
A ring is a beautiful gift and often a very desirable gift for women of all ages. The glittering piece of jewellery on the finger is always in plain sight; the wearer only needs to look at it to admire it and remember who gave it to her. Before buying a ring, there are a few things to consider to avoid embarrassing situations and to respect the rules of etiquette.

Metal jewellery

Before buying a ring as a gift, pay attention to the material from which it is made: some women prefer gold, some prefer silver – so your gift will not gather dust in your jewellery box, consider this point.

It can also happen that a certain metal causes allergies, a detail that is important to know in advance. So, if the recipient of the gift causes a reaction, such as gold, you can look at dainty ruby rings or jewellery made of steel, or ceramics. The choice is truly enormous!

Style of accessory

If you’re giving a ring as a gift for the first time, and you don’t have a clear idea of what type of product the person you’re gifting the jewellery to prefers, consider giving minimalistic or classic models that won’t look flashy and can easily be combined with other pieces of jewellery.

On the other hand, if you want to be more original, why not consider a woman’s crown-shaped ring with diamonds, animal mascot rings or fashionable phalanx models?

Ring design

The choice of jewellery houses is so diverse that the search for a ring can last a very long time. Don’t get lost, think of an event with which your gift is associated. For example, a gemstone ring may be the right choice for a special occasion or commemorative date.

No less beautiful are products with a scattering of stones – each one will shine like a little star, delighting its owner. The colour of the stones is best to match the taste of the future ring-wearer – look for the shades that are prevalent in a woman’s wardrobe, and perhaps you even know her favourite colour.

A ring with pearls can also add a touch of elegance. The right colour is easy to match: delicate white, cream, pink or black pearls are versatile options which can be worn by women of all ages. However, as with gem-encrusted pieces, pay attention to the design.

Figuring out the size

If you are not planning a trip to a jewellery store together but rather preparing a surprise present, finding out the right size of the ring is a tricky but manageable task. The first way is to ask a friend or someone close to the lady to find out the size of the jewellery.

Another way is to take a ring that a woman usually wears and ask a specialist to help her find out the size in a jewellery shop. And the third, but not the last method, is to equip a sheet of paper and a pencil, then take the ring itself and trace the inner circumference of the jewellery – the diameter is the size you are looking for. The tricky part here is to do all this quickly and quietly so that the future owner of the gift doesn’t take you by surprise.

Remember, the ring – is a sign of special treatment, so give it only close people: for example, the mother, sister, daughter, wife, fiancee or a girl who claims that status. So the piece of jewellery in some way ‘delineates’ your inner circle – the circle of the dearest people, so choose with all due care.

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