
Juicep Upp offers an absolute range of bodybuilding supplements favoring every key aspect of your bodybuilding. This includes bulking, cutting, brain boosters, stress relievers, performance and strength enhancers. Overall, the legal steroids are of great assistance in coming up to the expectations and delivering more than you expect. With their natural, safe, and 100% scientifically proven ingredients, all you do is gain in the fitness front! Click Here to Visit Official Juiced Upp Website

Fitness and its craze seem more like some trend that doesn’t show signs of fading or leveling off anytime soon. And why so, after all, it contributes to the healthy functioning of brain while ensuring a perfect aesthetic build. 

Essentially, bodybuilding is one of the advanced forms of fitness. It is an ongoing practice that involves some arduous set of exercises to promote the growth and development of muscles. Similarly, weightlifters, sportsmen, and athletes perform different, yet rigorous workouts to achieve fitness suitable for their respective goals. This obsession to work on the body has paved way for a billion dollar industry revolving around the selling and purchasing of mass gainers and performance enhancers. 

Yes, bodybuilders commonly resort to bulking substances that aim to increase their muscle mass. These dedicated agents also go a long way in reducing the fat percentage so that the muscles appear shaper. Interestingly, these agents equally attract athletes and sportsmen with their promising powers to electrify their performance. 

However, majority of the companies making these performance enhancement supplements are run by top-level marketers. This indicates that many of these may not be as effective or perhaps, as save as they would market. Some of these include steroids and other powerful substances that may help you with your goals, but jeopardize your health. All in all, there is always some degree of risk for the potential buyers while choosing a brand. 

What is Juiced Upp?

Juiced Upp is a promising brand offering a quality range of performance enhancing supplements for bodybuilders and athletes. The company began its operations in London in 2017, but continues to work from California these days.   

The purpose of the company has always been explicit. The manufacturers wanted to come up with a set of formulas that can mimic the effects of anabolic steroids. However, the fundamental catch of the concept was to produce these formulas through natural, handpicked ingredients from across the world. 

Natural ingredients have always served us with some of the most effective solutions with no risks attached. And so, with utmost dedication, expertise, and research, the manufacturers have delivered a remarkable range of natural supplements giving you the power to bulk, cut, improve physical and mental health, and reach your performance peak. 

Juiced Upp is a sister company of Health Nutrition Limited that has always believed in natural solutions. These solutions have helped not few but millions of fitness enthusiasts, mass gainers, and athletes achieve their goals. Essentially, the production of the products coming from Juiced Upp is conducted in the USA meeting the international quality standards. 

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Juiced UPP Supplements Review

These substances are FDA approved and GMP certified while scoring 99.4% in the quality department. 

The amazing range of Juiced Upp brings everything a gym-goer may need. With this, keep in mind that the dietary formulas of the brand are great in supporting any goal related to:

  • Muscle Building
  • Intense Fat loss
  • Muscle definition
  • Muscle strength
  • Stamina and endurance
  • Virility and physical power
  • High grade performance
  • Mental sanity, power, and wellbeing
  • Thoroughly researched herbal compounds
  • Grade AAA ingredients
  • Money Back Guarantee
  • Side effects free
  • Free worldwide delivery

Currently, the range of Juiced Upp supplements revolve around the following set of formulas:

1. Hulkster32:

Hulkster32 is a dedicated natural steroid for men keen to lift up the making of testosterone through a natural mechanism. The dietary supplement has a great role in turning your body into a testosterone-making machine essential to pack on mass. According to the experts, Hulkster32 does not support temporary gains in the muscle and strength that you lose over time. As a matter of fact, it is a solid, foolproof formula that braces your body to sustain all its gains.

Hulkster32 is all about quality muscles and increased power output. It allows you to move faster towards your goals and build your ideal physique with maximum efficiency. Throughout the cycles, the natural extracts in the supplement promises you:

  • Significant increase in muscle size
  • Crazy strength levels
  • Higher performance in gym
  • Faster and improved recovery
  • Better mental capacity
  • Faster fat loss 
  • Prevents muscle wasting

The supplement is a mix of androgenic hormone and natural herbs that slap on size in a matter of months. There are ingredients like DHEA, Tribulus terrestris, Tongkat Ali, and Rhodiola that spark and enhance the growth of testosterone. Testosterone is an anabolic hormone that kick starts the production of muscles, builds strength and reduces unnecessary deposition of fats. 

