
Throughout the past decades and even until very recently, plastic has been the most popular packaging material around the globe. However, things are changing, and as people are becoming more aware of the health and environmental costs of different products and materials, this has fueled the growth of aluminum packaging, which has gradually taken the top choice for sustainable businesses. 

Packaging keeps the world around us organized, and today’s packaging industry responds to the customer demand for choice and convenience instead of only ‘minimal costs.’ Today’s customers are more likely to pick a product that gives them a premium feel on touch and is made of eco-friendly materials than just buying the cheapest option; furthermore, considerable thought is given to avoiding materials that cause harm to the environment and humans. 

Sustainable businesses and aluminum as packaging material

A few years ago, eco-friendly initiatives were a pretty naïve idea in the business world. Going green and sustainable was the new cool thing and a promising marketing strategy for companies to promote their brands. Today, however, going green and sustainable is not considered ‘something nice to do’; it is instead a bare minimum required from all companies. If the companies do not meet sustainability standards, they are in hot water. To no one’s surprise, one of the leading environmental damage culprits is the plastic and packaging industry has played its fair share in plastic pollution around the globe. We all know how urgent it is to reduce our adverse environmental impacts and move towards a sustainable lifestyle; this has also impacted companies and their products alike. Hence, businesses are now switching to more sustainable ways of doing business, including sustainable packaging materials where aluminum stands out in the competition and has gradually taken over in the industry as the most populous choice. 

Before discussing how aluminum packaging has boosted sustainable businesses, it is essential to understand sustainable packaging. According to, the term sustainable packaging refers to the sourcing, development, and use of packaging solutions in such a way that they have minimal impact on the environment and footprints. In easier words, sustainable packaging refers to eco-friendly packaging that does not destroy the Earth’s atmosphere.

Plastics and their disadvantages 

Aluminum as a packaging material has slowly and gradually taken over as the number 1 choice. Before aluminum, plastic was widely used all around the globe. It was invented in the late 1950s, and, at that time, it was considered a significant achievement of humankind. It is important to note that it is an artificial material that is produced with the help of various chemicals. Plastic was cheap to produce, and its low price made it the industry’s top pick. But this plastic that is cheap to produce has a high cost for our health and the Earth’s environment. The overuse of plastic has created a global plastic pollution crisis, and people are shocked to see tons of piles of plastic in oceans and landfills. Plastic has also raised serious concerns about health threats related to it. Most importantly, plastic consists of a harmful chemical called BPA or Bisphenol-A. Conrado Carrascosa from Universidad de Las Palmas de Gran Cancaria states that BPA can cause cancer, brain damage and infertility in male and female. It can mimic the structure, and characteristics of the chromosome once entreated in our body and can alter the working of chromosomes. Microplastics have even entered our food chain; fish mistake plastics for food and eat it; the same fish then ends up in our meals with the microplastics still in it, posing multiple health risks for humans. 

Benefits of using aluminum as your packaging material 

On the other hand, aluminum is a naturally occurring material that is completely free from chemicals. Aluminum is BPA-free, and it has no health-related threats associated with it. Aluminum is non-porous; hence, it does not allow any water, moisture and air leakage. This helps keep the product stored inside aluminum packaging safe for extended periods of time. Once an aluminum tin or container is sealed properly, there is no chance for bacteria and other harmful germs to seep into the product from the outside world. Aluminum is also opaque, which can keep harmful UV rays away from food and cosmetics products, making them last even longer while maintaining the original quality of the product stored inside. Aluminum is also corrosion resistant which means that not only the aesthetics of the packaging box will be maintained, but also the inside product will not be affected. It does not react to organic food, which makes it suitable for the food industry packaging. 

Recyclability of Aluminum and circular economy

Aluminum packaging is a good choice for all industries, especially food and cosmetics. As stated above, aluminum is a naturally occurring metal. According to sources, it is the most common metal and third most common material on the earth’s surface. This makes sure the availability of aluminum and ensures a steady and strong supply chain of the material. It is also important to note that aluminum is 100% recyclable, and it can be recycled again and again without losing its quality. Recycling aluminum makes sense financially and environmentally. As a US study on packaging gateway suggestsrecycling aluminum only costs 5% of the total energy needed to make new aluminum for virgin ore. This makes recycling more profitable and helps reduce the industry’s carbon footprint. This also reduces the amount of aluminum litter present in landfills. European Aluminium 2016 report claims that around 69% of all aluminum used in Europe is recycled; this proves the practicality of recycling aluminum and its great benefits for a circular economy.

Versatility of Aluminum

Another reason manufacturers mainly opt for aluminum is because it can be easily molded into different shapes. Aluminum has a low melting point compared to other metals, making it easy for companies to mold it into various designs and express their creativity to attract customers. Companies can easily customize their tins and containers and add a whole new look and meaning to their product line. Aluminum surfaces are also very easy to print on and are compatible with the current printing technology available in the market. This enables companies to print exciting designs to grab customers’ attention. 

Aluminum is Lightweight yet Strong

Aluminum is lightweight, yet it is so strong that it is used in airplane manufacturing stated by Yashpal Kaushik from Poornima University. Its lightweight is a blessing for the packaging industry as it means less weight to handle during transportation from the manufacturing plant to the customer’s home. It is also important to note that aluminum is a very durable and long-lasting metal. It can maintain its shape and integrity with little to no maintenance. It can easily handle the wear and tear of nature while it’s being transported around the globe. 

The all in all summary

To conclude, it is safe to say that aluminum packaging has become the number 1 choice for sustainable business worldwide over the years because it is more eco-friendly, safer, and sustainable. It helps brands promote their business as green businesses. Customers are now aware of the dangers of plastic; whether it be health concerns or global pollution issues, they are now determined to reduce their carbon footprint and eliminate any health issues. The eco-friendly and sustainable badge has been the trend, and every other company wants to join the movement before it’s too late for their respective companies. And what other better way than to start shifting the packaging material from plastic to aluminum.


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