led to PhenQ being featured in the media was based on this very blend (Capsimax + Caffeine Anhydrous)

Reduce Hunger Cravings with Appetite Suppression

No Phenocal review tells you that the ingredients in Phenocal might help reduce hunger cravings a tiny bit. But the key to losing weight is to get a grasp on your caloric intake. You need a strong appetite suppressant that kills food cravings.

PhenQ contains these ingredients that too in the recommended dosage, which will not only help you drop the extra weight, it will actually help prevent weight gain in the future. So, there is no rebound effect when you stop using PhenQ.

Also, there’s no need to spend the day counting calories either to prevent weight gain. You just don’t feel like eating at all.

The Energy takes to push through the day

When you are eating about 500 calories lesser and your body is burning an extra 300, it is a deficit of 800 calories which will result in a dip in energy levels.

However, to ensure that you continue with the weight loss program for long enough, you need weight loss products that provide a strong boost in energy.

That too, without caffeine or other stimulants. PhenQ uses a tiny bit of caffeine. In fact, if you are wondering how much caffeine is there in PhenQ, it is less than a cup of coffee.

Instead, it uses amino acids to help you keep off the gained weight.

PhenQ Ingredients

As always, we use ingredients to describe the effectiveness of a product. It doesn’t matter if it is pills, powders, or drinks for losing weight; all claims are supported by ingredients in some way.

PhenQ’s ingredient blend is simple. But it’s very effective.

Capsimax Powder

This is a patented ingredient that consists of capsicum extract, piperine and caffeine anhydrous. It is a proven metabolism booster in multiple clinical studies.

Chromium Picolinate

Chromium picolinate is an essential mineral that plays a crucial role in carbohydrate, fat, and protein metabolism. It also helps to increase glucose tolerance. This, in turn, regulates blood sugar levels.

Calcium Carbonate

This is an absorbable form of calcium which is necessary for maintaining muscle mass, while you lose fat.


This is a type of cactus that has been used for centuries in Mexico to treat obesity and diabetes. It is high in soluble fiber and helps to reduce appetite.

L-Carnitine Furmarate

This ingredient is responsible for the transport of long-chain fatty acids into the mitochondria so that they can be burned as fuel.

Caffeine anhydrous

Good old caffeine is very effective for losing weight. It boosts energy levels. It helps to speed up fat loss too, without causing jitters or anxiety.

Piperine extracts

Piperine extracts help with the proper absorption of all the ingredients in the blend. It also helps to increase thermogenesis.

α-Lacy Reset

α-Lacy Reset is a patented blend of Alpha Lipoic Acid and Cystine, which helps to minimize cortisol and also protects the body against free radical damage.

All of these are proven ingredients with no chances of side effects, like Hoodia Gordonii. No fillers like cocoa extract either.

PhenQ Pricing

PhenQ is priced at $59.95 for a month’s supply which is a tad more than Phenocal. But consider the extensive research and effectiveness of its ingredients. You can additionally get a five month supply for just $189. That’s cheaper than Phenocal.

Click here for Best Price on PhenQ Official Website

PhenQ – Final thoughts

PhenQ is leagues ahead of Phenocal at promoting fat loss. It is effective at suppressing appetite, improving energy levels, and burning fat by boosting metabolism.

The fact that it discloses the exact dosage of each ingredient, also gives you the added assurance. And in the rare advent that it does not work for you, it comes with a 60 day money-back guarantee.

To Sum it all up

Don’t get swayed by all the fancy Phenocal reviews. Do your research. Analyze the ingredients. Cross refer with scientific studies and user reviews. And you will see that PhenQ is the best diet pill for weight loss.

Disclaimer: This article contains sponsored marketing content. It is intended for promotional purposes and should not be considered as an endorsement or recommendation by our website. Readers are encouraged to conduct their own research and exercise their own judgment before making any decisions based on the information provided in this article.


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