3 Web Development technologies to know for your project

The number of websites available on the internet exceeded 1.2 billion in 2022. In fact, over 175 sites are established every minute, so the amount is expanding as you read this article! That’s because more and more businesses decide to invest in web development in order to provide internet users with easy access to their services.

Web development refers to activities employed in creating a functional website or web application. These include the development, maintenance, and administration of website content and design. All these operations aim at ensuring optimal functionality, performance, and User Experience.

Websites vs. web apps

Here, it is worth noting that a website and a web app are not the same things. The first one provides static content, whereas the second incorporates interactive elements to engage the users. Due to complex functionality, web apps are usually more difficult to integrate than relatively simple websites. 

What’s interesting, to introduce changes to a website, you only need to modify the HTML code whereas, in the case of web apps, the whole project needs to be recompiled and deployed again. For this reason, the development of web applications is usually more challenging and requires advanced skills.

Web development

Web development services

When it comes to web development services, you have three models to choose from. The first one is an in-house development. If you have skilled experts able to deal with web development already on board, you should definitely consider it as a primary option. It is especially profitable in the case of long-term projects, in which knowledge of a company’s structure and commitment are crucial.

The other way is to outsource the project either to a freelancer or a web development company. Outsourcing is particularly recommended for short-term undertakings to decrease operation costs. The scale of the project determines which approach will be more effective. 

Hiring a freelancer may be a preferable option for single jobs, but if you want your project to be handled from A to Z, you should consider delegating it to the right web app development company.

What technologies to choose for your project?

Web developers build and manage web apps or websites using a wide range of programming languages and platforms. The right platform may actually speed up the development process and decrease its overall cost. So now, let’s discuss three popular frameworks that can be employed in your web development project.

Web development


WordPress is the most widely used among all Content Management Systems. The key benefit of this platform is that it is open-source, meaning free of charge and able to be customized. In addition, WordPress is quite easy to grasp and has a rich community of developers, so finding one for your project should not be a problem. Thanks to the numerous plugins and themes available online, the development of a site and its maintenance are way faster and easier to perform.


React is a reliable and commonly-used web framework. It includes libraries full of reusable components that improve the process of web app development. This technology is constantly evolving, and there are no signs that it will be driven out of the market, so it is very prospective to use it in your app. Furthermore, the React community is vast, and web apps built with this technology are exceptionally performant.


Last but not least, there is the Vue platform. Web developers appreciate its flexibility and scalability since it is designed in such a way as to be easily adaptable to specific circumstances. This relatively new technology is used mainly in the e-commerce industry but may apply to other types of web applications as well. Vue offers plenty of supporting libraries and integrates effortlessly with third-party tools, providing you with broad development perspectives.

Web development of your product

A suitable framework is an essential component of your product development. There are several good options available on the market, each with its own set of capabilities, so it might not be simple to choose the right one. We’ve presented you with the most popular web development platforms to help you make your selection. If you still need assistance deciding on the best technology for your project, go to https://crustlab.com/services/web-development/ for additional information.


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