Going Green

Warm weather always gives a good day outside, but no one realizes that rising temperatures have caused the Arctic to melt at an appalling rate. We all love steak for dinner, but we are in denial that cattle ranching is leading to the ever increasing deforestation of the Amazon Rainforest. In ten years, twenty-seven percent of it may be wiped out, along with the termination of the biggest sloth population in the world.

Although there are more than ten million species living in the Amazon, and among them, sloths are dying at a swift rate. Slothino is a unique website that particularly focuses on creating environmental awareness about sloths, especially about how endangered they are in today’s world.

What’s happening to the environment?

The ever increasing consumption of the resources we use has been inducing climate change. This has thrown the world into a scenario where extreme droughts and heatwaves haunt us one moment, while the next welcome downpours and storms that destroy entire countries.

Along with the disasters, waste management is another peril we have to tackle. Waste gets exported to countries just to be dumped and burned. Bioindustry pushes deforestation and pollution of soil and groundwater while the ocean is literally full of trash.

Yet we tend to ignore all this happening just outside our homes because unfortunately climate differs from the weather. It’s hard to notice all the litter floating away in the ocean while enjoying a warm, sunny day at the beach. We forget the fact that microplastics are floating around in the depths of the ocean and killing the rarest species.

How can businesses help?

At this point, scientists say it is not too late to start thinking green. Businesses with influence, power and wealth in society must step up to the podium, as people expect the change to start with them. Most consumers prefer to engage with a business that emphasizes and pledges by environmental awareness.

If there was ample action from the government and other stakeholders, most businesses could leverage their support to adopt green policy strategies. The Paris Agreement [on Climate Change] aims to reduce the carbon emission by half by 2020 and reach net-zero by 2050.

Businesses need to incorporate measures to attain sustainability, where every employee can function in what is environmentally best for the planet. It is the positive societal and environmental impact of sustainable actions your employees can impart on your business.

The following are some ways to turn your employees green as even certain small steps can contribute to a bigger cause even if it is the big corporations that need to bring about major changes.

  • Turn off your appliances!

In an office setting, there are many electrical appliances that are always left on. Most of the time, this is to speed up the work while in fact, the convenience that does not make much difference, is affecting the environment badly.

  • Going Paperless

While some prefer to rely on the traditional method of pen and paper, when we have the luxury of a laptop or PC, we should make use of it! Paper does give the feel of formality and officiality, however it does have its shortcomings like making several trips to the printer.

Employees can be aware of the options available on their fingertips instead, like editing/sharing documents, emails and storage platforms like Google Drive on their laptop which they cannot do via paper.

Imbibing technology at the workplace can limit paper consumption, costs, and promote a green environment.

  • Change Product Packaging

Green packaging is any sort of packaging that is easy to recycle and is safe for individuals and the environment. Such packaging can include bioplastics, plant-based plastics, recycled paper, bubble wrap, cornstarch packaging, recycled cardboard etc.

  • Your business can suggest that employees wear clothes made of organic fibers as opposed to synthetic fibers as microfibers from the latter are a major source of pollution.
  • Strongly suggest to your employees to use public transportation or commute while riding a bike or walking. This reduces CO2 emissions by 20 pounds a day, saving money which is normally spent on fuel.
  • During large conventions, businesses must track the reductions in waste which can lead to lower pollution or chemical use. This would help in keeping the stats in check.
  • Businesses can provide much of their time to donating products and materials to neighbourhood or regional clean-up drives, food banks, or any environmentally friendly community events, which will help in attaining their sustainability goals.

Going green is always a good business practice, so try being a little more responsible about the environment with your business today!


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