The first time Samuel Leach remembers being uncomfortable is as a child.

Shortly after his parents’ divorce, he, his brother and his dad ended up living in a rough area in shared housing. The family was living among drug abusers and alcoholics and, as he admits, the period was a dark and scary one. At a certain point there was only one bed between the three of them. It was then that Leach asked his dad the question no child should ever have to utter: “Who will sleep in the bed tonight?”

His dad’s reply was a noble one. He said that Leach should have the bed as he liked the drought. It was in that moment that Leach truly knew what being uncomfortable meant. It was daunting. However, it made him curious. The feeling that he was experiencing was overwhelmingly negative, but he knew that there must be a positive side to it.


The Power of Being Uncomfortable

Over the years, Leach has strived to understand the value of being uncomfortable. For that reason, he has tested himself both mentally and physically. For instance, despite having a fear of both sharks and deep water, he decided to swim one of the busiest shipping lanes. However, when he turned up to swim with a group of 20, only six people were there.

As it turned out, there was more mackerel in the sea than usual, which also meant there were more sharks. The group had been alerted to this and, naturally, most had decided to pull out of the event completely. But still, despite this worrying setback, Leach persevered.

Of course, the swim itself was no easy feat. The water was tumultuous, at points, he couldn’t see land and the motion made him physically sick. But still, he persevered. When Leach reached land once again, he was astounded by his achievement; a real testament to his physical and mental capabilities when put in a truly uncomfortable situation.

It was experiences like this one that taught him a lesson. When we are at our most uncomfortable, we can achieve greatness. This perspective runs fluidly through Leach’s professional life. Time and time again, he has managed to prove his theory right.


Battling Discomfort in Times of Crisis

Swimming in shark-infested waters is one thing, but coping with an international pandemic is quite another. As we all know too well, the current climate is an uncomfortable one. In recent months, the world has been thrust into uncertain times. Our health, livelihoods, well-being and families are all at risk. All of the above makes us feel insecure and alone.

Leach has spoken out about how to thrive during these difficult times. When buying and selling shares, uncertainty is never far away. Due to his successful career in international trading, he knows the trials and tribulations that come with unpredictable outcomes. In his time in the sector, he has learned what it means to stay secure when facing loss.

His advice on the matter is as simple as it is functional: Don’t catastrophize what you can’t control. Understanding that some things are out of your hands is a healthy attitude. The truth of the matter is that you may lose out at times. We all may lose out.

Despite this, the idea that losses are temporary can push you forward can keep you strong in the hardest of times. Nothing lasts forever. You can make the best out of any situation that comes your way. While you can’t control it, you can control your subsequent actions.

Whether you want to be successful in your personal life, international trading, or business, use Leach’s words of wisdom. Making resilience your core means that, while the world may shift around you, you can remain strong and stable. If you are feeling overwhelmed by the current circumstances, it’s worth taking note of this key message and utilizing it.


The Takeaway

Pushing out of your comfort zones is a huge leap. Safety and security are the things we’ve been taught to prioritize for obvious reasons. That’s why, when faced with a risky time as we are now, many of us find it hard to cope and maintain a sense of balance. Fortunately enough, we can learn from leaders like Leach who have thrived on discomfort.

When boiled down, Leach’s experience and advice amount to the same thing: the idea that sometimes being uncomfortable is what we all need to move forward. While we can’t control the ongoing crisis, we can focus on the future and what we need to succeed.

So, what can you take away? Regardless of the position you find yourself in now, changing your perspective and switching your attention to your inner needs is vital. In doing so, you can become more resilient, stronger and weather the waters ahead more easily.


About Samuel Leach and Samuel & Co. Trading

Samuel Leach first started trading at the age of 18 while he was at university. From that small start, he fast grew an empire. He now runs a multinational, multi-million-pound trading business based both in the UK and South Africa.

Starting with a 2K account, Leach used hedging as his main strategy and turned it into 170K. He worked for a private fund before moving on to own his own business. He has since begun teaching others how to trade and shares his insights.

Samuel & Co. Trading is a globally renowned business which was launched in 2012 by investor, trader, and author, Samuel Leach. The multinational, multi-million-pound trading company now employs a team of staff members and has offices in Watford, UK. Serving British and international clients, the business helps individuals learn the art of trading. Through training programs and one-on-one sessions, Samuel Leach and his team of experts share their unique insights and knowledge on the world of trading. 

Learning Leach’s personal trading strategies gives investors a competitive edge when it comes to accelerating their accounts. Whether you’re an investor or a junior trader, gaining some expert help and advice may help you reach your financial goals and excel. 

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