There’s no denying that we are in an era where visual content is trending. Social media posts that contain images, whether still or moving generate more interaction. On the other hand, those publications that contain only text do not rank as well.

Nowadays, there is a proliferation of applications that work as image editors, so experts who provide writing helper know where the focus is. That is why content marketing is a powerful strategy and should condense all the information we want to convey in a single image. It is what we know as visual marketing, or audiovisual in the case of videos.

What is visual marketing?

Visual content marketing is about how digital marketing can convey messages through optical elements such as photographs, images, video, and graphics, among others. In visual marketing, the focus is on the image and not the text. Visual content is another way to keep audiences engaged and increase traffic. You can contact experienced creators like to create video ads and images for your brand. It will benefit your company’s marketing and branding of its product or service.

This type of marketing is thriving because people are not limited only to verbal communication, i.e., through words. We also practice non-verbal communication. It includes everything from gestures to images and colors. 

To understand this better, let’s do an exercise:

  1. Think of a brand.
  2. Please close your eyes and try to remember the colors that represent it.
  3. Think if you remember its logo and, if an image accompanies it, find out if you remember the shape of the font (letters).

Indeed, you will have a pretty clear mental image of all those details. That means the company did an excellent job of marketing by putting the focus on non-verbal communication. 

Visual content elements

As we already mentioned, visual content marketing is composed of certain elements. Let’s see what all those possible tools to use are:

  • Photographs
  • Videos
  • Drawings and cartoons (comics)
  • Infographics
  • GIFs (animations)
  • Memes
  • Screenshots (screenshots)

Of course, these elements can be accompanied by text, but the latter will not be the protagonist. The meaning must be perfectly understood without vocal support. Take Bigpicture as an example, they present news in pictures, the visual content there is just as important as the piece of news itself.

Now, let’s get down to business. I’ll give you 10 tips for visual content marketing. In the end, you’ll have to get down to work.

10 tips for visual content marketing

Create shareable content

You don’t need to be an expert to create visual or audiovisual content. Nowadays, we have at our disposal an infinite number of digital tools to edit images and video, either from a cell phone or a computer. What is necessary is that you commit yourself to learn specific essential criteria of operation.

If your content was not successful, before blaming others, ask yourself where you may have failed. Publishing visual content should not be a complicated task, as long as the editing process is well done. 

Always pay attention to the weight in megabytes or gigabytes of your files. The heavier they are, the more difficult it will be to upload them to the chosen platform. You have to find the balance between an image or video that is not so heavy that it cannot be shared and a file that has sufficient image quality. 

Finally, remember that you must keep in mind that your content must be adapted according to each publishing platform for Content Marketing in general. It is useless to make an effort to do an excellent job if you share it in the wrong place.

Encourage dissemination

Again, it would help if you did not blame the users. If your visual content was not disseminated with the magnitude you expected, analyze and evaluate the reasons.

Two crucial moments precede and precede content creation: planning and dissemination. During planning, you must research the latest trends on the topic you will cover. There is an exact time for everything, and if you get it wrong, your content will probably not be of interest to users. When you have been able to upload your content to the platform, and it is time to publish, you will have to take into account two factors for your content to be disseminated: 

  • Place hashtags in the case of social networks.
  • Include tags or labels in the description, in the case of platforms such as YouTube.

These tools will help users find your content quickly. In turn, Google will position you better.

Create informative visual content

One of the keys to content marketing is to share valuable and relevant information. When you are looking to attract the attention of your followers or subscribers, you should offer them the content of interests them.

If you want to increase your engagement, the information must be verifiable. To do this, don’t forget to cite sources, such as current news, reports, and articles. 

A widely used resource in journalism is the 5 W’s: who, what, when, where, and why. If you apply this rule to your content development, you will see that it is beneficial.

An ideal format is a tutorial. Nowadays, people no longer turn to textbooks or specialists to learn how to perform a specific action but google. If your content is well optimized, the user who searches for a related term will find your instructions. Share tutorials and position yourself as an expert.

Connect your content

Your visual content must have a common thread, which is the central theme of your brand. You can’t share content that is unrelated to your products or services. 

To achieve this, you can create a series of numbered videos, for example: “5 steps to…”, “3 tips to…”. Your images can also have a narrative, tell a story. This way, you can keep your followers attentive and eager to see your next post.

Be consistent

We’ve talked before about how important it is to be consistent. When a user comes to an account, website, or blog of interest, they tend to check the activity on that platform. If he decides to start logging in regularly, he will expect to receive the updated information. Otherwise, they will stop following your company profile, unsubscribe or stop browsing your website.

To increase organic traffic and capture leads and customers, you have to persevere in your task as a visual content marketing creator. Be patient, and the results will come.

You don’t need to post daily but create and respect your editorial calendar. Design a calendar that fits the frequency that your business needs.

Stay in constant training.

As I mentioned in the first tip, you don’t need to be an expert in visual marketing. But it would help if you were dedicated, and your knowledge is constantly growing.

If, for whatever reason, you can’t take courses, be self-taught. There is a tremendous amount of information circulating on the Internet; you have to know how to search. 

Be attentive to the novelties that emerge in the productive sector of your enterprise. If you fall behind, potential customers will no longer be because they will choose the competition.

Make collaborations

To increase your number of subscribers or followers, work in collaboration with your colleagues. Make contact with other content generators that relate to the main topic you develop in your publishing channels. 

To take advantage of the benefits of this feedback, you can use resources such as Facebook Live, Instagram Live, or YouTube Livestream. Generating expectation in your audience will capture their attention.

Don’t forget to do an excellent job of broadcasting first! If you don’t, no one will see it.


Designing and applying a correct SEO strategy is what you need to position your content in search engines and social networks. If you want your visual content to occupy the top positions in the SERPs, don’t forget the following tips:

  • Use keywords in the title and description of the video or image.
  • Video platforms such as YouTube always include tags (labels) related to the main topic. For this task, also use your keywords. 
  • If you share images or videos on social networks, don’t forget to include hashtags. But be careful, don’t use too many, and always make sure they are related to your topic. Otherwise, you could be penalized.
  • In the images you include in your blog posts, include metatags or metatags. Never let the file name be the original one. Modify it so that it is related to the main topic.

Don’t forget to plan

Although it seems evident that you should plan it before creating and publishing content, it is essential to emphasize that you should plan it. If you are clear about what you will do, the task will be much less complicated.

To generate an excellent visual content plan, you must take into account: 

  • What you are going to deal with your content (topic).
  • How you are going to develop it (resources).
  • Where you are going to publish it (platforms).
  • How you are going to disseminate it (strategies).

Engage your audience

To make your audience grow, you have to make them feel part of your content. You have the advantage that visual content allows you to connect more directly with users, take advantage of it!

Depending on the brand image you have created, the tone you use can be formal and distant or close and informal. 

To attract users’ attention, include CTAs (call to action), make them interact through the resources offered by the different platforms; some might also use the Video Downloader for Instagram. You can ask for opinions through comments, include interactive elements in stories. Here again, it’s all about letting your creativity run wild.


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