Money Mistakes

For most students, college is a time of great freedom and tons of responsibilities. It is also their first money management experience. Unfortunately, many learners struggle to keep up with the high cost of attending college as sources of income remain limited. 

According to research, money is the top reason why students terminate their studies. Studies show that about 42% of college dropouts cite financial reasons for leaving school, outweighing the number of those who left for other reasons like family obligations and health. Most of these students can save their college careers by improving their money management skills. Here are some financial mistakes to avoid in college. 

  • Not Keeping Track of Expenditures 

One of the most serious money mistakes you can make as a college student is failing to keep track of you are taking your cash. We know that there will be many competing needs in college. However, you ought to learn to spend on what you can afford. 

It is important to base your financial choices on the money you have available. To control your spending, have a plan and stick to it. Planning will ensure that you cover the most important needs and keep track of you are spending your finances. If you need help with assignments, consider hiring professionals to help with your work. Read through these top essay writing service reviews to help decide where to get assistance. 

  • Not Starting a Savings Account 

About 26% of adults in the United States do not have savings set aside to protect them in case of emergencies. While this figure may seem low, it represents a vast number of people who have nothing to fall back on when things don’t go according to plan. College students already live on tight budgets, meaning that starting a savings account is crucial. You will need an emergency fund to help you survive those unexpected scenarios like medical bills or car repairs. 

Having a savings account also allows you to improve your financial responsibilities in the short and long term. We understand that saving money in college can be challenging since your sources of income are limited. Since students have to juggle between work, classes, and assignments, there is often little time within which to earn extra income. 

By building healthy financial habits now, you are setting up foundations for future success. To get enough money for saving, make sure to create a budget and monitor your spending. You should also consider getting a part-time job. Consider keeping your money in a high-yield savings account. This way, you will be earning more without going through additional risks. 

  • Not Differentiating Between Wants and Needs 


Another common financial mistake that college students make is failing to distinguish what they want and actual needs. Many students in college spend more than they have the funds for because they have not spent time categorizing their expenditures. It is crucial to determine what you really need and what you want. For instance, your food budget is a need while a movie night is a want. 

Although you can still create budgetary allocations for wants, you have to learn to prioritize your spending. This way you get to spend on what you can afford while ensuring that you don’t depend too much on loans. If you need to help with your projects, consider going through sites like for useful insights. 

  • Picking an Overly Expensive College

One of the oldest questions in academia is whether college names matter when it comes to job prospects. Most families stress over whether they should send their kids to brand-name schools to boost their future careers and salaries. Although the name of the college you attend is important, the significance varies based on your study. In other words, the institution from which you obtain your diploma may be significant, but not always. 

You may have dreams of attending ivy league colleges or traveling going overseas for a university education. However, such a decision may not be the best for you financially. To minimize your expenses, consider a cheaper college. Before choosing the college that you consider ideal, consider such things as return on investment. 

Also, spend some time exploring options and decide whether your dream college is the only way to go for your dream university program. After some research and consideration, you may even find different options that offer better bargains. if you struggle with college application essays, consider platforms like to find the best academic writers.

College students tend to be impressionable and can easily yield to peer influence. You need to understand that there are some situations when saying no to friends is okay. If those in your group wish to go see a movie or travel and you don’t have the money to spend for the event, you shouldn’t feel compelled to give in to pressure. Set clear goals, create a budget, and stick to it.

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