
“We need Technology in every classroom and every student & teacher hand because it is the pen & paper of our time, & it is also the lens through which we view & experience much of our World”- says the worldwide renowned EdTech activist David Warlick.

The EdTech market has a double-digit whooping CAGR of 19.9%, as per Grand View Research. It is to reach $377.85 billion by 2022. However, a significant issue that dominates the discussion is the gap between education’s haves and have-nots.

In other words, the gap between students who have access to good tools & technologies at home or school and those who don’t. This article outlines diverse ways EdTech is changing the way students are taught, helping us close that gap and make learning more accessible to all.

Here we will be having a detailed discussion on the following:

• What defines EdTech?
• Significant Benefits EdTech Industry is bringing to the table for the Students.
• Top benefits of EdTech for Teachers.
• Notable Stats about EdTech.
• Leading challenges in Implementing EdTech.

What is Edtech?

At its core, EdTech is simply about education technology. It encompasses any technology used to support or enhance education for students of all ages. So, it includes classroom technology, school management software, online tutoring platforms, and more.

From K-12 classrooms to massive open online courses (MOOCs), there’s a growing number of tools available for learning today. And it doesn’t stop there: emerging technologies like virtual reality and artificial intelligence are also applicable in a classroom setting.

Do you know the global e-Learning market size?

Here’s an infographic, have a look:
elearning market stats
Source: Statista- Global e-learning market

So, how is technology changing education? Well, notable effects & benefits include personalized learning experiences, interactive tools, and immersive environments. Together they offer students opportunities they wouldn’t have had otherwise.

While these may seem expensive when viewed financially, many educational institutions see them as cost-saving time or personal development measures.

Let’s explore them in detail.

Here are some of the significant benefits EdTech Industry is bringing to the table for the Students

1) Students Learn at Their Own Pace

There’s no better way to learn than on your schedule. Online education allows students to take courses and move at their own pace, which removes any sense of embarrassment associated with struggling with a concept. Furthermore, it allows them to find the skills and qualifications they need at their convenience. On top of that, they can choose what to focus on next. Maybe it’s an upcoming exam or project that needs more attention.

Maybe they want to fine-tune their knowledge on a particular topic before moving forward. Either way, online education allows limitless opportunities without worrying about time constraints or missing out on classroom participation.

2) Teachers can be Available 24/7

The educational technology industry has made it practical for teachers to reach out to students via email, social media, and other platforms. It’s no longer necessary for teachers to hold office hours. If a student has a question or needs help, they can reach out whenever they want—instead of waiting until class. 

This change is enormous in eliminating barriers between teacher and student, making one-on-one communication much more accessible. What’s even better?

Teachers have more time on their hands now that homework happens online. They can use that extra time to create new lesson plans, grade assignments, or even engage with students outside of schoolwork.

3) Course Material can be Updated Instantly

Given that online classes can now update as often as necessary, educators have more leeway to fix any factual errors in a given lesson. In addition, teachers now have access to various tools that allow them to customize coursework based on each student’s level of understanding.

For example, students can have extra work if they struggle with a particular concept and even receive regular quizzes to gauge their comprehension throughout a lesson. These changes can help ensure that students receive all of the information they need without drowning them in irrelevant facts or taking too much time.

The important thing here is that teachers must be willing to change their teaching style from time to time depending on what best benefits their students.

4) Impactful Visual Information for the Students

The use of visuals such as Powerpoint and videos has become a widespread practice for teachers to help them explain things in detail to their students. Such visual aids help teachers break down complex topics into simple visuals that their students can easily comprehend.

Thus, it becomes easier for them to understand a particular topic and perform better during exams. If you want your student’s performance in exams to go up, providing them with quality EdTech tools can help make that happen.

In today’s fast-paced environment, where students have limited time, visual aids become a boon for them, enabling easy comprehension of complex topics without putting too much pressure on them. Such effective ways of teaching can undoubtedly be labeled ‘EdTech transforming education.’

5) High Interactivity for the Students

An increasing number of e-learning tools are getting developed to boost student engagement. One of these, developed by Utah-based startup Bitwise IO, allows teachers to create and upload study plans in a centralized online library.

