Despite the world’s inability to successfully combat Covid-19, a lot of peoples’ desire to travel has not waned. Traveling at this time may not be advisable, but whatever the reason for traveling, for some, the joy of going to see their friends, family, or loved ones is worth the risk.

If you plan to still take that vacation or business trip, you may want to do the following:

  • Weighing your reason for traveling to know if it’s worth the risk.
  • Check the travel advisory of your government to be well-informed to enable you to make the right judgments.
  • Make sure you are protected to avoid putting those you are traveling to see at-risk, especially if they are of the age of having underlying health conditions.
  • Make the perfect choice.
  • Make proper plans for your accommodation, whether at a hotel or with relatives, and follow the stipulated safety measures.
  • Take a Covid-19 test before embarking on a journey for the sake of those you are traveling to see.
  • If you are going on vacation or business, go to countries with low covid-19 cases.

What Mode of Transportation is safer?

As for which mode of transportation is safer, it is not easy to say which is safer. However, you will find driving your private car giving you more control over your safety. Though this comes with its own hitches too, ensure you have your international drivers license especially if you are crossing borders. However, you may inquire about commercial transportation companies that have adequate safety measures put in place like:

  • Hand washing and hand sanitiser products
  • Social distancing.
  • Provision of masks at information desks or various points.
  • In some instances, UV lights on handrails to kill the virus and reduce its spread.

Other ways of minimizing your risk when taking a flight include:

  • Flying at times when not many passengers are flying.
  • Avoid crowded areas like the ticket counter or baggage checks areas.

What factors should you consider before traveling during covid-19?

1. Travel Rules and Regulations.

First and most foremost, you must know that each country or region has its own Covid-19 travel rules and regulations. Travel restrictions are still active in some countries, and in some, you may need to quarantine yourself or after any travel. Knowing this will help guide you when choosing your destination before booking for your trip. Also, this is a way for you to avoid being stuck in an unknown destination.

2. Consider various risk factors.

It is not enough for you to consider only your risk factor before traveling. You also need to consider that of those you are traveling with and those you are going to see. Risk factors to consider include:

  • Age, since the virus can affect the elderly terribly.
  • Underlying health conditions as those who have such are in the high-risk category.
  • Infection rates at your destination, whether they are increasing, declining, or constant.

3. Safety of your Means of Transportation.

As earlier mentioned, various transportation means have their pros and cons, especially during the covid-19 pandemic. The task is on you to figure out how you intend to get to your destination based on the safety of that travel means. While choosing a transport means, keep in mind the following points:

  • Traveling by train or bus could mean that maintaining a distance of 6 feet from other passengers will be difficult.
  • Although traveling by your private car can prove to be very safe, ensure you have your driver’s license and minimize your stops to reduce your risk of contracting the virus.
  • While traveling by plane, avoid crowded waiting areas, follow safety regulations, and travel business class as fewer people are on these flights. Also, seats are placed to help maintain social distancing and privacy.
  • Practice Health and safety Hygiene during your before, during, and after your Travels.

Having gone through this article to this point, if still desire to travel, here are helpful tips to stay safe as you do so:

  • Have adequate personal protection and sanitary supplies like facemasks, hand sanitizer, and gloves.
  • Ensure you use your personal protection supplies, especially when in public.
  • Maintain social distancing and wash your hands with soap and running water.
  • Avoid dining in a crowded place and instead, opt for takeout.
  • If you or anyone you are traveling with falls sick, go to a health facility for testing.


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