Recruiting IT professionals, despite the ever-growing number of tech talent all over the world, is not an easy task at all. After all, basically, every company in the world develops some sort of digital product. To successfully find and employ top specialists in their field you will need to implement a number of techniques and tricks in your recruitment strategy. In this post, you will find some helpful tips on IT staffing.Â
Prepare a strategy
Composing a clear hiring strategy is essential to a successful process. Before you start your search for candidates you and the product owner need to think about the preferred team structure, all project requirements and features, budget and possible setbacks it may bring, and many more things. Also, it helps to discuss the future team’s culture and a list of necessary soft skills you will look for. A recruiter needs to think about the hiring tools and structure of the interviewing process before going into the active phase of IT staffing. And last, but not least, always discuss in which aspects you can be flexible and what is of utmost importance to you and can’t be compromised on. All of this will help you to move quickly during the actual hiring process and this will make a difference.Â
Analyze the market
It may seem obvious, but a thorough analysis of the job market in tech is often overlooked at the planning stage. Thankfully, there are a great variety of professional tools for recruiters and yearly researchers that can be found online today. You will need to learn about not only your local market but also conduct research all over the world. Find out everything you can about the most popular outsourcing destinations all over the globe and find some information about every country in those regions. Focus on the average salary for positions you hire for, level of tech education, English proficiency, number of skilled developers, and average employment rate. Thanks to God, you don’t need to focus on local talent at this age and you can hire IT staff recruitment remote service to help you with working with talent from overseas.Â
Work hard on job descriptions
First of all, try to compose really catchy job descriptions, especially for senior positions. High-profile expert IT professionals receive at least several messages about potential employment every day and you will need to make them pay attention to your message specifically. Also, be really clear about the requirements for every position in the development team, then you won’t have to decline dozens of beginners because of their lack of hard skills needed for the job. Also, try to include information about different possibilities for growth within a company to attract more rising talent who are looking for a long-term partnership.Â
Interviewing process
When candidates start to reach out to you, you will need to start interviewing. At the first stage, experts recommend to pre-screen candidates via text messages or with some simple test task, 15 to 30 minutes max. Try to ask them some specific questions about the hard skills necessary for the job to get rid of any unqualified candidates early on. Then, after you are left with viable developers only, you can start interviewing in person or via video calls. It is proven that most senior software developers find it irritating when companies have five stages of the interviewing process or more. Try to limit it to three, having four is also acceptable, for example, Google hires after the fourth interview, but more is an absolute no-no.Â
Work on employer’s branding
Employer branding is a crucial part of the recruitment process in this age. Young talents need to learn more about the corporate culture before starting a partnership. Try to include some information about the overall work environment, office space if the development team is not remote, all the perks possible, company’s initiatives on diversity and gender equality. All of this will not only help tech talent to be more willing to work with you, but also you to attract people who will fit into a corporate culture without any problems. When you have a clear branding strategy, the list of necessary soft skills for team members will basically compose itself.Â
Engage candidates
Always try to encourage feedback from employees, even potential ones. Open communication will help to alter recruitment strategies to be more successful. Try to receive some feedback even after unsuccessful interviews. Also, try to encourage your team members to refer any viable candidates they may know. It is proven to be a great tool for recruiting IT professionals. Of course, your employees won’t recommend someone unqualified or lacking basic soft skills, and candidates will be more likely to come work for azcompany endorsed by someone they know.Â
Be flexible
Always try to be ready for changes and think outside the box. If you are going with remote hiring, never limit yourself to only one destination. Don’t look for candidates only within a certain age group. And always try to be flexible with working arrangements. More and more IT professionals try to adjust their work-life balance and most of the companies on the market will help them with it, so don’t be too stubborn. If a senior developer with years of experience and valuable knowledge wants to have a four-day work week, it will be wiser to find some common ground than start the search all over again. Flexibility and readiness to meet your candidates’ demands can be your advantage over rival companies.
Final thoughts
Recruiting professional software developers for your project can be a headache. IT professionals are in high demand and companies sometimes fight for expert candidates. In this market, it is recommended to always meet candidates halfway and try to create working conditions as inviting as possible. Thankfully, because of the rising popularity of remote hiring, you don’t have to be limited to your local developers and can find some exciting new talents from all over the world.Â