
Don’t be at the mercy of your emotions.  In a constantly changing world, full of uncertainty and becoming more complex, we need leaders who have a high EQ more than ever, says Shamayun Miah, Management Consultant.  EQ, or emotional intelligence, is the ability to be aware and understand your own emotions and the emotions of others.  It’s about regulating your emotions, responding effectively to emotions in others, and creating the most productive and harmonious environment possible.  When you have a high EQ, you are not restricted by your feelings; instead, you use them to fuel action and collective success.

Shamayun Miah

IQ is what got us to where we are today, but EQ is what will take us into the future.  He states that it’s time for us to start looking at our current traditional leadership models and how they can be updated with EQ.  We need more leaders with high EQ because the world has grown beyond the point where it’s enough to be focused on task completion, execution, and strategy.  We need leaders who can use empathy effectively to motivate their teams toward shared goals, purpose, and values.

Shamayun Miah also broke down the problems with the traditional leadership styles and how integrating EQ could help:

1) Leadership Styles Are Outdated

The traditional leadership styles were created during the Industrial Revolution when workers needed to be told precisely what to do, where to do it, and how to do it.  This is no longer the case with self-directed employees in knowledge industries who are more likely to motivate themselves than through top-down management.  He said that you can’t tell people what to do anymore; you need to inspire them.  You need to be able to read the emotions of your team and respond in a way that leads to high performance.

2) Leaders Are Emotionally Unattuned

One of the biggest problems with traditional leadership styles is that they don’t take into account the emotions of others.  Leaders with a high EQ can read the emotions of their team and respond in a way that leads to high performance.  They can create a positive, empathetic atmosphere and help to resolve conflicts before they become a problem.

3) Leaders Are Not Effective 

Leaders who have a low EQ tend to react emotionally to stressful situations instead of responding in a constructive and problem-solving way.  They may also have difficulty managing their own emotions, leading to them taking their frustration out on others.  Leaders with a high EQ are better able to cope with stress and maintain emotional stability.

4) Leaders Lack Perspective

Leaders who don’t have a high EQ can often be very short-sighted and reactive.  And these leaders often make brilliant financial decisions.  However, they make decisions without considering the long-term consequences or the impact on others.  Leaders with a high EQ are better able to take a step back and see the big picture.  They are more likely to think before they act and consider all possible outcomes.

5) Leaders Have Difficulty Building Relationships

Leaders with a low EQ can often be very abrasive and unapproachable.  They may have difficulty building relationships with their team members because they come across as uninterested or sometime confrontational.  Leaders with a high EQ are able to build positive relationships with their teams.  They are more likely to communicate in a clear, concise way.  They create a safe environment through their words and actions. 

6) Leaders and self-interests

Leaders with a low EQ are more likely to react based on their self-interests rather than the interests of their team or organisation.  Leaders with a high EQ are more likely to make decisions that are in the team’s best interests.  They are more likely to act with high integrity and be honest with their team members.

7) Leaders Are Poor Decision Makers

Leaders with a low EQ are more likely to make snap decisions based on how they feel in the moment rather than weighing all of the factors involved.  They may forget to take situational factors into account and make decisions that affect others without their knowledge or approval.  Leaders with a high EQ are better able to consider all possible outcomes before making a decision.  They are more likely to make decisions in the best interests of the team.

8) Leaders May Experience Burnout

Leaders with a low EQ can often be overworked and stressed.  They may feel like they are constantly in crisis mode and never have time to relax.  Leaders with a high EQ can better manage their time and stress levels.  They are more likely to take breaks, exercise, and get enough sleep.

9) Leaders Can Be Defensive

Leaders with a low EQ may become defensive when others suggest ways to improve.  They may see critical feedback as an attack on who they are rather than constructive advice.  Shamayun Miah described how leaders with a high EQ can accept feedback and use it to improve themselves.  They are more willing to consider alternative viewpoints because they understand that no one person has all the answers.

10) Leaders Are Poor at Delegating

Leaders with a low EQ tend to feel like they need to do everything themselves, regardless of how much work is involved or whether another team member could do it better.  They may feel like their role is the most important and the only person capable of doing it well.  Leaders with a high EQ can better recognise other people’s strengths, skills, and abilities.  They also understand that their own time is valuable and should be spent on only things they can do and add value.


Shamayun Miah touches upon the fact that the world is changing rapidly, and we need leaders who have a high EQ more than ever.  Emotionally intelligent leaders can inspire others, cope with stress, build relationships and overcome adversity.  Developing your EQ can create a positive working atmosphere for your team and lead with confidence, courage, and strength.

Traditional leadership styles are no longer effective in today’s world.  Leaders need to start updating their skills and start focusing on their EQ.  With a high EQ, leaders can create a more positive and productive work environment while achieving better results for their team and organisation.


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