Other ingredients like deer antler velvet and alpha lipoic acid further work on areas like better stamina and energy. With Octacosanol in the recipe, you notice rapid muscle recovery making your experience a more fulfilling one with Hulkster32. 

The recommended dose of the herbal formula is 1 capsule that you can take with your meal. It is shipped all over the world and there are no charges of delivery. In terms of safety, it scores the best as there are no terrible side effects of using Hulkster32. Ideal for mass gainers and athletes, it can ideally serve all the fitness freaks in quest of boosted power!

2. Beast Mix:

Beast Mix changes the dynamics of your fitness. It is a natural, safe, and strong recipe designed to stimulate a healthy production of testosterone in the body. The legal steroid is formulated for men determined to build on solid muscle mass. The formula is highly-researched and scientifically backed as essentially a harmless and quickest way to target testosterone production. The hard work of experts resulted in a product that helps to load mass in a matter of months. Moreover, the effects guarantee long-term benefits which will efficiently help you reach your goals. 

Beneficially, Beast Mix is packed with perks that are dedicated to helping you achieve your ideal body in no time. The dietary supplement promises to deliver: 

  • Significant increase in strength levels
  • Noticeable growth in muscle size 
  • Improved mental capacity 
  • Higher functioning potential in gym 
  • Reduction in recovery time
  • An escalation in endurance level 

The advantages do not end here. The legal supplement is loaded with natural ingredients that essentially target the key aspects of your body-building journey. Tongkat Ali jumpstarts the production of muscle mass and speeds up the fat loss process while leveling up your strength. Energy depletion after a high-energy workout is common, and that is why Rhodiola comes across as the most trusted extract. It helps you gain your much-needed stability back. Tribulus Terrestris kick starts the mass building by safely stimulating the production of testosterone. 

Other key ingredients include Glutamine, Fatty Acids, ATP, Cinnamon Bark, and ProHydrolase, all benefitting in their own useful way. The best attribute of this recipe is that it does not impose any harmful side effects on its use. The naturally driven ingredients guarantee absolute safety and non-toxic mechanism in your body. 2 scoops per day guarantee irreversible gains for our fitness freaks keen to develop long-term muscle size and energy. 


Triple X is a natural and safe legal steroid that stimulates the production of testosterone. Essentially, the elevated and healthy amount of this anabolic hormone naturally prepares your body to build mass and endurance. The designated formula aims men eager to gain muscles and enhance their strength levels.

The recipe generates long-term benefits while speeding up the process of bodybuilding. It is a versatile product that helps you achieve your desired physique in a matter of months. Triple X is a dedicated formula that covers most of the essentials in your bodybuilding journey. The goodness of natural extracts assures to deliver: 

  • High performance in the gym 
  • Accelerated endurance 
  • Boosted strength levels 
  • Reduction in recovery times 
  • Enhances blood circulation 

Triple X is packed with ingredients that aim to boost up your training capacity. It gives you energy while safely tuning you into that big, bad beast mode! Ginseng is the key ingredient that has been proven to charge your immune system and give you that surge of energy and stamina. When it comes to those hardcore workouts, this extract smashes your mental and physical limits to outperform through the sessions. 

Tongkat Ali is another main element that not only helps to gain mass in bulk but also raises your stamina. Moreover, it noticeably aids to reduce fats in your body. Other natural herbs strengthening the effects of Triple X are Maca, Sarsaparilla, Licorice Root, and many more. In conjunction, these components target and favor every aspect of your bodybuilding process. 

The natural supplement effectively negates the harmful drawbacks that come with the anabolic steroids. This indicates that you can now build your dream body without the fatal side effects. 2 capsules everyday of this holy-grail product are all you need to take your workout sessions to the next level!


Hashtag Lean is a potent and strong formula created to safely promote fat loss while maintaining your muscle size. Since the stubborn fat after bulking is almost inevitable, Hashtag Lean aims to be your savior! The recipe of the natural steroid is highly-researched and experimented with by the experts, hence, guaranteeing safe and prominent results. 

