Providing Equal Opportunities to Youth

Israel has leaped in the development of modern technological innovation. Israel is becoming an entrepreneurial hub of the Middle East. The endless possibilities and potential of the country have made it the first choice for business leaders. But, like many other countries across the world, there is a different Israel, which is marginalized and struggles for survival each day. 

When you look at the socioeconomic model of the country, it is difficult to make out that about 2 million Israelis are fighting to get the resources necessary for survival. The basic resource includes employment opportunities for youth and quality education for children. Numerous families are facing financial uncertainties. Due to economic instability, children are unable to attend school.

About 30% of Israeli children live under the line of poverty. Nearly 33% of children living on the edge do not have an internet connection or afford proper clothing. They lack the funds to get things essential for education.

There is a big difference between a socioeconomic center and a country living on the edge of society. Eyal Edry, Moshe Edree, and Rafi Edry aim through the Ahinoam Association to promote equal opportunities for all.

The Start of Ahinoam Association

Eyal Edry has had a business career for several decades. Eyal Edry and his brothers, Moshe Edree, and Rafael Edry run several companies in Africa. He holds a graduate degree in psychology. The IDF veteran faces a physical disability. Despite being a successful entrepreneur, the Eyal Edry still remember the hard times in rehabilitation in their younger days.

Edry took up a job at 17 to support his family in the 1970s. His father worked as a civil contractor. His earnings were not enough to meet the needs of his family. Eyal Edry was born in Safed, Israel. After doing several jobs, he served the IDF as a paratrooper. He met with an accident in 1979, which changed his life forever. A fatal spinal injury became the reason for his disability. Even this could not stop Eyal Edry from becoming successful in all aspects of life.

Because of the hardships faced in their childhood, Eyal Edry, Moshe Edree, and Refael Edry know how painful it is to live in poverty as a kid. They understand the pain of scarcity. This understanding motivated the three Edry brothers to set up the Ahinoam Association in 2018.

Developing the Future of Israel

According to Eyal Edry, geopolitical conflicts and terrorism are not the main threats to the country. Instead, he believes that dealing with the neglected youth is more challenging for the country than any other factor.

When youngsters grow in a society wrapped in disparity, they do not care about preserving social composition. They believe that the system of their country does not care for them.

Eyal Edry, Moshe Edree, and Refael Edry work together to prevent a harsh future for the upcoming generations. Their social welfare initiatives speak a lot about their motive.

Aiding the Underprivileged Students for E-Learning

Online learning has become a norm with the outbreak of the covid-19 pandemic. In promoting the e-learning initiatives, the government of Israel has ignored the millions of underprivileged children who do not have a computer, smartphone, or internet connection.

The Ahinoam Association started raising funds from the public to support children living a distressed life. The campaign helped thousands of children get a computer system to continue their studies online.

Uplifting the Ethiopian Young Adults

The organization is working for children and teenagers from Ethiopian society. The aim is to integrate them into the Israeli community. They have implemented special programs to help these teenagers prepare for entrance into the IDF.

Guiding the Youth At-Risk

The Ahinoam Association is working hard to help underprivileged children get a position in society. The association has introduced several long-term programs to achieve this goal. The organization recognizes the needs of the deprived youth and makes plans for their development in all respects. They understand every child is different from another. Thus, every individual requires a different type of support and guidance.

Financial Assistance and Guidance

The association provides scholarships and other support to the youngsters in the periphery. Eyal Edry, Refael Edry, and Moshe Edree, the founder of the Ahinoam Association, make sure that every child of the country facing financial hardships gets a quality education.

It’s Just the Start

The Ahinoam Association is committed to providing equal opportunity to every child across Israel. The programs of the association help children to achieve educational and intellectual success. The association aims to help every deprived kid come out of hard days and live an enjoyable childhood.


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