Marketing - storytelling

In today’s fast-paced digital world, businesses face many challenges when engaging with their target audience. 

One of the biggest challenges businesses face is creating a lasting impact on their brand identity. Your brand sets you apart from your competitors, and it’s crucial to establish a brand that resonates with your target audience. Illustrations can help businesses communicate their brand values, personality, and messaging in a visually engaging and memorable way. One powerful way to achieve this is by using illustrations that align with your brand identity. 

In this blog post, we’ll explore How To Create Illustrations That Aligns With Your Brand Identity in detail, its advantages, and some tips to make the process easier for businesses looking to enhance their branding efforts.

What Is A Brand Illustration System?

A brand illustration system is a set of rules and guidelines that govern how illustrations are used in a brand’s visual language.

It is a set of constant visual aspects that symbolize a brand and its values, such as color, style, and composition. 

A brand illustration system aims to develop a recognizable and memorable visual language for a brand that can be utilised across all touchpoints, such as social media, marketing materials, and product packaging. 

A brand can separate itself from competitors, increase brand recognition, and reinforce its identity with customers by establishing a consistent graphic style. This is possible by defining the unique shapes and colours that perfectly portray your brand’s core messages while utilising accessible design tools and other useful extras like the best Procreate brushe for anime to create awesome illustrations.

Why Do You Need A Brand Identity?

A brand identity is essential for any business because it helps to establish a unique and memorable identity that sets the business apart from its competitors. 

Here are some reasons why having a brand identity is crucial:


How do you differentiate yourself in a crowded market? Your brand identity can have a significant impact. 

Whether you want your product to stand out on a shelf or your social media ads to stand out, the key to success is to create a consistent, unified appearance. 


A solid relationship with your target audience requires a strong brand identity. 

Your brand identity expresses who you are, what you stand for, and why your target audience should select you over competitors. 

It’s how you convey your personality and ideals, and it aids in establishing an emotional connection with your audience.


A brand identity is your firm’s face, influencing how people perceive your organization. 

A well-defined brand identity can help create a memorable and enjoyable experience for your customers, but you must provide a clear, consistent message to do so. 

How Does One Go About Creating A Brand Illustration System?

Creating a brand illustration system involves establishing guidelines and assets that can be used consistently to represent your brand across various touchpoints visually. 

Here are some steps to follow when creating a brand illustration system:

Recognize The Corporation

It is self-evident, yet it should not be neglected. If you are unfamiliar with the brand, it is doubtful that the illustrations you create resonate with the audience you are attempting to reach.

Knowing the brand entails more than just knowing the visual identity. You must be aware of the promise.

What kind of persona does the brand wish to project? How would they like to be perceived? 

Who are they attempting to contact?

It is easy to understand the brand. You’ll find everything you need if you know how to read, take notes, ask questions, and use a search engine.

Schedule A Moment For Research

Make sure to cut yourself short at the outset of the project. 

You must devote time to visually reviewing a large number of photographs. Examine the work of other illustrators, fresh and old photos, works of art, children’s books, publications, and everyday life.

Keep a sketchbook as you research. These are rough sketches. Make them swiftly, and make them a lot.

Comprehend What Type Of Illustrations Are Required

Do you require spot illustrations for your brand? Illustrations of icons? Illustrations in the full frame? Will the illustrations be printed? What about packaging? What about large sizes? Is there a set of ideal dimensions or proportions to which the pictures should adhere? Should they be readable at such small sizes?

Aim For A Distinct Style

The graphics system you design should have a distinct style. It should elicit memorable emotions. However, the visuals you design should coexist with text, photography, and other graphic elements without overwhelming or misunderstanding the message being given.

Make A Rule Book

If you need help generating a unified set of illustrations, make some easy rules for yourself. These can be at random or tied to the brand’s visual identity. To get you started, here are a few examples:

  • Every drawing must incorporate a circle, a square, and a triangle.
  • Only side profile faces will be drawn.
  • An illustration can have no more than two colours.

Dont Neglect The Importance Of Color

Color is essential to company identification and helps create an emotional connection with customers. Choose a color palette consistent throughout all illustrations and reflects your brand’s personality and values. 

Furthermore, a study of signs discovered that people could retain good brand color schemes, which are far more challenging to remember.

Examples Of Brands That Successfully Implemented Illustration Systems

Several brands have successfully implemented illustration systems to enhance their identity and create a unique visual language.

Here are a few examples:


Slack is a web-based “platform that connects teams with the apps, services, and resources they need to get their work done.

The Slack website recently underwent a revamp and re-emerged, drenched in gorgeous, brilliantly colored drawings depicting well-dressed millennials cheerfully executing office activities such as checking messages, sharing files, and writing notes.


Shopify is an eCommerce platform that offers tools to let consumers sell things and operate businesses online.

From creating a customized storefront to managing inventory and collecting payments, the company’s branding emphasizes its simple solution.

The illustration team at Shopify has developed a style that is informal yet visually dynamic, basic yet sophisticated, with a relaxed take on the human form and freely drawn lines.

This equilibrium is intriguing since it matches the brand’s core promise: “Perfect for beginners and experts alike.”


The Dropbox team has a deep ten-year history of brand illustration experimentation. They’ve experimented with various approaches and collaborated with a skilled but ever-changing pool of illustrators. 

They’ve honed in on what works and channeled their creative energies into a cohesive yet changing illustration style. 

They developed a new style that employs expressive graphite markings and rough, brilliantly patterned forms and textures to capture the spark and spontaneity of creative cooperation.


Whether a small business owner or a large corporation, implementing these tips can help you develop a successful brand illustration system. If you have any doubts about the topic or want to learn more, feel free to get in touch, We will be happy to help you.


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