Hashtag Lean is loaded with advantages that will jumpstart your fat cutting process. The blend of natural ingredients that houses in the dietary supplement helps to improve your metabolism. As the body gets into a fat-loss momentum, it begins to burn higher amount of fat at a faster pace. 

Hashtag Lean will give you noticeable results from your first cycle and promises:

  • Safe and faster reduction in fats
  • Increased metabolic rate 
  • Improved strength levels 
  • Lower appetite to curb caloric intake

The dietary formula is brimming with a powerful mix of components that help you achieve your ideal body. Green tea is a well-known, ancient remedy that specifically helps to increase your metabolism and burn calories even while sleeping! Garcinia Cambogia is also a key ingredient that mainly focuses on fat loss by safely blocking the fat-making enzymes. Grapefruit powder and Kelp not only suppress the absorption of fat into your body but also activates fat-burning catalysts. Acai Berries and Apple Cider Vinegar are some other essential elements to help you in your fat cutting journey. 

Hashtag Lean makes it possible to attain that shredded, dream physique while generating zero side effects. The scientifically backed natural supplement is the quickest and safest way to slash the unnecessary fat from your body.  The ideal dose of the legal steroid is 1 capsule every two days, preferably with your meals. 


Mind Power is a strong, all-natural recipe formulated to unleash crazy mental power. The legal steroid is concocted to improve your mental health by significantly increasing your focus and attention. In the bodybuilding journey, mental stability is as important as physical health and that is why a booster like Mind Power is much-needed. 

The well-researched and trusted dietary supplement heightens your concentration and attention span for a better focus. It effectively works to give you better memory, laser-sharp focus, and a stable and organized mind. Furthermore, it lightens your mood by targeting the serotonin levels in the body. 

The blend of the finest, natural extracts productively works together to smash those mental barriers blocking your full potential. The top-rated natural steroid aims to deliver:

  • Boosted focus and memory
  • Enhanced mental energy 
  • Lighter mood and prevention of mood swings 
  • Significant reduction in stress and anxiety 
  • Increased brain power 

The essential element behind this booster is Ginkgo which specifically helps to improve brain performance while sustaining your mood. It further decreases any signs of stress or anxiety. St John’s wort is an ancient ingredient that aims to significantly improve mental health. Phosphatidylserine effectively protects your brain cells and enhances your memory as well as sharpens your mind. 

L-Carnitine is known to fuel your mind which gives it that boost of energy it lacks. To improve your brain’s cognitive functioning, N-Acetyl L-Carnitine HCl is the most trusted element. Other key component includes Vinpocetine, an extract proven to accelerate blood flow and improve memory and focus. 

Essentially, the results of Mind Power are long-lasting and quick. It guarantees safe and healthy results in a matter of months. To make it function at its full potential, take 1 capsule 1-2 times daily and expect the guaranteed change. 


Power Upp is a strong, potent muscle booster that is dedicated to helping you gain rock-hard mass in a matter of months. It is specifically brewed to stimulate the healthy and safe production of testosterone as the anabolic hormone is essential to pack on mass and achieve your ideal physique faster. Moreover, it also helps you gain stamina so you can perform better with your workout sessions in the gym. 

The experts of Juiced upp have thoroughly tested and experimented the formula, which guarantees safe and long-lasting results. Essentially, Power Upp is proven and trusted to deliver:

  • Increased testosterone levels
  • Enhanced performance in the gym 
  • Better energy and stamina 
  • Significantly high endurance 
  • Reduced recovery times 

The blend of its finest and top-quality ingredients targets every aspect of your journey, specifically to load mass quicker. Polypodium Vulgare is an ancient powder proven to improve your immune system and balance your mental health. Tongkat Ali extract builds up muscle mass and accelerates fat loss while slapping on energy and stamina.

 To heighten the testosterone levels in the body, Saw Palmetto is our most trusted component. Muira Puama takes your gymming to the next level as it fuels muscle production and provides energy to endure workouts. Essentially, Maca is also our popularly-used anabolic herb which aims to stabilize hormones and enhance your performance in athletics and sports. Other equally important components include Ginseng, L-arginine, and horny goat weed.  

