Raffaele Riva Explores Views On Success & Top Methods For Continued Progress

Raffaele Riva is the founder of AUREA Multi-Family Office, founded in 2008. Since the company’s inception, Riva has engineered forward momentum within several different industries, fostering growth along the way within Aurea Consulenit Associati SA, Milano Fiduciaria, and BGB Aurea LTD.

Now considered one of the forward-thinking entrepreneurs in the field, Raffaele Riva has taken to several short-form interviews to share insights and methods into his success. Focused on helping others to follow in his footsteps, Riva took a step back to share the unique efforts that have led him to where he is today.

Developing Positive Habits

Having a history in the real estate industry meant familiarizing himself with hard work at all hours of the day and night. Raffaele Riva broke into the industry in the early 90s but his key to success has been in his longevity thanks to a level-headed approach to daily work.

Riva stated in an interview with the London Post that he likes to start his day as early as 7:30 am to get the most urgent projects done and out of the way. Riva stated, “My working day is already planned, day by day, with my agenda.”

Despite his constant lifestyle of traveling, Riva understands that keeping a consistent schedule in some regards is a must. Riva states, “I have a daily journal noting down the various activities that I have to get done during the day.”

Outside of staying on target through a system of reminders and notes, Raffaele Riva understands that it is important to lead by example. Riva stays focused on the task ahead of him by focusing on his client and their needs. Riva states, “Always think in terms of serving, and even if your client was the one who was wrong, take the initiative to fix things and correct them immediately.”

Overcoming Key Failures

Every leader will, at some point, have to overcome failure in their personal or professional lives. As the leader at AUREA Multi Family Office, Raffaele had to set the standard when it came to overcoming major hurdles and key failures. 

Riva stated that a key aspect of his success was in his mindset. Riva was quoted as saying in an interview, “I overcome it by understanding that ‘I don’t do it’ is completely different than ‘I cannot do it.”

Through acceptance of his potential failures, Riva has allowed himself to create a space that is conducive to growth and progress. Riva went on to state, “Do what you like and makes you feel better, believe in it.”

Meet Raffaele Riva

Raffaele Riva was born in 1962 where he was raised in a household with Italian and Swiss citizenship. Growing up in a bilingual household, Riva was able to garner fluency in English, French, and Italian before embarking upon his professional journey,

Prior to his work with AUREA Multi Family Office, Raffaele Riva had established several advisory companies from 1997 to 2008, specializing in corporate restructuring, financing, estate planning, and wealth management.

Raffaele Riva graduated from the Universita Cattolica del Sacro Cuore in 1987 in Milan, focusing on his degree in economics, corporate financing, and tax & banking law.

Follow Raffaele Riva on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/rafriva/?hl=en


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