Why Choose React Native For Your Mobile Tech Stack

By Chandresh Patel


Back in 2013, when Facebook announced React Native, nobody knew how tremendous benchmarks would be achieved by this open-source framework in the mobile app development world. Today, this framework has set a whole new level of standards for developing functional and feature-rich mobile applications. And now, in 2021, it has become one of the leading repositories on GitHub, used by global companies like Instagram, Skype, Airbnb, Bloomberg, Pinterest, and Facebook.

This framework took its first face during a hackathon at Facebook HQ, where developers were required to create Native UI elements using JavaScript. After that, it never looked back, and now it has become one of the most preferred and widely used frameworks in the app development market.

Choosing the right technology stack for creating an application requires ample consideration, and why not? It is the foundation that decides the future of your mobile application and the business associated with it. The right technology stack not only brings your product into life but makes it functional, stable, committed, and robust for your business requirements.

To make your mobile application market-winning, we are sure that you are also looking for reliable technology that not only wins your customer’s mind but also offers you a better ROI. To help you out, we have come up with this post, which will guide you through one of the leading frameworks, React Native, that makes your application a worthwhile investment. This post will explain what benefits React Native offers your business and why businesses should go for it.

So without further ado, let’s get started-

React Native: A Framework Which Doesn’t Compromise With User Experience

Today React Native is widely used by hundreds of businesses globally, from small companies to big fortune MNCs; it is preferred by almost every business size and industry. This popular Javascript-based mobile framework allows you to develop applications for various platforms, including Android, Android TV, iOS, macOS, tvOS, Web, Windows, and UWP.

The market-giant Facebook first developed this framework as an in-house project in a hackathon event in 2013; later, it got the face of the perfect React Native framework with a few more libraries.

If we talk about its market, according to a developer survey in 2021, React Native has become the second leading cross-platform framework among developers with a percentage of 38.

developer survey in 2021

Have you ever wondered what functionality makes React Native so demanding?

The beauty of React Native is that you can Learn Once, Write Anywhere. This framework allows developers to create a code once and use it on any platform like Android and iOS, saving a lot of time, dollars, and resources.

Moreover, it empowers front-end developers in building robust, appealing, functional, and advanced mobile applications. With the evolution of technological advancements, this framework has seen various revolutionary improvements.

Moving on, let’s see the benefits businesses will get by adopting React Native as their UI framework-

Benefits Of Using React Native Framework For Mobile App Development

1. Performance

One of the compelling reasons for using React native instead of traditional web-view tools is to get your mobile application’s native look and feel. When it comes to enhancing the performance of the native modules and controls, nothing can beat React native. The reason behind it is that this framework operates by connecting the native components of both OS, i.e., Android and iOS, and proceeding to create codes for native APIs independently. With every new release, it delivers buttery-smooth UI performance than ever before.

2. Allow Third-party plugins

Third-party plugins are always preferable to add more functionality to the application, but they are not easy to implement. When it comes to installing third-party plugins with any new or other framework, developers face serious issues. Handling third-party plugins is not easy; sometimes, it conflicts with other plugins and messes up the application. But React Native eliminates all such issues; this framework is highly compatible with third-party plugins. It has a flexible platform with pragmatic interfaces which offer customization options. The flexibility of this platform works as a blessing for the developers as they can add more plugins.

3. Code reusability

Reusing codes is an important benefit of React native; this framework is highly convenient, which helps developers in saving their time and efforts by eliminating the need to write separate codes for mobile apps of different platforms. The reason behind code reusability is that it is written in Javascript. You can minimize or merge many duplicate codes by simply sharing the logic across the different versions of the application. According to experts, more than 90% of the codes of React Native can be reused between both the Android and iOS platforms.

4. Pre-built components

Another significant benefit of using React Native is its pre-built components, which makes the development faster. React native component libraries can be a huge time-saver; it comes with several components which developers can readily use to create excellent mobile applications. Usually, while building the components, the developers are required to style them to match the platform’s standards, but React Native eliminates this requirement. Native base, Teaset, Lottie, Ignite CLI, React Native UI kitten are some of the best React native components widely used by developers worldwide.

5. Practical and Simple User Interface

A simple user interface is a crucial component in the success of an application. The mobile UI of React native is extremely simple, which makes it look like the development of a JS library rather than a framework. While creating an application, the developers need to comprehend the UI part as the whole application performance depends on it. Usually, the UI designs in other frameworks take more time to load but React native reduces this time and makes the loading faster and application smoother.

Why Should Businesses Go For The React Native Framework?

As an entrepreneur, several things cross the mind to build an application that wins over the customer. Whether it is the type of application, design, development time, features, or functionalities, you must consider every factor while picking up a framework. If you are also looking to create an application with the following requirements, then it’s time for you to pick React Native as your app development framework.

If you are looking for-

  • Cross-platform development
  • Great UI/UX
  • Rapid app development
  • Faster and cost-effective solutions
  • Quality development
  • Third-party integrations
  • Enhanced performance and interactivity
  • Easier app maintenance

If all your answers are in Yes, it’s high time to go for the React native app development without any second thoughts.

Final Words

Speed and quality matter a lot in the success of an application, and React Native makes it achievable. Using this framework will help you to reduce time-to-market, save costs significantly, and offer a great user experience. Hence if you are looking for cross-platform app development in a cost-effective range, React Native is your best choice.

Many companies have trusted this framework and come with best-in-class apps, so what are you waiting for? It’s time for you to make a decision that brings value to your business. Choose React Native framework for your next mobile app development project and see what tremendous wonders this framework does.

To know the cost to build a React Native app in 2021 it is advisable to connect with the industry experts. Bring out your queries to our experts and get the best solutions that will help to make more informed and profitable decisions.

About the Author

Chandresh Patel

Chandresh Patel is a CEO, Agile coach and founder of Bacancy Technology. His truly entrepreneurial spirit, skillful expertise and extensive knowledge in the Agile software development services has helped the organisation to achieve new heights of success. Chandresh is fronting the organisation into global markets in a systematic, innovative and collaborative way to fulfill custom software development needs and provide optimum quality services.

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