Students can access any plan in the library at school or home and use an interactive app to fill in their answers and review them later. The students’ progress gets automatically tracked, and teachers can see which students still need help with what material and when they’re having problems.

It even features progress charts that show at a glance which aspects of each subject require more attention. It’s a highly interactive way of changing education & ensuring that everyone remains focused on their learning & makes reviewing fun learning new material. 

6) Enhances Performance

One of education’s biggest challenges is addressing our most struggling students. For example, it’s estimated that only 10% of at-risk third graders are proficient in reading by fourth grade, which represents a severe hindrance to their future success.

If we can teach students better, they will achieve more and perform better on assessments (which saves teachers time). A study at Failory found that after implementing an online reading intervention for at-risk students, scores on comprehension tests went up by 20%. 

It means our most vulnerable students become capable learners who will ultimately earn degrees and secure stable jobs; at no additional cost. Moreover, as per ICJS, mixing learning with challenge-based gamification can improve education outcomes by 89.45%.

7) Personalized Learning

While most educational tech companies focus on how their product saves teachers time and cuts down on wasted class time, it’s just as crucial for education tech products to help eliminate wasted student time. How? By helping individualize lesson plans so that students learn what they need—and don’t waste hours learning things they’ll never remember or use again.

With EdTech, teachers can quickly narrow down lessons to only include valuable information for each student. It will improve teacher efficiency and student outcomes by eliminating repetitive assignments where students do work they won’t use later in life. 

It’s no longer necessary for students to try different paths until finding one that works. Instead, EdTech finds an approach tailored specifically to each student’s needs. And thanks to EdTech’s ideas, every teacher will soon be able to do the same thing!

Top Benefits for the Teachers

1) High Interactivity for Teachers

In addition to offering high interactivity for students, many e-learning systems now make it easier for teachers. For example, one free software program – TeacherCloud – allows teachers to take notes or enter grades and make other annotations on any document displayed on a classroom computer or projector. 

It means they don’t have to interrupt class time by writing notes; all they need to do is tap keys, and everything gets recorded. These programs also allow teachers to track which parts of lectures were most effective and need more emphasis or clarification.

2) Collaborative Education

elearning software development

More & more schools around the world are ditching textbooks in favor of digital resources. Worldwide, schools spend billions on books that are often outdated by publication time, have conflicting information from chapter to chapter, and are expensive for teachers and students to purchase. 

All of these issues point to a clear need for a switch from traditional methods of learning materials to a new type of education system, one that’s more collaborative. This way, learners have access to updated resources, share knowledge with their peers easily, and learn at their own pace with flexible class schedules.

Meanwhile, teachers have immediate access to scores of lesson plans they can borrow from other educators and tools for collaboration across state lines or international borders. It’s a win-win all around! Thus, hire app developers has become a convenient approach for educational institutions across the globe.

3) Greater Socialization

Thanks to social media platforms like Instagram & YouTube, children engage in more peer-to-peer education than ever before. It could have a profound impact on learning. Children have always been involved in collaborative learning, but social media gives them access to an unlimited number of other learners at all times.

Peer-to-peer exchanges help children become better learners by forcing them to step out of their comfort zones, opening them up to new ideas, and facilitating meaningful collaboration. Interactive educational apps allow students to practice what they’ve learned with virtual peers, which can be even more effective than face-to-face interactions at reinforcing information.

4) Enhanced Communication with Parents

Parents can be hard to reach sometimes, so ed-tech offers teachers new ways to get in touch. Some apps connect teachers directly with parents through texting or video conferencing tools. Multiple apps allow parents to access their child’s school attendance, grades, and behavior report at any time, which helps address issues right away.

Teachers can also use data collected by tracking students’ locations to anticipate potential problems before they occur. For example, if a teacher knows that Johnny consistently leaves for home right around 3 p.m., he can ask Johnny’s mom if everything is okay before it’s too late.

5) Enhancing Flexibility in Education

Online learning has changed education for students across America. Simply, it allows students to enroll in courses at any time. While they may not attend face-to-face classes at their chosen university, distance learning will enable them to study in ways that work best for them. 

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Source: Statista- Leading U.S Distance Learning Institutions Online Enrollment

Moreover, distance & online learning programs deliver course material in a way that helps facilitate the smooth management of busy schedules and hectic lives. Online learning courses offer flexibility with location (when & where you can take classes) and content (when & where you can access textbooks).

