
Do you want to know how to get your business the most out of WhatsApp Marketing?

WhatsApp marketing can boost your company’s ROI up to 150 times when done appropriately!

Regardless of the type of eCommerce business you run, including the one that sells apparel, delivers food, or provides logistical services, WhatsApp with any WhatsApp marketing software is one of the greatest platforms to reach a global audience and boost your sales and revenue.

We’ll go through 8 tried-and-true business WhatsApp marketing strategies that can boost sales and provide a delightful client experience. 

Top 8 WhatsApp Marketing Strategies

1. Broadcast Promotional Messages on WhatsApp

Most WhatsApp messages—98%—are read. Mass WhatsApp marketing messages and offers are the best way to reach a broad audience and boost your sales.

Starting in October 2021, companies can send WhatsApp promotional messages. You can bulk broadcast UNLIMITED WhatsApp promotional messages to people who have consented to receive them to boost your business’s revenue and conversions. These messages may offer special discounts, seasonal promotions, announcements of brand-new products, season-end deals, and much more. 

2. Automate Reminders & Notifications on WhatsApp

You may use business WhatsApp marketing to send customers automated notifications for several events, including orders, shipping, delivery, abandoned carts, and more.

In essence, you can set up automatic notifications to be delivered to a user’s WhatsApp account anytime any event is triggered, like an order confirmation, delivery update, appointment confirmation, reminder for an abandoned cart, and many other updates.

3. Go Straight for WhatsApp Ads

Run Direct to WhatsApp Ads on Facebook and Instagram to create leads and reduce your cost per lead rapidly.

Users that click “Direct to WhatsApp Ads” are immediately forwarded to your WhatsApp, where you can engage them in a 1:1 live discussion.

By using WhatsApp, you will quickly receive the name and phone number of someone who contacts you, eliminating the need for them to fill out lengthy forms on landing pages.

4. For 3 Times More Conversions, Send WhatsApp Retargeting Campaigns.

Consider retargeting a certain group of people more likely to purchase your products and services.

Using WhatsApp Retargeting Campaigns created by a WhatsApp business solution provider company, you may send a WhatsApp Broadcast Campaign to a specific group of individuals.

So, let’s say you want to send a Holi message to those who:

  • View the WhatsApp broadcast campaigns you’ve been running.
  • Not pay attention to your broadcast campaign
  • Read and react to your broadcast.
  • Clicked a button on your last WhatsApp Broadcast.

5. Send Customised Messages on WhatsApp

WhatsApp is the finest medium for individualised consumer communication. You may send messages using WhatsApp in various interesting formats with rich media, including pictures, videos, PDFs, GIFs, and much more.

Do not forget that you may personalise your content by adding emoticons!

With a WhatsApp business solution provider company like Wigzo, Businesses can increase customer engagement by 10 times and accelerate orders faster with Wigzo’s business WhatsApp marketing.

6. Send messages with Call to Action & Quick Reply Button

One of the key use cases for the WhatsApp Business API is to make your messages more interactive by adding predefined clickable buttons.

  • Call to Action (CTA): Users will be encouraged to do activities like “purchase now” or “sign up” by using these buttons, among other things. These buttons are pretty useful.
  • Fast Replies: These buttons allow your clients to respond to messages without having to type them in.

For instance, you can ask for feedback from customers by connecting Quick Reply Buttons with the words “Satisfied,” “Extremely Satisfied,” and “Not Satisfied.”

7. Use a WhatsApp Button to Divert Website Traffic to WhatsApp

A website landing page typically converts at a rate of 2.35%.

However, engaging WhatsApp users might multiply this conversion rate by two to three.

The best way to accomplish this is by adding a WhatsApp Button to your website.

Users can access your WhatsApp account through a button on your website, where you can converse with them, answer their inquiries about your products and services, and encourage them to make purchases. Also, be careful when you are doing all the settings for WhatsApp, as there are many available hacking apps for WhatsApp. Any wrong step can get you hacked. So do all the work carefully. 


The use of WhatsApp as a marketing tool can greatly benefit small businesses. With over 2 billion active users worldwide, it provides a vast audience for businesses to connect with. By effectively implementing these strategies, small businesses can improve their visibility, build strong relationships with customers, and ultimately drive sales.



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