The recommended dose of Power upp is 2 capsules daily preferably with meals for optimal results. So why risk your health with fatal drawbacks when you can get better and quicker results with Power Upp? 


During a cutting cycle, the main goal of the mass gainer is to burn excess fat while sustaining the muscle size. Shredder is a powerful potion formulated to melt off unnecessary fats hiding in your body. The thermogenic dietary supplement raises your internal temperature and heightens your metabolic rate. As a result, the body effectively and consistently functions to slash the stubborn fat away. 

The prime factor of the natural steroid is its ability to use the energy sitting as fats in the body. The formula is concocted after thorough testing and promises strong and noticeable results from the first cycle. 

Shredder is all about cutting fats, increasing power output, and retaining muscle size. Essentially, the fat burning journey with Shredder promises: 

  • Significant fat loss 
  • Heightened strength levels 
  • Appetite suppression

The range of top-rated ingredients in Shredder works to help you direct you towards your dream physique in no time. Green Coffee Beans are popularly used to suppress appetite. It promotes blood glucose levels and increases metabolism, all of which are dedicated to reducing fats. Another key element that houses the legal steroid is Garcinia Cambogia. It contains a special active substance that aids weight loss at a much faster pace. 

Green Tea is a trusted remedy to safely cut back fats and stimulate weight loss. It is rich in anti-oxidants and flushes out any harmful toxins from your body while using up the stored energy. The natural supplement also contains Raspberry Ketones that supply energy while increasing metabolic rate to melt off excess fat.  

Shredder is backed by science and experimental research as the safest and quickest means of fat loss. No harmful side effects, no fatal drawbacks except cutting and gaining. For best results, the recommended dosage is 2 capsules with meals every day.   


Bodybuilders are always on the lookout for bulking and strengthening their bodies. While this benefits their long-term body goals, the routine can be pretty hectic and stressful. Rest and sleep play a critical part in developing the body’s ability to unwind and come back even stronger. Sweet Dreamzz is a product especially built to naturally improve the quality of your sleep cycle. The boosted circadian rhythm that comes with Sweet Dreamzz helps you recharge and energize after intense workout sessions. 

Fuelling your body with this energy booster is a safe and quick way to get through hardcore physical training. The tried and tested ingredients naturally prevent your body from extreme burnouts and kick starts your day full of stamina!

Along with instant, long-lasting results, Sweet Dreamzz aims to deliver: 

  • Deep and sound sleep 
  • Enhanced energy levels 
  • Significantly reduces stress 
  • Stabilizes moods 

The mixture of natural extracts works to give your body much-needed relaxation and a full night’s sleep. The Magnesium that houses in the concoction increases GABA levels, which aims quality sleep and relaxation. It significantly reduces stress and anxiety and balances your mental health. GABA enables your mind and body to take a step back and relax after a tiring workout. 

Essentially, Mucuna Pruiens stimulates Levodopa and Dopamine found to improve mood and achieve sound and quality sleep. 5-HTP and Melatonin are a powerful combo residing in Sweet Dreamzz. The mix improves sleep quality by increasing Melatonin levels. 

Beneficially, other key ingredients such as Philodendron are rich in antioxidants. It calms the mind and enables the body to effectively rest. L-Theanine has a special soothing effect on your body which aids in a deep, restful sleep. 2 capsules taken at bedtime guarantee the most fulfilling experience!


Star Mkii is a strong, intense formula fashioned to target bulking in the body. For mass gainers keen to develop their muscle size, a booster as strong as Star Mkii is essential. The dedicated natural steroid jumpstarts the production of testosterone and helps you gain mass in bulk at a faster pace. Moreover, it stimulates fat cutting while effectively providing energy and stamina to smash through intense workouts. 

Approved scientifically, the dietary supplement aims to give you long-term results. It is a foolproof, tested mechanism that has an endless list of benefits like:

  • Accelerate mass gain 
  • Reduce recovery times 
  • Cuts excess body fat
  • Crazy strength levels 

The combination of first-rate, natural ingredients generates quality bulking in the body and helps to slap on mass quickly. Tribulus Terrestris is a known and tested way to elevate testosterone levels, which charges your body to load muscle mass. It efficiently heightens strength and stamina for higher performance in the gym. 

