
With digital marketing going full swing, especially amid the pandemic, many businesses have taken online sources to interact with the audiences. One such avenue is the Google AdWords tool. 

So, what is Google AdWords? 

Google Ads is a tool for running PPC campaigns. But, getting with Google Ads is not for everyone, and this is where a PPC agency in London comes to the rescue. If you are new to the sphere of Google AdWords, then you have arrived at the right place. 

1. Know the basic terminologies

Keywords – These are the words or phrases that online users type to search for products and services. You, as an advertiser, need to pick out keywords that you think will be most used when looking for related products or services.

Bid – The bid is the maximum amount that an advertiser is willing to pay for clicks on your ad. You do not pay for your ads to show up on Google; only when an online user clicks upon your ad or calls your company.

Quality score – It tells you the relevance of the keywords and landing page about your ad. Good quality scores can help lower bid costs and improve the ad rank in the SERPS. 

Ad Rank – The metric determines the position or rank of your ad with other ads when triggered on the Google search engine. The bid, quality score and other parameters merit consideration when giving the ad rank. 

CPC or Cost-Per-Click – This is the actual amount that an advertiser pays once your audience starts clicking upon your ad.

Conversion – A conversion happens once an online user clicks upon your ad and takes subsequent action such as calling your company, signing up with your newsletter or making a purchase. 

2. Account organisation

It is a crucial stage when setting up ad campaigns. Account organisation involves dividing the products or services into categories. The organisation has two levels – campaigns (at the higher level) and ad groups (at the lower level). The ad campaign is a broader category and can include several ad groups. 

3. Setting up the types of keyword match

Keywords match type helps you refine your ad in the Google search engines. The five types of keyword matches are below:

Broad Match – The setting enables your ad to appear from keywords, or related terms, in any order. The match type allows your ad to show up in the broadest of search varieties. 

Broad Match Modifier – The setting allows you to specify certain words in the broad-match type. For instance, if the keyword is “high elastic men’s sportswear” and you want to ensure that “men” and “sportswear” are always present in your search, you can do so by adding a plus sign before the two words. 

Phrase Match – This option displays your ad for the exact keyword and searches with other words before or after. For example, if your keyword is “mens’ sportswear”, then your ad will also show up for “elastic men’s sportswear” or “mens’ sportswear near me”. The option can be enabled by adding quotation marks around the keywords. 

Exact Match – The term itself is a giveaway! To enable the option, you need to put brackets around the keywords. 

Negative Match – The option allows you to exclude undesirable phrases to avoid irrelevant traffic. For those selling high-end mens’ sportswear, then you might want to debunk words such as bargain or cheap. 

4. Make use of Ad Extensions

Ad Extensions provide your ads with a performance boost. They help elevate your brand story, along with offering additional information to prospects. There are several ad extensions out there, but the most common ones are:

Sitelink extensions – These are links that direct the online visitors to your website landing pages.

Structured snippets – They provide information about features offered and based on specific product or service categories. Make sure to include relevant types for ad extensions.

Call extensions – These offer contact details such as phone numbers. 

Location extensions – They are for brick-and-mortar establishments and put up your address. You can link your Google Ads account to your Google My Business Account. 

5. Seek opportunities to drive budget to mobile

Content consumption through mobile phones is at an all-time high. People can search for information at any time and from anywhere. Given this, brands are working more and more towards mobile-focused campaigns to engage with users on the preferred device. However, you need to ask yourself who your ideal customers are and what devices they use? Say that a significant portion of conversions come from mobile users. In this case, you can copy the existing ad and bid negative for desktops and laptop computers. 

Bonus: Google Analytics integration

The online space is chaotic and competitive; it is a rabbit hole if you do not know what you are doing. Google Analytics is a free and powerful digital tool that provides profound insights into how customers and prospects interact with ads and websites. 

Google AdWords tells you the number of people that click your ads. Google Analytics tells you what the people do afterwards. 

For instance, the amount of time they spend on your website. If most of them arrive at your site and immediately move away, there is something wrong. Either your ad is not reaching the right people, or the incorrect web page is linked to your display ads. Such insights are helpful as they allow you to work on your ads. At the end of the day, this integration helps you attain the most from your marketing budget. 


If you are contemplating taking your business online, then Google AdWords is an excellent tool for you. With the lockdown in place and Work-From-Home having become the new normal, the future speaks of more online activity. Google AdWords is a powerful tool that will offer a competitive edge and keep your brand in good stead. 


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