Leadership Innovation: Huawei’s
rotating CEO system
David De Cremer and Tian Tao
Transitioning to General Management
Kevin Kaier, Michael Pich and IJ Schecter
Brilliant Senior Team Work
John Sutherland
Impact of Digital on How We
Implement Change
Audra Proctor
Mobile Customer App Engagement
Pays Off
Peter Weill and Stephanie L. Woerner
Why the Circular Economy Matters
Mark Esposito, Terence Tse and Khaled Soufani
How Today’s Companies Can Achieve Sustainable Business Mobility
Alphabet International
Sharing Business Ownership to Execute Your Strategy
Felix Barber and Michael Goold
Paul F. Nunes and Larry Downes
The Rationality of Risk Part 2: Avoiding Risk, Keeping Busy, and Resorting with Praetorians
Christopher Surdak
Supply Chain
The Tears in the Deep Tiers
Yossi Sheffi
Whither Talent?
Adrian Furnham
Entrepreneurial Ecosystems: Fixing the Triple Helix
Adam J. Bock and David Johnson
Sustainability Footprints in SMEs: Strategy and Case Studies for Entrepreneurs and Small Business
Lowellyne James