How do I backup Trello, and why is it important 

Imagine you’re developing a marketing strategy for the most recent offering from your business. In your search for a reliable tool that would allow you to collaborate with several departments in multiple countries, you chose Trello for business. This tool provides a perfect view of project boards, helps you keep an eye on goals, and lets you see what is being worked on, assign tasks, and share data all at once. The project has been ongoing for five months, and everything is coming together well!

But then, disaster strikes just one month before your campaign goes live. Your data was lost. In a second, your project’s schedule, deadlines, assigned work, and countless hours of preparation are all gone. You might not know exactly what happened, but getting the data back and starting work again is a priority.

Trello backup, however, keeps a copy of your data, so is everything fine? Not exactly. Trello data backup happens on its platform, not your account. Although there is no mention of data recovery in the T&Cs you signed, you can request Trello to restore any lost information. The time it would require them to complete is also still being determined.

Why you must take responsibility for your Trello data

Since the platform and its users are both responsible for the storage and security of data, this paradigm is called the “shared responsibility” model.

Data loss happens more often than you might believe. Therefore, you must take charge of your data. The following are some of the most frequent causes of data loss:

  • Human error: While boards and cards can be “archived,” once they are erased, they are permanently lost. Someone can easily and unintentionally erase a board after it has been archived.
  • Malicious users: Negligent employees may delete boards permanently. Your Trello system can lose its reliability, and Trello won’t be of any assistance.
  • Platform problems: Cloud apps can only promise a 100 percent uptime rate. System failures may delay your initiatives. On the other hand, server failures and data corruption could completely wipe out your data.

Why is it important to back up your Trello data?

Data loss could have disastrous consequences for your company. How long could you continue to operate without accessing your Trello boards in the event of an outage? Can you still determine your project’s status if your data were deleted? What would the price be for your company? Are you able to afford it? Purchasing a trustworthy third-party Trello data backup solution, such as FluentPro Backup, is one way of avoiding such incidents.

Backing up Trello

Essentially, there are two ways to backup Trello data: manually or by collaborating with a third-party backup service. In either case, protecting your data is a priority and should never be taken lightly.

Manual backup 

Trello allows you to back up your data and regain control over it manually. The process is as easy as right-clicking on your Trello board and selecting “Download.” This gives you total control over where, what, and when your boards are saved.

Though this approach is straightforward, it can take a long time, mainly when your project involves many boards. If you’ve ever attempted to duplicate and back up every board separately, you know how much of a nightmare it is. It’s time-consuming, uses up vital account space, obstructs navigation, creates confusion, and adds more tasks to the project manager’s list.

Additionally, it is prone to human mistakes because boards might be easily missed or unintentionally deleted. Last, have you ever attempted direct data restoration from a manually created backup Trello board copy? The process is more complex than you may imagine.

Third-party back up

Employing a third-party solution like FluentPro Backup can make data backup less of a burden. The solution offers excellent automatic Trello backup services that automatically save all boards, custom fields, lists, cards, checklists, labels, and attachments.

FluentPro Backup for Trello is user-friendly and straightforward to install and configure. Once installed, it continuously and automatically backs up your projects. This data is securely kept on Microsoft Azure, making them safer in transit and at rest. As a result, FluentPro Backup makes it possible for your organization to secure its integrity and dependency. 

When you use your Trello full backup data, you can restore its point-in-time version automatically. This guarantees that you have quick access and continuous use of your data while working on your selected project even if there is an interruption. 

The benefits of backing up Trello 

Continuous backup 

There’s no need to worry about the safety of your mission-critical data anymore – FluentPro Backup regularly backs up all your Trello data. Your boards, cards, lists, checklists, timelines, attachments, calendars, labels, and other items can all be restored anytime. It is a quick and straightforward one-click restore solution.

Reduces costs 

FluentPro Backup Trello enables quick restoration and continuous working with little delay, no downtime, and no data loss. This helps your company save money and meet project deadlines. 

Secured operations

The solution fosters project management, performance efficiency, data integrity, and productivity, satisfying clients and stakeholders. It secures your data, mitigates human error risks, and provides automated backup and restore functionality. 


FluentPro Backup provides exceptional security by storing all your project data on Microsoft Azure.

No risks

Automated and reliable protection guarantees the complete reduction of risks related to human errors, accidental deletions, data loss, or other damage.


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