6) Smooth Management

In a study from Gallup, 79% of teachers expressed dissatisfaction with classroom management. To help students learn in a calm environment, you need a system that provides real-time feedback and rewards good behavior. With an effective classroom management system in place, teachers can encourage students to work independently and enjoy a more positive atmosphere for learning.

The right EdTech solution makes it easier for students to follow directions and gives you more time to focus on teaching lessons instead of stepping in to keep order. While there isn’t a one-size-fits-all classroom management system, systems are available that provide a solid base for creating a classroom environment conducive to education.

With robust reporting features, you can better understand your students’ needs and make adjustments as needed throughout your day or week. You can also use data to inform real-time instruction with an advanced system, giving individualized feedback as students work through classwork or homework assignments.

In addition, smart classrooms offer integration with student information systems (SIS), making it easy to pull relevant data elsewhere in your school or district’s network.

7) Eco-Friendly Paperless Classrooms

How teachers incorporate technology into their classrooms has changed over time, and today more than ever, it’s essential to integrate eco-friendly practices. These trends help students focus and save money for both students and their parents on supplies such as books and paper.

There are tons of great applications available for computers or iPads that give teachers alternatives to papers. Some sites give kids easy access to an assignment calendar, and parents can see at a glance what’s going on in class so they can get involved, while some programs allow students to share their work with others in projects or presentations easily.

What do the Stats say about EdTech?

  • The worldwide market size value of Edtech will be $106.04 billion by 2021’s end. (Source: Grand View Research)
  • It has a CAGR of 19.06%. (Source: Grand View Research)
  • The market is to reach 377.85 billion in 2028. (Source: Grand View Research)
  • In terms of valuation, ByJu’s is undoubtedly the leading EDTech company worldwide, with $5.8 billion. (Source: Statista)
  • With the Covid-19 pandemic, the number of teaching professionals in favor of EdTech now stands 58%. (Source: EdWeek)
  • The global average of students leveraging laptops for education stands at 37%. (Source: McKinsey) 

What are Some of the Leading Challenges in Implementing EdTech?

Funding: While there are some grant opportunities, most companies pay for EdTech with their budget. Many businesses don’t have enough funds allocated to technology, so it becomes necessary to prioritize spending on new hardware and software before investing in training programs. 

Wide Variety of Devices: School districts and teachers use a wide variety of technologies, making it challenging to quickly roll out new solutions across an entire school system. There’s no one-size-fits-all for devising adoption, making it time-consuming and costly to ensure that each student has access to each piece of technology they need.

Plus, many schools and classrooms don’t have internet access—forgoing newer technologies like cloud services entirely.

Constant Upgrades: The tech world is constantly upgrading its software, apps, and hardware. While it’s great that there are always new developments on offer, many school districts don’t have enough time or funding to implement all of them. Constant upgrades can be challenging for teachers and administrators to keep up with, leading to an increasingly costly situation.

Resistance from Teachers: Teachers don’t necessarily need to be replaced, but sometimes they are resistant to change. A recent study found that teachers are not getting along with new technologies in classrooms.

According to a survey by David C. Garcia, an associate professor of teacher education at Arizona State University, educators are not utilizing digital tools because they believe students prefer working on natural objects over screens. Educators also fear that virtual reality could lead students to be less creative and more prone to distractions.

What are the leading EdTech based Education firms worldwide?

The top five leading EdTech Unicorns worldwide (in terms of valuation) includes the following:

Rank Firm’s Name Headquarters Located At Valuation (in billion U.S dollars)
1 ByJu’s India 5.8
2 VIPKid China 4.5
3 Yuanfudao China 3
4 Duolingo United States 1.5
5 Udacity United States 1.1


Source: Statista

Final Words

The right tech tools via elearning software development company in India facilitate an inclusive learning environment. It boosts engagement, enhances knowledge retention, and fosters curiosity.

It’s no surprise, then, that teachers in today’s classroom are turning to emerging technology to meet all of these needs. As educators become more confident using these tools in their classes, students benefit from a personalized learning experience.

It’s one where they control their own education experience and truly master what matters most.


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