IT rating is your new digital ecosystem and directory for your business

IT is one of the most rapidly developing industries. Millions of people want to get an interesting and well-paid job in IT. Businesses need websites, mobile apps and other digital solutions. New technologies and tools hit the market every year. IT Rating was created to systematize contacts and knowledge that are relevant to the sector.

Mission of the Project

As its name suggests, provides impartial ratings of contractors in the IT industry like SEO services companies. It relies on an efficient and highly transparent methodology of assessing professionals according to their skills and experience. Customers don’t need to be tech-savvy to identify the IT company that best fits their demands and budget.

To achieve these goals, the team behind decided to:

  • Verify all the information that IT contractors provide
  • Introduce an AI-powered algorithm to facilitate the process of searching

These two factors give a significant competitive edge.

Verified Data

An IT agency that wants to find clients typically resorts to these measures:

  • Creates a website for itself and promotes it
  • Runs profiles on social media
  • Places paid adds online
  • Adds itself to themed catalogs and directories
  • Posts offers on headhunting websites

Google or Facebook Ads, the moderators of headhunting platforms and the teams of many IT catalogs take all the provided information for granted. They just make sure it doesn’t violate their policies and they share it. Customers can never be sure whether the data in the ad is 100% relevant.

When the staff receives a new application, they meticulously scrutinize it. Before placing the contractor in a certain position on the list, they analyze the following factors:

  • Portfolio
  • Number of projects completed
  • Number of articles published
  • Previous customer experience
  • Customer reviews (quantity and credibility)
  • Visibility of the contractor’s domain in search engines
  • Participation in competitions
  • Prospects for further development of the agency

Manual screening is inevitably subject to the impact of the human factor. That’s why employs a mathematical formula to assess the performance of each applicant.

assess the performance of each applicant

Many IT professionals ask how to fill in their profiles to secure the highest possible places in the rating. To answer their questions, has prepared a comprehensive video instruction. To get it, fill in the form on this website and wait for a few minutes until its representatives will get in touch with you.

You can’t pay money or use any other tricks to improve your position on Only facts that prove your professionalism will be taken into account.

AI-Powered Algorithm

Every time you visit, you perform some actions on the website. The algorithms of the system remember what you were looking for. Next time you open, it will automatically suggest to you those professionals, news and technologies that you’ll be potentially interested in.

How Can IT Professionals Benefit from

The target audience of this web resource includes individuals and organizations that specialize in the following niches:

  • Web development
  • Mobile development
  • Web design
  • Marketing (including digital and on social networks)
  • Advertising (including contextual)
  • SMM
  • SEO
  • PR
  • Creative activities
  • Copywriting
  • Outsourcing
  • Freelance

Professionals of any level of expertise are welcome. It doesn’t matter whether you’re an IT student or the CEO of a renowned agency. gives you a chance to get visibility both among your potential clients and other professionals in the industry. Let’s see which types of information you can find on this website, apart from the ratings.

IT News and Research

You won’t need to check dozens of websites to be aware of what’s going on in the industry. Every day, the team sifts through hundreds of news pieces and analytical articles. They share only those materials that have a high pragmatic value.


To pick the optimal constructor, framework or CMS for a specific project, you should glance through the statistics that reveal its performance. will provide these insights to you.


In addition to publishing your own portfolio on, you can check what other companies do. All the information on this website has an identical format and structure. It will be easy for you to detect your strong and weak sides, compared to your competitors, and start improving.


Customers create tenders to compare the offers of different contractors. Thanks to the convenient structure of the information, they can impartially determine the best offer.

they can impartially determine the best offer


You’ll understand how much different types of IT work cost. You’ll find out about the factors that influence pricing policies and figure out how to optimize your expenses.

Job Offers

The monthly audience of counts tens of thousands of individuals. Each time a new vacancy goes live, it attracts a lot of attention.

Staff of IT Businesses

It’s not necessary to get in touch with a professional to get to know what they do. This information is publicly available. At a glance, you can understand which position the person occupies and which types of tasks they can complete.

Reviews doesn’t allow users to post anonymous reviews. Each customer needs to confirm that they have indeed interacted with a specific contractor.


This web resource runs a rating of hosting providers. That’s important because the quality of hosting impacts customer satisfaction, the number of sales and the revenues that businesses make.


The calendar of this website features dozens of noteworthy online and offline events. They will enable you to make new contacts and get new knowledge.

Resume doesn’t encourage IT professionals to create a conventional CV and fine-tune it each time they want to apply for a new job. Instead, it would be wiser to invite customers to your LinkedIn profile. It’s a more modern and user-friendly approach.


Proper technologies serve as the foundation for the success of any IT project. It would be unreasonable to choose a technology simply because it’s popular. Instead, you should ensure that it’s compatible with the solutions that you already use. Besides, imagine that the team that has built a digital project for you won’t be able to support it anymore. Will it be easy for you to find a new team to replace the previous one? The overview of various technologies at will help you make a data-driven decision.


To succeed in the IT sector, it’s not enough to get your diploma or certificate just once. You should keep continuously acquiring new knowledge and skills. will inform you about the courses that will let you improve your qualification.


Investments in IT startups can bring you a considerable profit in the future. The trickiest part is to pick the projects that have the highest odds of taking off. applies a smart algorithm to assess the perspectives of various startups and identify the most promising ones. The team of this web resources keeps enhancing and refining the methodology that backs up the multi-stage analysis.

Final Thoughts is a thriving ecosystem for IT professionals from various niches and their clients. This project employs AI-powered algorithms to ensure maximum transparency of its ratings and facilitate the process of choosing the best contractor. On this website, you can find the latest IT news and research, overviews of various technologies and solutions, tenders, job offers, reviews and any information you might be interested in.


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