Summer Job

By Marie Miguel

By the end of the summer, many teenagers will have already scoured the Internet to find out how to make money online, but there’s nothing like some good old-fashioned summer side businesses for a little extra pocket money.

Life can be difficult for a teenager, and it’s not only money that’s a source of stress. 

The only thing more complicated than parenting a teenager is being a teenager. Sometimes both parents and teenagers feel lost, and you may find yourself wishing that you had access to the fact-checked advice of a professional. With BetterHelp, you can tap into a massive online database full of advice articles for teens and parents of teens. Look through their teenager advice section for reliable articles that may answer all your burning questions. 

And, for the teenagers who want a little more spending money, here are some of the best jobs you may not have thought of that can help you make some extra bucks.

1. Lemonade stand

Especially in busy locations and residential areas, a lemonade stand on a hot day can bring in some good profit. 

This is a great option for kids who are interested in business and entrepreneurship, as it teaches them a variety of life and business skills like planning, organizing, and calculating. 

Opening a lemonade stand can be inexpensive depending on how much initial investment one is ready to make. A lemonade stand can first be started with just a small stand and when it picks up popularity, one can buy a kiosk. 

Managing a lemonade stand will also teach kids the importance of saving versus spending, which is an extremely important life skill. 

This is a fun and easy summer job for kids or teens, especially during the summer.

2. Local car wash

Bringing in a couple of friends and advertising a local car wash is a great way to get the neighborhood to come together, while also providing a business opportunity for kids and teenagers alike.

Although professional car wash services are available abundantly, it would be great to switch things up for a change. 

By washing cars as a summer job, kids may understand the value of patience and hard work while also making a decent sum of money. They would learn first-hand about the expenses and eventually calculate simple profit and loss equations, which is a great life and business skill to have. 

Deciding to start a car wash could also encourage kids to set goals every month, which is an essential life skill in starting a business.

3. Lawn mowing

Perhaps one of the most common summer jobs, lawn mowing has been the go-to for kids during the summer for many years. 

Although a lot of kids like to do this individually, getting together as a group and starting this would be a great business boost with increased credibility. 

Many times carrying equipment is not necessary, as the customers can provide one to you, but sometimes that’s not the case. In such situations, it’s wise to invest in a good-quality lawnmower and take it with you. 

An easy way to handle all this would be to create an excel spreadsheet and put in cost with and without the lawnmower, appointment times, and charge per hour. This will teach kids the importance of maintaining an organized set of events and will teach them the art of communication to help them provide the best service possible.

4. Local farmers market seller

If your interest or passion lies in cooking or baking, selling your dishes at the local farmers market could be the best fit for you. 

Since local markets typically come around every weekend, it would be a great opportunity to showcase your culinary talent without it getting too overwhelming. 

As the first step towards being an entrepreneur, having a clear plan while also planning ahead is one of the most important life skills one can learn. 

Although this is one of the harder forms of a summer job, it is surely fulfilling and worthwhile. 

Some of the few challenges one may face in setting up are finding permits, commuting the distance, and the availability of stalls in the market. 

5. Start an Etsy shop

If you’re artistic and creative, setting up an Etsy shop online with the help of a parent in order to sell your artwork may be a great idea. 

Art of any form can be sold on Etsy, from paintings and pottery to jewelry and other assorted accessories. You can also try online pottery classes and make the most out of your skills by selling them on Etsy.

Advertising is one of the key elements here as it is an online platform. Setting up an Etsy Shop is a great summer job as it converts passion into reality and eventually into profit. 

Kids learn how to set up an account, answer their customer’s queries/customizations (if applicable), and learn time management skills, which is an essential skill required in all parts of life.

6. Garage sale

This is probably the most exciting summer engagement kids can have. Although it can’t be done every day of summer, it requires a whole lot of preparation and organization. 

From setting up the garage to advertising and to putting in stuff for the sale, it is a process that comes with a variety of skills like organization, time management, and decision-making skills. 

Although individual garage sales are common, it would be a good idea to rope in a couple of other kids from the neighborhood, too. This would maximize profits while also making sure that kids have a good time and learn some entrepreneurial, business-related skills.


When kids show an interest in a particular field, it’s very important to try and nurture their passions and aspirations so that they become the best and most confident versions of themselves. 

Summer jobs are a great way to get in that confidence while simultaneously having fun and learning important life skills.

About the Author

Author Marie Miguel has been a writing and research expert for nearly a decade, covering a variety of health- related topics. Currently, she is contributing to the expansion and growth of a free online mental health resource with With an interest and dedication to addressing stigmas associated with mental health, she continues to specifically target subjects related to anxiety and depression.


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