
SizeGenetics is the top-ranked penis enlargement device on Google and this has gained massive popularity because of it’s before and after results. We decided to dig into SizeGenetics features and results, what we found are the unbelievably effective mechanism behind it. Click Here to See the Before and After Results

Real ways to increase size involve the traction method which not every brand delivers; you can take an example of herbal or pharmaceutical supplements that works from inside the body and promote blood circulation which is okay. But the main problem to most men is the small penis size and since we all know “Size Does Matter” so we try to find real ways to increase penis size rather than using male enhancement supplements which are only made for libido-increasing purposes. 

Every man indeed wants to achieve the bigger size but only a few put the effort. Especially in purchasing the best penis extender devices that are all over since 1995. In 2022, there are numerous penis extenders available but they are not approved by the FDA. 

SizeGenetics Extenders

SizeGenetics is one of the most highlighted penis enlargement devices which offers 4 different types of penis extenders. These are also known as medical-grade devices approved by the FDA to provide a solution for men who have either:

  • Peyronie’s Disease (Bend-Penis Syndrome)
  • Micro Penis (Small Penis Size Unable to Perform Sexual Intercourse)

These conditions occur due to hormonal imbalance or hereditary abnormalities, Size Genetics mechanism restores the balance mechanism and helps men to gain the ideal penis size. 

Using SizeGenetics Extender, you could avoid the high expensive surgical procedures for penis enlargement and all the risks involved with it. The device can deliver permanent results and there have been lots of scientific justifications behind this. As per the FDA regulations, SizeGenetics extender is approved by the FDA that is made in top-quality facilities and recommended by health care professionals around the world. Click Here to Visit SizeGenetics Official Website

How Does SizeGenetics Work?

The cause of micro-penis is the failure in cellular multiplication, using SizeGenetics, users will experience micro-tear and cell duplications in the penile muscle. This muscle upon healing becomes larger and firmer than before which invites maximum blood supply at the site. 

Penis traction devices like SizeGenetics work the same way, by supplying gentle and constant stretch to Corpora Cavernosa. This part of the penis holds the blood during erection time. The gentle and constant pressure on the cells dwelling in Corpora Cavernosa started to splits away and just like muscle building phenomenon the penis muscles become larger in size. 

With SizeGenetics, you could apply around 2,800 grams of traction force which is double the force other penis traction devices offer. 

SizeGenetics Before and After

Penis extender guarantees precise results but they don’t appear overnight. The mechanism of action of SizeGenetics is not so fast or not so slow, it’s steady and requires somewhere between 3-9 months. Actually, this is the natural process required for penis size extension, there is no shortcut unless you are good to go for invasive surgery. 

Here is what SizeGenetics Before and after effects look like.

With painless stretch, SizeGenetics creates an environment where you give your penis a heck of a workout to grow in size. 

There is a chance you could grow 0.4-1cm per 14 days use and get 2-3 inches in size over 6 months. It’s recommended to take measurements of your penis size every month to notice the changes. Sex drive boost is the apparent benefit of SizeGenetics Extender since there is a large room for sexual appetite now. 

Remarkable self-confidence in bedroom, reinvigorating sexual desires. The stretching method invites the rock-hard erection that seems impressive to your partner. One of the after-effects of SizeGenetics that many users like is the long-lasting control over ejaculation; this makes sexual intercourse long-lasting and full of pleasure. 

SizeGenetics Results 

Using SizeGenetics extender is easy and results may vary from person to person. Again, it depends on the frequency of use and how long you wear it on daily basis. At first, wearing the device seems a load on your dick but as time passes roughly after 2-3 days you are going to be habitual of this. 

You can perform other activities throughout the day and forget about the device. Men from most regions of the world used the SizeGenetics penis enlargement device for 4 months and they received up to 2 inches penis size with remarkable girth enhancement. There is no limit of how much size you can attain using the SizeGenetics extender, if you manage to use it for a year, you can achieve extra size for sure. 

There is a benefit of using a premium penis extender like SizeGenetics, it’s comfy and can be worn for a long time. Medical grade penis extenders are not just used to achieve a larger size penis but help to redefine the shape and curvature of the penis. 

How to Use SizeGenetics Effectively?

Using SizeGenetics for the first time isn’t a big deal, users just need to strap in and start the stretching mechanism. It’s sensational to feel your penis growing while you feel kegel exercise is being done by a device on your penis shaft and tip. 

