How Pregnancy Affects Your Teeth (and What You Can Do About It)

Dental health is vital to our entire well-being. There are a lot of things to think about when you’re pregnant, such as doctor’s appointments, setting up the nursery, and dealing with your body’s rapid changes. Nonetheless, because your body is different today and will continue to change, it is critical to schedule regular dental treatments. Pregnancy has an impact on the health of your teeth, as well as virtually everything else.

What impact does pregnancy have on your oral health?

Changes in your body during pregnancy may impact your teeth and gums. You have increased levels of hormones like progesterone and estrogen in your body, so you may be at risk of a range of oral health problems as a result of this. It’s possible that your eating habits will change. During pregnancy, you may eat more of certain foods than you did before you became pregnant. Your oral health depends on the things you eat. Brushing and flossing your teeth may happen less often now than before you were pregnant. This could be related to sore gums or a higher-than-normal amount of weariness.

Common issues

Cavities, also known as caries or tooth decay, are small, damaged spots on the surface of the teeth. When you’re pregnant, you’re more likely to get cavities. During pregnancy and after birth, you can pass the bacteria that causes cavities to your infant. This can cause problems with your child’s teeth in the future. Gingivitis is another typical issue. The redness and swelling are caused by gum inflammation. If left untreated, it might progress to more serious gum disease. To avoid all of these problems, seek out the best orthodontist Sydney has to offer. A good specialist can assist you in a variety of areas.

Bleeding gums

Swollen, painful, and bleeding gums are common among pregnant women. Plaque build-up on the teeth is the source of that bleeding. Hormonal changes might leave your gums more prone to plaque, causing inflammation and bleeding. Pregnancy gingivitis, aka gum disease, is another name for this condition. Luckily, your dentist can assist you with this. Gum bleeding is common during pregnancy, but it is usually not severe. However, it’s critical to visit your dentist to avoid complications such as periodontal disease. This is an infection of the gums and the bone that surrounds them, and it can cause tooth loosening and bone loss.

What can you do to avoid dental problems when pregnant?

There are several strategies to maintain good dental health when pregnant. Cleanings, x-rays, and dental exams are all perfectly safe to have while pregnant. Furthermore, you should try to visit your dentist every six months for preventive care, and for the residents of Geraldton, Geraldston dentists are readily available for your regular check-ups. A dentist may even prescribe additional checkups while you are pregnant, depending on your circumstances. During pregnancy, abnormal and unhealthy eating desires are common. However, eating enough healthy meals throughout pregnancy is still important to help your baby’s teeth form properly. Fruits, vegetables, proteins, and unprocessed grains are good options. 

Remember, you should always seek professional advice from a reputable dentist website such as Freedom Dental.

Oral hygiene is important

While you’re pregnant, it’s critical to maintain your teeth and gums healthy. Good dental hygiene is the most effective strategy to prevent or treat gum disease. Use fluoride toothpaste to brush your teeth two times a day for two minutes each time. Floss once to remove minute food particles from between the teeth and help prevent plaque build-up.

You should consume sugary drinks and sugary foods in moderation. Snack on fresh fruit, vegetables, or plain yogurt if you’re hungry in between meals, and steer clear of sugary or acidic items. Also, you should not use mouthwashes that have alcohol in them.

Pregnancy does imply a period of transformation, particularly for your body. You do not, however, have to suffer from dental discomfort. You’ll be able to enjoy your pregnancy without worrying about possible oral complications if you take good care of yourself and follow professional advice.

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