Star Mkii houses Bulbine Natalensis that is a solid method to jolt your body into making testosterone. This is the most trusted element for bodybuilders as it imposes no toxicity at all. It not only works for the betterment of physical health but is equally convincing for mental health. Acetyl-L-Carnitine is the key component that disposes the excess fat right out of your body. It naturally functions to use fats as energy so that you can make the most from! 

Muira Puama is a remedy that comes from Brazil and is known to boost stamina. With the element residing in Star Mkii, the manufacturers guarantee crushing through all the intense physical training.  Take 3capsules before breakfast to see full, safe, and effective results from this powerful recipe! 

10. RAD MAX:

Rad Max is a strong, foolproof method to gain mass and develop muscles in bulk. The natural alternative to Testolone rad-140 strips off the harmful side effects associated with the latter. The formula of Rad Max is an all-in-one package that targets bulking and heightens strength. With the increased levels of stamina, it promises better performance in and out of the gym. With the boosting abilities as potent as Rad Max, it turns bulking an easy job within weeks. The dietary formula aims muscle building while cutting unnecessary fats and turning them into an energy-producing machine.

Well-researched and tested by experts, Rad Max guarantees results you can enjoy for a long time. Essentially, the powerful testosterone booster and strength enhancer promises: 

  • Defined, slender muscles 
  • No water gains 
  • Prominent veins called vascularity 
  • Boosted strength and endurance

The intense potion brings us the goodness of Vitamins, minerals, and natural extracts of plants. Each element works efficiently to target different areas of the bodybuilding process. 

Vitamin D3 aims to strengthen bones and make your heart and lungs perform better. It helps to lock in Calcium essential for strong bones. Moreover, the vitamin promotes fat loss while building muscles and stamina. Vitamin B6 cut stubborn fat and balance amino acid in the blood.  

The recommended dose of Rad Max is 3 capsules 20 minutes before breakfast for safe, effective, and permanent results. 


The name of the product perfectly entails its goals. For men eager to slap on mass and build muscle size, Muscle Upp is the ultimate booster to opt for. It is a natural, strong, and intense formula that mainly focuses on accelerating testosterone levels. The improved and safe alternative to Ligandrol is proven to load mass in bulk. It kick starts the production of the anabolic hormone, testosterone, which safely targets bulking and strengthening. 

Muscle Upp promises noticeable and instant results from the first cycle. Essentially, the benefits are proven to be long-lasting and do not support any temporary gains. The high-performance potion is keen on giving you those lean, slender, and defined muscles while supplying you a boost of stamina to break through the hardcore workouts. The intake of this fuel helps you achieve your dream body in less than no time! 

The mix of natural ingredients that house in Muscle Upp promise:

  • Significant gains in muscle mass
  • Reduced recovery times between workouts 
  • Higher strength levels 
  • Sharp focus and attention 

The blend of effective and natural extracts aid to help you bring closer to your ideal physique. The dedicated recipe brings ingredients like Vitamin D3 which is essential to strengthen up your bones. MSM is a plant extract containing sulfur that mainly focuses on reducing strain after heavy exercise. It noticeably lessens your recovery time between workouts so you can smash through reps at an even faster pace. 

Muscle Upp is a house of natural, plant extracts including the root of the Suma plant. It is an effective remedy to boost blood circulation and rev up the performance in athletics. 3 capsules 20 minutes before breakfast are all you need to take your bodybuilding game to the next level! 


Cutting fats without losing muscle can be a tricky task most of the time. For men keen to melt off the fat whilst retaining mass, Burn Boost comes across as a dedicated formula. The strong potion effectively enhances the fat-burning potentials in the body while the highly-researched formula promises you a slender physique in a matter of months! 

The concoction of natural ingredients that resides in Burn Boost increases the internal temperature and enhances the metabolic rate. It promises to deliver:  

  • Noticeable fat loss
  • Suppressed appetite 
  • Sustain your muscle size 
  • Rapid and healthy fat burning even at rest

The supplement contains Garcinia cambogia that suppresses your binging habits and uses your hidden fats as energy. It enhances your blood sugar levels and metabolism, targeting rapid fat cutting. Garcinia cambogia also inhibit fat-producing enzymes. Griffonia simplicifolia composes 5-HTP that significantly lessens your appetite. It controls the appetite-producing hormones so you are less likely to overeat.

