Dmitry Doev
Dmitry Doev

Doev Dmitry Vitalievich is an experienced business executive specializing in implementing large-scale infrastructure development projects. Dmitry Doev took the position of CEO for the VIS Group in 2021. Before that, Doev Dmitry built his reputation working in the fuel and energy sector, in investments, and scientific research.

Dmitry Doev: biography

Dmitry Doev was born July 12, 1966, in Leningrad, RSFSR.

Doev Dmitry Vitalievich spent his early childhood a few hundred kilometers from his birthplace, in Toropets, the oldest settlement of the modern Tver (formerly Kalinin) region. He lived there for three years, surrounded by monuments of history and architecture: almost every building in the center of the city, founded in 1074, is an object of cultural heritage of regional or federal significance. Vera Vladimirovna, Dmitry’s mother, was also born and raised there.

When their son was three years old, Doev’s parents decided to return to Leningrad. The head of the family, Vitaly Semenovich, a Candidate of Technical Sciences, was engaged in teaching future specialists in engineering specializations for the rail transport industry. Dmitry Doev inherited a mathematical mindset from his father. He also studied at a specialized educational institution and was fond of physics.

His boyhood interest in the science of energy and the fundamental laws of nature grew into a professional choice. Doev Dmitry Vitalievich decided to be educated as an engineer. He received the appropriate qualification after studying at a leading national research university of that time, The Leningrad Polytechnic Institute, or LPI (the modern name is SPbSPU). In 1989, Dmitry Doev earned his diploma in strength and materials, as applied to the reliability of machines, structures and devices.

Doev Dmitry: scientific and teaching activities

The first entry in Dmitry Doev’s workbook was as an engineer at the Combustion and Explosion Physics Laboratory. The Research Institute of Precision Instruments leadership accepted the LPI graduate of the Faculty of Physics and Mechanics. This research institute specialized in developing, testing and producing hardware and software systems for the space industry.

The Dmitry Doev biography says Doev discontinued his work at the institute, having received an offer to try himself in pedagogy at his alma mater as a research assistant and teacher. At LPI, which had changed its name to the State Technical University by that time, he worked for three years. Dmitry Doev later noted that the teacher’s life was not for him.

Dmitry Doev biography: from private business to state-owned company

After leaving the academic world, Doev Dmitry Vitalievich entered the commercial sector. He implemented business projects in various industries for several years with business partners. In particular, Doev Dmitry was responsible for developing a diversified company and building relationships with significant representatives of Russian industry in general and the gas industry in particular. Investment and construction were also in Dmitry Doev’s field of interest. He acquired entrepreneurial experience and developed extensive managerial skills and competencies during this period.

The Dmitry Doev biography shows that he had already been associated with business activities and management for eleven years when in 2004, he was invited to lead a unit of Gazprom, a large state-owned gas-production company. He got an offer to head the managerial link of the daughter company, Centerenergogaz. Doev Dmitry joined Centerenergogaz during one of this company’s most challenging and strategically significant times.

Doev Dmitry Vitalyevich revamped Centerenergogaz, seeking to increase the efficiency of its activities in part by excluding non-core assets from its structure. Doev Dmitry’s tasks included improving the enterprise management system and reconfiguring its financial and economic policy and operational activities.

The greatest number of transformations occurred in 2005-2006 when Doev Dmitry formed a highly qualified team and incorporated formerly separated repair assets into his organization. He ensured the high quality of maintenance services and honest and timely assessment of the operating conditions of gas transmission facilities. Doev Dmitry began a regional expansion program, building service facilities throughout Russia. By 2008, his growing staff numbered 20 thousand employees.

Doev Dmitry Vitalievich also worked to form the Unified Gas Supply System. He proposed introducing innovative solutions and technologies to ensure uninterrupted gas supplies at all points in the network – from natural gas production to its use by end consumers.

The Dmitry Doev biography shows that he left the executive management of the state-owned company in 2019, moving on to other industries. For the following two years, he worked in senior positions for various companies.

Dmitry Doev joins VIS Group

Doev Dmitry

Since the beginning of autumn 2021, Doev Dmitry has worked as General Director of the VIS Group. He manages the parent company of the holding, which implements large-scale investment projects for the development of infrastructure in various regions of the Russian Federation. Dmitry Doev VIS Group operates through PPP (public-private partnership) mechanisms and is one of the leaders in infrastructure development.

The Dmitry Doev biography as a professional manager is well-known in the business world. As the Group’s Board of Directors noted, Dmitry Doev’s appointment as General Director was in the company’s best interests and strategic development plan.

Dmitry Doev VIS Group includes several specialized divisions:

  • Investment – allocates funds to PPP projects to improve infrastructure, managing their implementation throughout the entire life cycle (includes structuring, arranging financing, construction and operation of constructed facilities).
  • Construction – includes general construction and service companies specializing in the construction of road transport, social, industrial, oil and gas and other infrastructure. The central management of this sub-holding acts as a general contractor, designer and customer-builder.
  • Transport – consists of design companies that act as private partners in transport-related PPP projects in various parts of the Russian Federation.
  • The Social Infrastructure Division is a sub-holding of the Group engaged in constructing cultural, educational and leisure facilities. This division carries out a complete work cycle – from project development to equipping the constructed facilities with the necessary equipment for actual operations.
  • Division of Ecology and Housing and Public Utilities – manages industry projects to create infrastructure for waste management.
  • Division of Medical Projects – works in the healthcare sector.

Doev Dmitry Vitalievich, as a leader, is focused on improving the management system and developing and implementing new standards for Dmitry Doev VIS Group. He also oversees all of the Group’s large-scale projects.

Dmitry Doev: VIS Group project overview

Since Doev Dmitry Vitalievich’s appointment to General Director, Dmitry Doev VIS Group has begun constructing many socially essential facilities in many Russian regions. The “biography” of each project is also available to all Internet users – up-to-date data on the stages of implementation of objects receive regular progress updates on the company’s website.

In 2021, the construction of modern polyclinics began in Novosibirsk. As part of the PPP agreement, VIS Group acted as a private partner in constructing seven new medical centers in different city districts. As Dmitry Doev noted, the infrastructure holding was to install almost four thousand units of expert-class medical equipment in the new medical institutions. Three facilities are planned to be commissioned by the end of 2023: they are 75% completed as of April 2023. Finishing work is underway there, involving about 700 workers. Four more polyclinics are to be commissioned in 2024. This project, supervised by Dmitry Doev, is recognized as one of the largest in Russia.

Dmitry Doev and VIS Group are also implementing a significant transportation project. The VIS Group, led by Dmitry Doev, is building a high-speed thoroughfare that will reduce travel time from Moscow region settlements near the Yaroslavl highway to the capital by an average of an hour. The Mytishchinskaya connector is being built eight kilometers north of the Moscow Ring Road and is considered its relief route. According to Dmitry Doev, about a thousand specialists and over 170 pieces of equipment are involved in the facility. The 16-kilometer-long transportation artery will speed up travel times for at least a million residents in the Moscow metropolitan area.

Dmitry Doev notes that one of the holding’s most complex projects is a new bridge across the River Ob’ in Novosibirsk. This bridge has 25 ramps and four elevated pedestrian crossings. The first piles were driven in the spring of 2020, and as of April 2023, the bridge builders have completed about 70% of the construction.


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