Smartphones and mobile applications have become essential parts of our daily lives. And the industry continues growing constantly. Today, more than 3,8 billion people in the world use smartphones. That’s almost half of the world’s population. No wonder so many young students want to become mobile app developers and wonder how to create a web app.

It’s a well-paid profession with tons of different opportunities. Also, the best thing is, you can learn everything yourself and eventually get a job at top custom mobile app development services, which are known for their high salaries. So, if you’re still questioning yourself” How do I become a mobile app developer?” – here’s a guide for you.

1. Research and plan

Most of the people who want to become developers don’t have any particular preferences in programming or plans before they start learning. Just like said before, coding is something one can learn without attending higher educational facilities. Because going to a university or a college for 4-5 isn’t the best option, when you can visit 9-12 month courses and get even more knowledge and practice.

Alternatively, you could just find all the needed information on the Internet, and study on your own. It may seem less effective than attending specialized courses, but it’s a perfect option for those who are confident in their learning abilities. And starting the said courses will still remain available.

So, the first thing you need to know what your interests in mobile development are. Is it platform-specific apps, games, or multi-platform everyday solutions? Also, you probably should do a research and find out which programming language would be the most suitable for your needs.

But don’t worry, most people don’t even know what they want to do in particular, and have zero understanding of the differences between coding languages. Just start with the most universal variant, for example, Kotlin for Android, Swift for iOS, or C++/C#/Python as multi-platform options.

2. Learn the language

Now, it’s time to learn the basics. Attending programming courses will provide you with an education plan for the learning period itself. The only thing you need is just to follow it and study.

If you’re doing everything yourself, start watching video guides and gathering all the information about the basic aspects of the programming language. Also, it’s recommended to watch or read resources dedicated to this language and industry in general. That’s because resources that are focusing on the widest audience can provide almost no useful information, or even be deceiving sometimes.

Usually, these guides provide basic practicing exercises that one can do themselves. And there are plenty of sites that offer simple tasks for exercising too. Try to do as much of the mass as possible, and keep raising the difficulty. The more aspects of coding one masters, the easier it will be to develop an application. And of course, it ensures that you know how to solve potential issues. Trust me, there will be a whole lot of issues in your first application.

3. App Development

The time has come. If you think you’ve learned the language enough to create a program, here’s a step-by-step algorithm for this process.

  1. Idea. Every application needs an idea. It’s the reason it needs to be created in the first place. But for your first programs, don’t try to come up with something too complicated. It’s normal to use already existing simple concepts. Try to reproduce an already existing app, for example.
  2. Layout. The key to a successful development process is a good layout. Again, for the first few tries, it’s ok to use generic layouts or even find a pre-made one. But remember, it’s important to understand how and why everything is placed in a particular pattern.
  3. Coding. Now, start writing the code itself. Don’t rush yourself and pay attention to the details. There will be a lot of bugs and mistakes when you finish, it’s your first attempt after all. But try to avoid as many of them as possible during the process itself.
  4. Test. After finishing the code, test the application. Send to your acquaintances who work for app development companies for decent professional review. Ask your friends or random people on the internet to try the application. Gather all the feedback, and analyze what can be improved, what mistakes were made, the reasons they were made, and what aspects need to be studied deeper.

4. Practice

Repeat the app development process over and over again. Yes, it’s a long, meticulous, and pretty boring process. But there aren’t many alternative ways to keep increasing your application creation skills.

However, there’s one thing you can do besides it. Find app development services that may use your knowledge. That way you’ll keep practicing and expanding the knowledge while getting paid for what you already know and can.

Working for a company will double the effectiveness of a learning process. You’ll still get to code a lot while putting the skills to good use. Also, the experienced workers will probably give a lot of valuable feedback and teach you a lot. It’s like attending courses, but the one who’s getting paid is you.

The challenge here is not to give up. As said before, there will always be bugs and mistakes. Even the best programmers have the most newb-ish issues sometimes. But the more one practices, the smaller the amount of encountered problems will be.

5. Portfolio

Having a rich portfolio of different projects is crucial for every app developer out there. It’s proof of one’s experience and skill set. Start building your portfolio from the moment you develop your first application. Right, there’s no need to include every tiny calculator project of yours, but still, try to put as many of your apps into the portfolio folder as possible.

Post it on professional resources like LinkedIn, and send it with your CV  when applying for a job. Once again, it’s proof of your professionalism, and will probably be the reason for an employer to hire you.

Final Words

The algorithm of becoming a mobile app developer isn’t really complex. But it’s the time you need to spend on mastering the skills and learning all the aspects is that makes it difficult. Just keep your mindset positive, never give up, and face all the issues with a mindful approach. Good luck!


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