Guarana is an ancient remedy popular for its therapeutic properties. It imposes tons of benefits like enhanced metabolism, boosts energy, heightens strength, reduces stress, and improves heart health.  Other natural ingredients include bitter orange thrives and Vitamin B3 that further work on areas like fat melting. 

The natural alternative to Andarine S-4 aims to give you fast and safe results without the noxious side effects. To reach its full potential, the manufacturers recommend 3 capsules 20 minutes before breakfast. 


Enduro Lean is a dedicated natural steroid prepared with natural ingredients that aim to target rapid fat cutting. In the body-building journey, burning excess fat is equally important as bulking. Fat stores hidden energy in them and that is why a booster is essential to uncover the body’s natural potential. Enduro Lean stimulates the body’s internal temperature which increases the metabolic rate. This productive mechanism helps to melt the stubborn fat right off your body. 

The healthy alternative to Cardarine is thoroughly tested and experimented, and promises long-lasting, sustaining results that you can enjoy. Less fat guarantees defined and slender muscles. With Enduro Lean, you can achieve a shredded, chiseled physique in a matter of months! The powerful formula assures to deliver: 

  • Enhanced fat loss
  • Escalated strength and energy levels 
  • Increased muscle endurance 
  • Sustained muscle size 

The all-natural recipe houses a mix of effective extracts that target areas like fat loss and lean muscles. Dioscorea nipponica revitalizes heart health, improves digestion, and is exceptional for bone strength. It further balances blood sugar and enhances metabolism. The multi-purpose agent also suppresses appetite owing to its fiber-rich content. 

Ginseng is an ancient remedy and a strong strength enhancer. Loaded with antioxidants, it significantly helps to reduce inflammation while increasing strength and negating fatigue. 

Tribulus Terrestris is our most trusted element that jumpstarts healthy and natural production of testosterone. The anabolic hormone then loads mass at a quicker pace and builds stronger muscles. The combination of other key ingredients such as Acetyl-l-carnitine (ALC) accelerates metabolic rate. It also transforms fats into energy so that your body gets the maximum goodness. 

Cutting fat without any drawbacks is now possible with Enduro Lean. However, that does not mean any compromise on those rock-hard muscles gained through sweat and blood. All it takes is 3 capsules 20 minutes before breakfast to gain maximum efficiency. 


Thermo Tone is a powerful, potent fat shredder that effectively targets unnecessary fats hiding in your body. The dietary supplement promises to strip the fat and uncover essential energy for healthy and productive functioning of the body. Mass gainers keen on building muscle size knows the drawbacks that follow bulking. Thermo Tone aims to cut fat and uplift strength levels. It works by producing a high internal temperature that beneficially increases metabolic rate and in turn, cuts fat. 

The high-performance recipe comes from the experts that pack some scientifically proven, safest and quickest fat-burners together. 

The mix of natural ingredients in Thermo Tone delivers:

  • Shredded physique 
  • Rapid fat loss 
  • Retains bulk and size 
  • Crazy strength and energy levels 

The manufacturers have trusted some natural and plant-based components for the making of the legal steroid. Green Tea is one of the safest and ideal ancient remedies that have anti-inflammatory benefits. It flushes out the harmful toxins residing in your body and helps to better absorb minerals and vitamins. Cocoa enhances blood regulation and improves cholesterol. It helps to suppress appetite and accelerates energy levels. Evodiamine stimulates fat reduction and helps to burn more calories by naturally activating the fat-burning mechanism in the body. It also reduces excess water weight from the body. Other useful and effective extracts such as Gugglesterones activate metabolic rate and accelerate fat loss. Moreover, essential nutrients like Chromium and Potassium work to generate energy, shred fat, and retain muscles. 

The dietary supplement guarantees safe and noticeable results from the first cycle without any toxic side effects. All you need is 3 capsules every day to unlock your full potential.

Disclaimer: This article contains sponsored marketing content. It is intended for promotional purposes and should not be considered as an endorsement or recommendation by our website. Readers are encouraged to conduct their own research and exercise their own judgment before making any decisions based on the information provided in this article.


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