
Online Scam – All you need to know

What is an online scam? How it all starts? How anyone ends up being scammed? These are just some of the questions going through your head. But scams are part of the online world reality.

Only in 2017, the FBI received over 300,000 reports of online frauds. It’s reported in the same year that scammed people lost a total of $1.4 billion. And that is only in the US. Now, you can imagine what is the amount globally. (source:

According to CSIS, cybercrime costs the global economy around $600 billion yearly, which is around 0.8% of GDP.

Scams vary from charity fraud, online gift card fraud, to financial fraud. Therefore, nobody is immune. Scammers play on the card of your empathy, feelings, life crisis, etc; anything that will bring them to their goal – your money.

Now, you are probably wondering how to protect yourself if scammers can be anywhere. It’s not so hard. If you get a suspicious e-mail or SMS, you should not reply before you check the source. If you get a message that someone close to you is in trouble, do not do anything before you contact the person. If you are planning to buy something online or start investing, always check the seller/broker, before making any decisions and giving away your banking details.

Yet, if it happens that you fall for a scam, this is not the end. This is just the beginning of another process. The process with Action Refund. Read about it more in our Action Refunds reviews.

Financial Scam – How it starts? What to do?

The financial scam is the most common scam on the internet. The goal of scammers is to extract as much money as possible from their victims. There are many types of financial scams, too–from blackmails and extortions to investing scams.

Investing is the hardest to resolve. Why? Because the scammer will claim that you gave your money voluntarily. In some cases, your bank will say the same thing. You approved the transaction, what would you like them to do now?

You get a call from some brokerage company, you see their ad, and you think to yourself that the offer is good. It can change your life. It can help you go out of the situation you’re in currently. That’s how you end up giving your card details, access to your online banking, your documents, and whatnot. 

After a couple of days or even a couple of months, you figure that you can’t withdraw the profit. You try to talk to the broker, but it won’t help. This is when the alert in your head starts. This is when you understand that you got scammed. And, this is when Action Refund comes to the scene.

Action Refund – Miracle workers?

In our Action Refund reviews, we decided to understand exactly who these people are. What is their goal and why would they help someone like you or me to get the money back. What is the motive behind their actions? And, last but not the least, what is the cost of their work?

Action Refund is an Israeli-based company with a mission to retrieve lost money back. Their clients are people that lost money in online scams. As previously mentioned, there are many types of online scams. The expertise of Action Refund is financial scams. They help people that lost money in binary options, Forex trading, CFD trading, and cryptocurrencies.

This type of scam is, unfortunately, more and more expanded since the Covid-19 started. Scammers are highly exploiting the situation. Many of their ads are showing how you can use the crisis to make money. It will sound perfectly logical – investing in vaccine-producing companies and in online platforms such as Netflix and Facebook. They will make it clear that shares of these companies are rising due to the pandemic and that is your chance to increase your income. But here comes the catch–you CAN make the profit, but you CANNOT withdraw that profit. 

After you make a deposit and start investing, there’s a high chance that the broker will ask you to add more money so you can make more money. Again, you will get all the logical explanations, you will get the numbers. It will sound amazing. And yes, on the screen, it will be amazing. But after the trading is done, and after your hype is done, you want to feel that money in your pocket. Obviously, you will submit a withdrawal request because, at the end of the day, it is your money. In some cases, you will get another logical explanation why you shouldn’t do it now. In some cases, however, you will not even get the answer. 

After the broker is done taking your money, they will delete you from their contact list. No more phone calls, no more e-mails, no more market updates. Complete silence. You will find yourself sitting in front of the screen and thinking about the next step.

After understanding that they have been scammed, many people will decide to give up because they feel ashamed. They feel embarrassed to admit that someone took money from them, especially if the amount is significant. Some people will contact their bank and try to go that way. Some people will, however, turn to experts. One of these experts for getting the money back is definitely Action Refund.