It is mentioned on the label of the package about HOW TO USE SIZEGENETICS in a correct way. Additional tips to remember are:

  • Make sure to start with slow traction force and for a short time being. Around 1 hour is enough after which you could do it for 1.5 hours until you can bear the pressure for 6 hours straight!
  • Using SizeGenetics extender in full tension may sprain your penis muscles and this much tension is only comfortable when you have been wearing it for weeks. 
  • Wearing SizeGenetics for 8 hours straight isn’t a healthy choice, instead, you could divide this time into 4 segments and wear 2 hours each time. 
  • Every week, take a day off to provide relaxation to penile muscles. 
  • Always measure your penis size on monthly basis, you could start feeling the changes in centimeters which at times might be of significance. 
  • No matter how long it would take, stick with SizeGenetics for it may not be able to give you ideal penis size but users must get trembling stamina to perform sexual intercourse with wholesome levels of energy and confidence.

How to Choose the Best Penis Extender in 2022?

Below highlighted points are the top factors to consider before choosing a penis extender in 2022. 

  1. Penis Extenders must have a European Quality Certification which is proof that your device is made in Europe or US. This makes it fall under the well-designed standards and protocols used by European and American companies. In this case, SizeGenetics is made by DadaMedic which is an FDA-approved company. 
  2. Make sure which type of Penis Extender you are buying for yourself. In 2022, there are 3 types of extenders on the market. The first one is a Strap-Mounted Barbell Device, then Vacuum Device that holds the penis head in a vacuum-sealed chamber. The 3rd type is the Combination Device that merges both technologies in a single penis extender. 
  3. Side Effects of the penis extender should be monitored before purchasing. Make sure to buy a device that offers more results and minimal painful traction for a shorter time. Since you need to wear a penis traction device for 8-12 hours daily, make sure you buy the one that doesn’t cause penis fracture due to exceeding traction or pressure. Or you can choose a SizeGenetics like device which has options for adjusting the tension and changing the setting according to your requirements. 
  4. Best Penis Extender must be easy to set up and easy to wear. 

Where to Buy SizeGenetics?

SizeGenetics is an FDA-approved, medical-grade, and effective penis extender that isn’t strictly available at the outer sources. To make a point, we would like users to stop searching for the following terms if they want to purchase SizeGenetics at a reasonable price. 

SizeGenetics Amazon

Not every Amazon user is able to find SizeGenetics device simply because it is not being sold at Amazon. In 2021, consumers’ review about SizeGenetics expressed the grief and contempt they had to go through while ordering extenders from Amazon. This goes without saying SizeGenetics extender is best bought from the official webpage only. 

SizeGenetics GNC, Walmart, Costco, Walgreens, and Walmart

Every store that has been mentioned does not sell SizeGenetics for sure. FDA-approved penis extenders aren’t available at these stores and unless you find SizeGenetics at the exact same price as the official webpage, do not buy it from elsewhere. 

SizeGenetics Extender Price

The official website of SizeGenetics presents the 4 different packages that contain a specific set of add-ons designed for a particular purpose. 

The prices for SizeGenetics Extender packages are mentioned below. 

  1. Curvature and Peyronie’s Package at $299.95
  2. Ultimate System + Zestra Package at $299.95
  3. Comfort Package at $249.95
  4. Value Edition at $199.95

Click Here to Buy SizeGenetics from the official Website

The Curvature and Peyronie’s Package is the updated version of the standard version of the SizeGenetics device. The package contains additional products like extra silicon tubes, a gauge, and an extra dual-functional front piece with an extra plaster on the top of the set. This package is used by men who have bent penis. 

The comfort package comes with different sets of elongation bars, silicone tubes, a set of keys and no-slip Protech advanced comforter plaster around 3M in size. 

The ultimate system + Zantra set of SizeGenetics improves the product’s purchase by adding different products with it. This involves accelerated cream moisturizer and traction talcum powder instead that is available in the same price. 

SizeGenetics Customer Reviews

We collected the data from Size Genetics customers who tried this penis extender for the first time and shared their before and after results online. 

My wife and I were skeptics about it first, using a penis extender is something we saw in the movies and serials but not in reality. After seeing men gaining enormous size from using medical-grade devices, I started the program of SizeGenetics for a few months. In the first month, I noticed challenging effects in my penis which was nothing but the size enlargement, with over 1-inch gains in the 2nd month I applied SizeGenetics for 3 months more. Considerably, I attained 5 inches dick and I am now on 8 inches!! Needless to say, my wife is enthralled by this and it pleases her more than before (duh!!!). From me, SizeGenetics is a must-try!! Shawn Bellucci

There is no age limit for penis growth and that I learned after using SizeGenetics. Entering my 50’s, I was hoping to get something for myself so that I could dive into the pond of youth once again. Choosing SizeGenetics aimed to perform the exercises that I normally couldn’t do. It’s true what daily traction could do to your penile muscles, it opens them in an agreed way after which you get an automatic craving for sex.

