Key Control

Keys are both symbolically and practically central to the protection of your business. Those who have access to keys also have access to the heart of your business – the physical and intellectual property that enables it to provide a valuable service on a day-to-day basis.

In order for keys to do their job of facilitating the safety of the workplace, you need to have certain key control measures in place. Here, we look at how you can effectively integrate those measures in the workplace, with maximal efficacy and minimal disruption

What is key control?

Key control consists of various systems and processes that aim to manage who has access to physical and digital keys in the workplace. Key management systems are used to ensure that management can keep track of who has access to certain spaces, enabling the company to remain compliant with relevant data security laws while at the same time increasing accountability around practical matters such as losing a key.

How can I integrate key control in the workplace?

You can integrate key control by adopting one or more of the following systems.

Key cabinets

The simplest method of key control is facilitated by using a key cabinet. Keys to various locations will be locked in these secure lockers, and only certain personnel will have access to the cabinet. Keys will often be hung on a back panel, allowing for easy identification and storage.

RFID tags

If you want to take things up a notch, it’s also possible to track keys using thin RFID tags. These allow you to locate lost keys with relative ease, avoiding wasting time that would otherwise be spent trying to find out who last had access to the key and then asking them where they’d put it.

Electronic fobs

Another option is to update your lock system so that it uses electronic key fobs. With these fobs, you can remotely limit access to certain keyholders, canceling fobs that are lost or held by employees involved in a scandal.

Software solutions

It’s important that all of these different systems can be controlled in a central location. This is most effectively done with the use of key management software. These types of software facilitate the tracking of keys, alarm management and remote updates, all from easily accessible apps.

Reach out to a specialist

The most effective way of integrating key control in the workplace is to use the expertise of a key management specialist such as KEYper systems. They’ll be able to advise on which option is most suitable for your specific work environment, based on variables such as the types of information and equipment that need protecting, the number of employees who require access, and the available budget. 

Remember that key control is an incredibly important investment; poor key control can literally put both your business and your clients at risk.


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