
Over the past 2 years, the consumption model has changed a lot: people began to solve many tasks online, and businesses were forced to rebuild their processes. Someone was able to adapt and steadily increase their sales, while someone else is on the way to success.

We studied the latest research from major companies around the world and identified the main trends. They will help you understand right now what processes the teams lack, what needs to be improved and what to focus on.

Delegation of cold sales

Some companies need to create a call center, and then they face a choice: outsource this work or create their own department. The obvious benefit when working with outsourcing sales calls is that it is easy to connect. You do not need to post vacancies, look for employees, conduct interviews and select software to hire managers and operators. Companies that provide outsourcing services will do it for you. You can get all their customer experience over the phone by signing a contract. This process will save you from a week to a month. Another advantage when working with an outsourced call center. You can cut costs for your business because a remote worker doesn’t need a desk, chair, laptop or office space. It does not matter where the outsourced employee makes calls from. It is important that you are guaranteed to get contacts with your customers.

Instant communication with users using chatbot, instant messengers and chat

Buyers expect personalized communication with company support at any time of the day. They want to use convenient communication channels: social networks, instant messengers, email or chat on the website. If you can’t offer any of the above, they won’t buy from you.

One of the hottest trends in 2022 is to offer customers instant communication in the channels that are convenient for them. According to Drift Research:

  • the number of customers waiting for an immediate response on social networks has doubled compared to last year;
  • at the same time, customer dissatisfaction with access to basic business information increased by 20%;
  • frustration with old-fashioned lead forms increased by 27%.

Using AI to increase sales

Artificial Intelligence (AI) has great potential to increase sales due to its ability to process huge amounts of data to uncover actionable insights and predict customer behavior and recommend sales actions. Salesforce reports that its study with the McKinsey Global Institute found that “40% of tasks within a traditional sales function can now be automated” and that “with predictable advances in technology, especially in natural language processing, research suggests this could exceed 50% “.

Online sales and delivery

In 2020, the e-commerce market grew by 58% compared to 2019 and is still growing. The growth of online sales and delivery of goods will continue, and in the next three years, delivery in one hour will become the standard in large metropolitan areas. The speed of delivery will help to grow the base of new customers faster and increase their satisfaction.

Implementation of CRM

91% of companies in North America have integrated CRM solutions into their systems. CRM allows representatives to see all the necessary data in one system. The CRM stores customer data and the system can suggest products based on the customer’s past purchases. CRM can improve your relationship with your customers because you will have an understanding of their needs and preferences.

Value as the basis of sales

Research shows that 87% of high-growth companies practice a value-based approach. Instead of using advertising ploys, show customers what they will get if they buy your product, what is their personal benefit.


Omnichannel sales

Another trend is the unification of all sales channels and the creation of a single customer experience. 73% of buyers look at different channels when searching for a product: websites, social networks, brick-and-mortar stores. If your company is in all these channels, then the chances that they will buy from you increase. Omni-channel sales make the buying process more convenient.


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