I tried SizeGenetics for 6 months straight, each day I’d use it for 6 hours at different times. Glad to see my reproductive organ’s length and girth were improved and this impacted my sexual lives with young girls tremendously. From my performance, they couldn’t say that I am in my late 50’s and that I own to SizeGenetics. Peter Grohl

I purchased the standard package of SizeGenetics 8 months before I was getting married. It has been a year to my marriage and I am still using SizeGenetics!!! I had a decent size dick and what I wanted was escalated sexual stamina which Penis Extenders works on. Can’t stop me from saying but the device gave me additional 2 inches and what amazes my wife more is the pleasure she receives from me in every pound.

I was a victim of premature ejaculation and that problem is long gone! You can have so many sex-related benefits using SizeGenetics extender in 2022, just like I did!

Proven Benefits of SizeGenetics

What SizeGenetics extender offer is unlike any penis extender seen in 2022. Here is a glimpse of SizeGenetics’s benefits. 

  • Superior Quality: Special medical grade material is used to design SizeGenetics that delivers an amazing comfort level. 
  • Years of Experience: SizeGenetics is a top product, made by a company that has over 25 years of experience in this field. The company is reputable and spends a huge sum of cash on clinical studies on its brands. 
  • Effective Traction: The traction is of the right amount and type that delivers optimal results when it turned low. You cannot find any other penis extender on the market that offers such a versatile range of tractions that users can control easily. 
  • Ultimate Comfort: Some men indeed have a phobia of inserting the penis into fake vaginas and extenders. Consider this a part of their personality, SizeGenetics extender has a comforting pad which isn’t seen in cheap penis extenders available. 
  • High-Quality Results: Using this device for only 6 months could lead to optimal results which are 2-4 inches increment in penis length and up to 3 inches in girth. 
  • Self-Confidence like Never Before: Once you have gained 3 inches extra, ultimately it will affect your confidence level of yours. 

SizeGenetics Reviews Summary

The penis extenders market is a huge one and this lacks durable, comfortable, and effective penis extenders. SizeGenetics is an all-in-one extender that can be used without expecting hazardous outcomes. It doesn’t cause penis fracture and the results appear in no time- lesser than most penis extenders available in 2022. 

Any man can use SizeGenetics who wishes to increase the penis size or improve penis curvature. Peyronie’s disease is a clinical condition in which males have to go through problems while urinating or performing sex. With 2,800 grams of traction force acting on your penis, the symptom would be alleviated in 2 months’ time period. 

If you are thinking straight, you might jump into SizeGenetics for a larger, straighter, and vivacious penis. 

SizeGenetics FAQ’s

How long should I use SizeGenetics in a day?

After unboxing the package, you must start with a brief time period. Then you can use it for 6 hours a day for 2-3 months. 

When will I start noticing a difference in penis size?

SizeGenetics users must keep using the device for 2 months WITHOUT expecting the results. It is after 60 days cellular duplication becomes permanent and it reveals in your penis size. 

Is SizeGenetics painful?

Initially, you will feel little soreness with SizeGenetics which is nothing to be alarmed about. Even physical workout in the starting point is associated with muscle soreness which disappears over time. Once your penile muscles are flexed, you could do more with the SizeGenetics device. 

Is there any refund policy?

You must use SizeGenetics for 6 months first to get a refund. SizeGenetics’s official website has a refund policy that has a few factors to consider before applying for it. 

Will SizeGenetics help with a curved penis?

SizeGenetics Curvature and Peyronie package is designed for the same purpose. To rectify bend penis curvature and improve the shape of it than before. It’s a clinically approved remedy for Peyronie’s disease which men in the US are suffering from. 

For how long you could wear SizeGenetics Extender?

Wearing SizeGenetics for too long is not recommended because it might lead to a sore penis. 

Are SizeGenetics results permanent?

According to the manufacturer statement, SizeGenetics’s continuous use could lead to visible improvements. Because the cells are formed at the empty area of the penis and this might be a permanent size gain for users. Never lose consistency while using the device, an integral point to remember for permanent results. 

Can SizeGenetics be worn in public or while sleeping?

You can wear SizeGenetics if you are wearing loose trousers or pants. Wearing tight pants or trousers may hinder the extender’s functionality and might cause injury while working. You can wear SizeGenetics during sleep but make sure you don’t turn around. 

Can you have sex while already under the treatment process?

The continuous traction has already increased the blood flow to the penis that leading to a quality erection. In short, yes you can have sexual intercourse but before you lose the extender.

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