online dating

Online dating is a powerful innovation that has allowed people to meet and potentially meet their future life partners when they might have never encountered each other in the real world.

However, at what cost? This article will talk about some of the main psychological drawbacks of the use of online dating apps that people have reported, which can help you become more aware of them and learn how to cope if you relate to these experiences.

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One of the primary reasons why online dating can be taxing for people’s mental health has to do with the system itself. Not everyone will find matches and connect to the people they come across on a dating app, but some people will experience rejection repeatedly, and after a while, this can take a toll on one’s sense of self-worth.

However, these apps can also affect a person’s dopamine and serotonin levels. Even if someone finds matches, this will stimulate these neurochemicals due to receiving validation, but when these individuals experience rejection, it can have a negative effect on their mood.

Body Image

Another issue that is often adjacent to rejection in the online dating world is how one begins to perceive themselves, and poor body image is a problem that is exacerbated by social media, in general.

If someone isn’t finding success on these apps, they might believe that something is wrong with the way that they look. It can especially be problematic if people are being affected by things that they cannot change such as height and skin color.


The act of ghosting, which is the sudden end-of-contact in a personal relationship, is a prevalent issue in dating, and online apps make it easier for these behaviors to be more commonplace, regardless of whether people have already met in person or not.

People who are “ghosted” tend to feel confused, hurt, and have self-doubt due to having no explanation and being ignored.  Some may argue that ghosting is a form of emotional abuse, and it can contribute to trust issues that affect future interactions.


Catfishing is essentially the act of misrepresenting oneself online, usually by creating a fake persona, and just like ghosting, it is a phenomenon that has become easier through the use of online dating and social media.

People who are victims of catfishing will often feel deceived, humiliated, and emotionally distraught, and there are some additional inherent dangers to it. For example, there may be financial loss and physical harm involved, and it may also be used as a tool for cyberbullying.

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Risk of Infection

The popularity of online dating apps has also led to the rise of a “hook-up culture.” As a result, people are having an easier time finding casual relationships with multiple individuals, but this also increases the risk of transmitting sexually-transmitted infections.

Aside from actually catching a disease and having symptoms, the mere thought about contracting one can be very distressing for people, especially if they are unsure about their current partner’s past history. Therefore, it can cause a great urgency to get tested after each encounter.

How To Get Help

If online dating has been stressing you out and has had a negative effect on your self-esteem, you are encouraged to talk to a counselor who can help you learn how to cope with the challenges that are associated with dating and relationships.

In addition to reaching out for support, it’s also helpful to read more about it. By clicking the link below and visiting BetterHelp, you can find free articles that cover issues that people come across in the dating world and how you can find solutions to these problems.

While your experiences with dating are your own, you’re certainly not alone, and the resources available to you can be instrumental in helping you overcome them and approach life with more confidence.


Although there are plenty of advantages to using an online dating app, such as being convenient and letting you connect with others who might be out of your immediate geographical area, there are some clear disadvantages to it, especially regarding mental health. Hopefully, this article has made you more aware of the downsides of online dating and how it has the potential to be detrimental to a person’s wellbeing, and what can be done to carry on and reinvigorate their self-esteem if it’s been damaged by their online dating experiences.

About the Author

authorMarie Miguel has been a writing and research expert for nearly a decade, covering a variety of health-related topics. Currently, she is contributing to the expansion and growth of a free online mental health resource with With an interest and dedication to addressing stigmas associated with mental health, she continues to specifically target subjects related to anxiety and depression.

Disclaimer: This article contains sponsored marketing content. It is intended for promotional purposes and should not be considered as an endorsement or recommendation by our website. Readers are encouraged to conduct their own research and exercise their own judgment before making any decisions based on the information provided in this article.


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