Action Refund – Step by step

Now, after we made clear what is the domain of Action Refund’s actions, let’s see what are the steps to follow. How to make sure that the company can help you and what is their job?

1. Claim review – after you hand your case to them, employees of the company will carefully review your claim. This step is necessary because the company doesn’t like to waste its resources on cases that cannot be successfully resolved. At the same time, they don’t like to give false hopes to their potential clients, so it is better to make it clear from the start; what are the odds to win the case, and how long it will take. 

If the decision is made, and both sides are satisfied with negotiations, the next phase of the process can start.

We want to mention that this step is free; after you contact Action Refund with your issue, they will provide you free consultations.

2. Collecting necessary evidence – the crucial part to successfully resolve the dispute is to have enough evidence to support it. First thing, you need to prove that the scam happened and that you were the victim. After that, any potential lead to the scam broker is significant. Every bank statement, e-mail, phone number. Anything that you ever got can be the key to win. 

Action Refund employees will also help you investigate the broker, find out who is the owner, where is the broker-based, and, if possible, where is he keeping the money.

3. Approach the companies together – after having all the necessary evidence, the next step is to approach the companies. Approach the brokerage, the merchant of the transaction, and your bank. Action Refund offers to represent you in all these places and to use all their expertise and experience to submit the evidence properly and manage to get a refund. This is time-saving for the client, and much safer. After all, employees at Action Refund have years of experience in dealing with these issues. They know all kinds of scams and all kinds of ways to resolve the dispute.

4. Claim your money back – when the documents are submitted to the right places, and everything has been said, the only thing left is to claim your money back. 

Action Refund employees are staying with you until the very end of the procedure. They will claim your funds back since you are the rightful owner. You are the victim of a scam and you need to be compensated.

Action Refund – Background check

After going through all these steps, we decided to do some checks about Action Refund. Is it really that simple to just go to someone, hand it over, and they will solve your problem?

We tracked down some of the Action Refund clients and we had what to hear. Every single one of them said the same thing–Action Refund is our hero! 

The lady from England, that prefers to stay anonymous due to personal reasons, told us that she lost nearly 10,000 GBP, and Action Refund supported her throughout the chargeback process. She told us that a friend recommended her to the company, she also read some Action Refund reviews on her own and decided to schedule free consultations. After speaking to the company’s employees, she figured they know what they talk about. After losing such an amount, she thought to herself that it cannot be worse. Therefore, she went for it, and was amazed by the results!

“Their support was very pleasant, they explained to me in detail what are the requirements. After I presented them my case, they asked for few days to evaluate everything. It was much different than my experience with a so-called broker that immediately asked for money. These people really wanted to listen and understand. And more important, to help.” – told us a 69-year-old client from Birmingham.

We followed this lady’s steps and checked Action Refund reviews, too. All we can say is that the company has an exceptional reputation and an amazing team on-board. In the past year, they managed to get back over 100,000$ and to have over 1000 satisfied clients. This tells us something–the company is investing in the right tools and its own employees.

The employees are chosen very carefully after a thorough background search. They met the highest requirements for working in this type of industry. Every one of them is a professional in their field, with proven results behind them.

Action Refund – Conclusion

After everything we read, heard, and found out ourselves, we can only say well done for Action Refund. The company is fully GDPR compliant. The high-quality service is provided to each and every client, not related to the amount they lost, or the difficulty of the case. Action Refund employees are doing an exceptional job to deliver promised. Every case is carefully reviewed, researched, the evidence is collected. Clients are updated about every step of the way. Transparency is the synonym for Action Refund service.

According to our Action Refund reviews, if you have been the victim of an online scam, there is no better place. This company proved why they are so high-rated and why they are considered leaders in this job.

We suggest contacting them today, and see it yourself!

Disclaimer: This article contains sponsored marketing content. It is intended for promotional purposes and should not be considered as an endorsement or recommendation by our website. Readers are encouraged to conduct their own research and exercise their own judgment before making any decisions based on the information provided in this article.


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