Social Media

Trust in a company now needs to be earned: it is important for customers that the brand is open, honest and interested in them as people, and not just buyers. There are many channels of communication with consumers that everyone knows about, but which not everyone knows how to use correctly, and one of them is social networks.

How to find out the needs of the client?

Research the audience to understand what potential clients need, for example, conduct surveys on social networks or through a feedback form to get answers to certain questions:

  • What are their values;
  • What events do they attend;
  • What is their system of priorities;
  • What sources do they trust;
  • How do they make a purchase decision.

When you know the answers to these questions, you will be able to combine the value of your product with the needs of potential buyers and build a competent promotion strategy.

Communicate with potential clients in their environment, for example, at conferences and business forums. Find out how they came to the decision to buy a product or service similar to yours: on the advice of friends, thanks to advertising on social networks or an online request. Create a clear customer journey to understand how to influence the process of contact with a potential client at each point of communication.

If you start without research, you will waste time and money on content that will be useless to your potential clients.

How to create content on social networks

Social networks are the main communication channel with the largest reach, so before you start using them, analyze what is interesting and useful to potential clients, and only then start packing meanings and creating content. This can be texts, illustrations, photos and videos.

How to build a system for attracting clients from social networks

Choose key platforms 

Use analytics and research to find out which social networks your clients visit the most often and what content they are interested in. Before entering a platform, study its features, for example, how the platform algorithms work and what content users come to it for.

Come up with a content strategy

Decide what your general media concept will be, the style of communication with readers and what you will show to buyers. When creating a content strategy, it is important to find out why people come to this social network and what formats and categories are best to create in it. Spy on competitors, but do not copy them.

Build a process for producing quality content

Start from the resources that you have. If you have enough budget, hire scriptwriters and directors to develop your own production. A business owner can even run their own account and act as an ambassador for their own brand.

Integrate target actions into content

Use “closers”, for example, “follow the link and download useful instructions” or “leave a request for a free consultation”, but first provide benefits to the audience. Make sure that they are involved in your content and only then integrate the “closer”.

Organize active promotion of your platform

For example, use contests, targeted advertising on social networks and collaboration with bloggers to attract a new audience.

Analyze the results

See what content format works best for your audience and constantly tweak it to improve results.

What mistakes do entrepreneurs make when working with social networks

  1. They chase trends, ignoring audience requests, and this leads to a waste of budget.
  2. They try to sell at every point of contact with potential clients.
  3. They save on everything, for example, on the budget, team, advertising.
  4. They create boring social networks. They write dryly only about their product and do not interact with the audience.
  5. They communicate with customers incorrectly. They do not thank for positive reviews and respond harshly to negative ones or do not react to customer comments at all.
  6. They do not adjust the content plan based on the mood of the audience, for example, if customers did not like the released product.

If you receive negative reviews from users about a product or service, stop promoting it on social networks. Conduct a survey among customers to understand what mistakes were made when creating the product. And only when you improve the product or service, return to promoting it.

What specialists are needed for a creative team

At the initial stage, you can personally deal with social networks or entrust them to an SMM specialist who will draw up a content plan, write posts, make simple visuals and promote the group on social networks. In the future, expand the staff if you understand that it makes sense to hire a full-fledged team for social networks and there is a budget for this.

To promote a product on sites, you need:

  • a copywriter who will deal with texts;
  • a designer who will make illustrations, infographics and other visuals;
  • a targetologist who will set up advertising on social networks;
  • a community manager who will manage groups on social networks, for example, respond to user comments.

If you plan to develop video content, you need to attract additional experts, for example mer, reel maker and cameraman-editor.

To get positive results from the creative team, give them space for creativity and experiments. If your business does not have the ability to organize its own full-fledged production, these tasks can be delegated. Discover Top4SMM to experience all the delights of powerful SMM for promoting your business.


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