
A kennel is your dog’s little home within your home. It is a place for him to lounge, unwind and slip into slumber. Pet parents must give due thought before investing in a dog kennel, just as you would for any other fixture in your home. If you’re looking for some direction and support before buying a kennel, we have broken it down for you. Read on to discover six must-have features you must look for in a dog kennel.

Ample Ventilation

Dogs can get dehydrated and sweaty fairly quickly. A closed and compact space can spell trouble for a dog who has just had an active outdoor time. Even the healthiest of dog breeds can face health problems with poor ventilation. For this reason, it is a must to ensure the kennel you choose has ample ventilation. A sleek window and a wide door are a great way to ensure cross-ventilation. For safety reasons, install metal window bars on the window so you let in only fresh air and not potential hazards such as flies, moths, scorpions and more. 


Places with extreme weather conditions can get very cold or very warm in different parts of the year. In such situations, it may be tough to gauge if a dog is warm or feeling the chill. An insulated kennel is a perfect solution! Ensure your dog’s kennel is insulated from harsh temperatures to keep them healthy and safe. An asphalt-insulated roof is a worthy investment in a dog kennel. Check the asphalt layer every year or two and invest in a touch-up if needed. For extremely harsh weather conditions, you can even consider going over and above the asphalt roof and conduct a DIY dog house insulation exercise to give your furry friend some extra cushioning. 

Plenty of Space

Ensure you choose a kennel that’s suitable to your dog’s breed and build. Larger dogs require more space to laze around and get comfortable. This calls for an extra-large kennel that can offer enough room for a big dog. What’s more, ensure you choose a kennel that can serve your dog well into his adult size. So if you are buying a kennel for your puppy, make your purchase keeping in mind his full adult size. Also, for a dog that is extremely active and hyper, you can consider a dual-level kennel that gives your furry friend plenty of space to run, climb, jump and channel his energy positively. Choose a kennel based on your dog’s physical characteristics and personality. Head to my dog supplies for kennel of various sizes and features that are suitable for different dog breeds. 

Durability In Design

Look into the finer aspects of kennel design when choosing your dog’s new home. Seemingly unimportant features could be deal breakers when it comes to your dog’s comfort. For one, ensure the kennel is designed to have good floor clearance so your dog is unperturbed in case of heavy rains and water clogging. This also contributes significantly to insulation. A slated roof ensures no water is stagnant, preventing leaks and water seepage into the kennel’s structure which can cause premature dilapidation. Smaller dogs may require a complete mesh covering to prevent them from escaping or keeping other predators in the surroundings at bay. Keep these factors at your fingertips to ensure you choose a durable dog kennel.

Easy To Clean & Maintain

Dogs are going to make their kennels messy whether you like it or not. Rather than getting frustrated by the mess, choose a kennel that facilitates easy cleaning. Many kennels offer easy access for humans through detachable roofs or pull-out trays for fast cleaning. A sliding roof also ensures no leaves, debris or water collect on the roof, giving your dog a naturally clean home to live in. choose a kennel made of high-quality wood that doesn’t get damp or mouldy in humid weather. Good-quality surfaces can be easily wiped clean to ensure a safe and healthy environment for your dog.

Aluminium Mesh 

It is a good idea to train your dog for a kennel from day one. Having said that, new puppies can be scared and vulnerable as they are recently separated from their mothers and ushered into a new environment. In such a situation, a kennel with an aluminium mesh can be a real blessing. Not only does this restrict your dog in a particular outdoor space, but it also prevents external dangers from reaching them. There may be larger dogs, horses, sheep or even poultry around that can pose a risk to the health and safety of your dog. An aluminium mesh is a great way to keep these hazards out of the way while ensuring your little fur ball enjoys the outdoor time. 

Wrap Up

Keeping your dog safe and healthy is not just a responsibility but also a pleasure. A kennel is one of the most used fixtures for your dog, so ensure you give it due thought before making a purchase. We hope the above checklist helps you make the right choice!


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