
Poultry farming is increasingly becoming a business from home you can start in 2022, especially for homeowners with a large outdoor space in their backyards. There are several benefits of running a backyard chicken farm that includes ease of operation, part-time involvement, and routine chores – all of this only if you get the basics of poultry farming right! Here are seven useful tips to follow that ensure you begin your poultry farming journey on the right foot. 

Choose The Right Chicken Coop

A chicken coop is a home your chickens will reside, multiply and thrive in. So it is only right that you leave no stone unturned in choosing the right coop for your flock. Oftentimes, the downfall of a poultry farm lies in a poorly designed coop. Some considerations to keep in mind when choosing a coop include proper ventilation with a thick asphalt roof that offers protection from heat and water. Additionally, a portable coop is always beneficial to ensure good cleaning and safety. A chicken coop made of time is your best bet in terms of sturdiness and durability. Find all of these features and more with the top-quality range of chicken coops from my chicken coop. It is the perfect investment for both first-time poultry farmers and poultry farming veterans. 

Choose The Right Chickens

There are several chicken breeds in the world which are broadly classified as American, Mediterranean, English and Asiatic. Not all of these breeds thrive in different weather and topographical conditions. When setting up a poultry farm, it is important to choose a breed of chickens that can survive and thrive in the weather in your region. Also choose a breed that you have a decent knowledge about in terms of their care, nutrition, maintenance and lifespan. Additionally, this breed must also be in demand in your part of the world, or else you may end up breeding chickens at a loss. When you are looking to set up a poultry farm, It is best to source your chickens from within your community so you know they are likely to survive in the region as well as be in demand around where you live.

Stay Ahead With Vaccinations

The key to healthy and happy chickens is not just water, cleanliness and food but also vaccinations. Ensure you follow a reputable vet doctor who prescribes a thorough vaccination schedule. Many ailments can be fatal for chickens such as bronchitis, fowl pox, Lasota, Newcastle disease and more. Not only do they give chickens a harrowing time, but they’re also highly infectious and can sweep off your entire flock, leading to financial and operational losses. Hence, it is strongly advised to follow a good vaccination routine for your poultry farm to enjoy a healthy flock and healthy profits. Hit a search online for all the vaccination programs in poultry following which you can consult a reputable vet to go with vaccinations that are suitable for your flock. 

Make Cleanliness Non-Negotiable

A clean and healthy chicken coop can keep most diseases at bay. Ensure you follow a thorough cleaning routine in and around your coop by cleaning water bowls, bird droppings, dust and debris away promptly. Flies breed rapidly around brooding boxes and chicken features. This can quite turn into an unhygienic situation. For this reason, investing in a coop with easy human access becomes all the more essential. Avoid untoward business losses by staying a step ahead in your maintenance and cleaning routine as well as finding Ibc totes for sale.

Engage Several Hands For The Job

Running a poultry business is largely a labour-intensive exercise. Several routine chores must be done regularly such as collecting eggs, cleaning droppings, changing water bowls and more. It is difficult for a single person to run the show. Hence, it is wise to engage help from day one from family neighbours or even paid help to ensure the routine runs smoothly without any glitches. Additionally, a poultry farm requires constant vigilance. Chickens need to be watched and examined daily, sometimes even multiple times a day so quick action can be taken if they show signs of sickness. Chickens can also be attacked by each other or external predators. So it is wise to keep the area under vigilance. Ensure you have several eyes and hands on the job to prevent untoward situations that can cause financial setbacks to your poultry farm.

Manage Parasites Efficiently

Red mites, tampans, hen fleas and tapeworms are some of the common health woes that hit chicken coops due to compromises in sanitization and cleanliness. Manage these parasites efficiently by keeping a keen eye and promptly flagging any danger signs. Also, ensure you are prompt with cleaning and sanitization to keep such breakouts to a minimum. 

Wrap Up

Running a poultry farm is no mean feat, but once it becomes a well-oiled machine, it promises steady returns. We hope the above pointers help you set up a successful poultry farm in your backyard.


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