Ladder of Success

At some point in life, you must have asked yourself what do I do to get ahead in my workplace, what do I do to get ahead in life. I put it to you that you’re not alone. There are several others around the world that seem so confused about what needs to be done to get ahead at their workplace.

An average American dream is to graduate early and start a job as an entry-level officer, but it doesn’t sound that easy. Successful CEOs and managers all around the world didn’t find it easy also, but with due diligence, determination, and consistency, you will find your way to the top soon. Having said that, there are a few tips that can help you reach the apex of your career.

How To Reach The Apex At Work

It all begins with a mindset. Never underestimate the power of your mindset. Once you are determined, everything comes easy, including reaching the ladder’s apex, but also know that success doesn’t happen overnight. It takes a long process and sacrifices.

1. Have A Positive Attitude To Work

Your attitude to whatever you come across will determine if you will succeed or not—having a strong will to take on any task puts you at an edge over other employees. When others have their mind occupied about the closing hour, you should have yours about the task for the next day. Avoid rushing home after closing hours, take your time to plan ahead for other tasks, and see how easy you will find your way to the top. A habit tracker can be useful in helping you create successful and healthy habits.

Don’t shy away from responsibilities; it is okay not to have experience handling a project, inform the management prior to that, and be willing to learn. Your willingness to help and learn won’t go unnoticed by the management. But at the same time, you shouldn’t pressure yourself and take your part easy. There are activities you can engage in daily for a positive mindset when things get hard.

2. Fulfil All Righteousness With Your Work

There is a saying that “you don’t ask for respect; you earn respect.” This can also be used in the workplace; you don’t ask for a promotion, you earn a promotion by doing all that is required of you.

Make sure to execute all projects with perfection. I know no one is perfect, but 99.9 percent is approximately 100 percent, so don’t settle for less in any of the tasks given to you by your employer. To checkmate yourself, you can seek help from your mentors or senior colleagues at work to help perfect your assignments and tasks.

3. Network With Great Minds At Work

If two heads are better than one, then multiple heads should be better than two, right? This is to keep you in check that to move farther in your career, you need great minds like yourself to lean on. 

Don’t be that moody colleague who doesn’t interact with anyone at work. This is not saying you should neglect your duties to joke around with others at work, but to have a simple friendship with them.

Networking puts you ahead of your colleagues at work since you will receive first-hand information about business opportunities before anyone else. 

4. Update Your Skills

Your work experience is a great determinant of your career at work; you need to be intentional with it by taking various online courses related to your field to put you in a strategic position for promotion. Investing in PMP certification is one major way to climb the ladder of success at work since the course certifies that you have in-depth knowledge of project management.

According to a project management salary survey, all PMP certificate holders earn 23 percent more than those who do not have the certificate; hence, earning a PMP certification qualifies you for a pay rise at work.

PMP Certificate is one of the few prestigious certificates around the world, so you can’t just dabble into taking the course. You have to be aware of the PMP certification requirements, such as proven years of project management experience and a minimum of 35 hours of project management education or a CAPM Certification.


Adopting the necessary tips on attaining success at work is great, but without the necessary tools like a positive mindset, determination, and consistency put in place, you might end up frustrated and even give up.

There is no success story without traces of failure, every successful person once had it rough, but they didn’t give up. So, don’t dwell on the bad days, but rather keep your head up and take the step one after the other to reach the apex.


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