Unlocking the Internet of Things
John Bates

What It Takes to Succeed with Big Data
Tom Davenport

Big Data Takes On Big Weather
Djeevan Schiferli, IBM

Securing Mobile Targets
John Vestberg

Leadership Mindsets for IT Success
Donald A. Marchand and Joe Peppard

Unify Your Communications
Andrew Gray

People: A Key to Innovation Capability
Scott J. Edgett

Supply Chain

The New Supply Chain Challenge
Cathy Johnson, Hitachi Consulting

The Limits to Outsourcing: Beware of the Consequences for Market Success!
Masaaki Kotabe, Michael J. Mol, Janet Y. Murray & Ronaldo Parente

Tools for Success
Gwynne Richards and Susan Grinsted

Using Business Cases to Champion New Ideas and Advocate Business Growth
Wolfgang Messner

Marketing Strategies for a Digital World
Eric Greenberg and Alexander Kates


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