As a digital marketer for a SaaS company, you should always be looking for new strategies and projects to drive your marketing efforts. So whether you’re struggling with onsite SEO or trying to figure out how to scale your content marketing strategy, this SEO checklist is a good place to start. This article will cover how to launch an SEO campaign so you can use it as a guide for the rest of your SEO planning. It will give you an idea of the pros and cons of scaling SEO this way so that you can decide if it’s right for your business.

Keyword and top-of-funnel content

Keywords are the foundation of SEO. They’re what search engines use to determine which pages will show up in their search results, so the more relevant keywords you use on your website, the better chance you have of ranking well. And since a lot of people find their solutions via Google these days, it’s not just important to do keyword research—it’s also crucial for building brand awareness and increasing traffic.

So what exactly is keyword research? In short: it’s figuring out which terms people are using when they talk about your business or industry online, then finding ways to optimize them across all your digital properties (website copywriting, blog posts, etc.).

Track keywords using tools 

You’ll want to ensure that your keyword research is accurate and up to date. You might have a list of keywords that have worked well for you in the past, but those may change over time. Monitor trends regularly and adjust your strategy accordingly.

A good way to do this is by using an analytics tool like Google Analytics or Kissmetrics (if you’re using Kissmetrics, it can be helpful to create filters so that only certain traffic types are counted). 

If you don’t know how to utilize these tools, you may want to get set up with an SEO agency that servies your industry. For SaaS companies, you’ll want to look at SaaS SEO agencies that have specific experience working with your kind of SaaS company. This will help you get your goals and conversions set up properly and track the keywords that make sense for your SaaS website. 

Onsite optimization for each keyword and page

One of the best ways to rank for content is to optimize your existing content and website pages toward those keywords. You should use these elements to determine the relevance of your page and its content.

  • Use the keyword in the title, URL, and meta description.
  • Use the keyword in the first 100 words of your content.
  • Use a synonym for “keyword” (or another keyword) in alt text for an image on your site.
  • If you have multiple pages targeting one primary keyword, include that same primary keyword once in each page’s meta title tag as well as on each page’s HTML element.

Create content and links

Along with having the right keywords in place and making optimizations on your website, you’ll need to create a blog and then create links back to those pieces of content. There are a couple of ways to do this, which we’ll detail below:

Create a blog: A blog is your opportunity to share knowledge with your potential customers and present yourself as an authority in your field. This can also be used to answer questions that people are asking, which will help you find more opportunities to provide value.

Write guest posts for other sites on related topics: Guest posting helps build relationships with other websites and the people behind them, which means they’ll be more likely to share your content or link back to it when they write something new themselves.

Create infographics (or use tools like Canva): Infographics are visual representations of information, perfect for sharing on social media channels like Facebook and Twitter where there might not be room for text-based content. 


Before you can begin an effective SEO marketing strategy for your SaaS company, you need to do some research and create a plan that includes the information mentioned above. Creating a roadmap that answers all of these questions will not only save you time but also keep your team focused on what needs to be done.


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