
In the last few decades, many young people got into tech and related fields. This shift is primarily due to the buzz around IT and affiliated fields. In addition, many go into tech because companies are always looking for people to hire. As such, students decide to enroll in an IT course in college. Others opt for a fast approach by joining an online or offline boot camp. After graduation, many tech people find it challenging to get a top job. The difficulty is partly due to the competitive nature of the industry. Therefore, in this article, we will answer the following question – what do recruiters want to see in your resume?

Time Spent at Other Jobs

In most cases, employers prefer to hire workers for the long run. They are not interested in employing people only for them to leave in less than 6 months. As such, many businesses reject applications from people they consider employment hoppers. They do this in order to:

  • Minimize loss of money and time because a new employee has switched jobs.
  • Reduce the resources required to conduct another recruitment.
  • Avoid training new workers each time someone leaves.
  • Ensure the processes within a company are not interrupted.

For these reasons, a recruiter in the tech industry will want to hire an applicant with at least 2 years of work at another firm, or several firms. Having a person with that much time on the job shows commitment and dedication. Hence, it is essential for you to explicitly document the years of experience in each position in your resume. To avoid spending a lot of time on this, you can use writing services such as Trust My Paper, where experts will always help you with writing. If you are also running out of time and needs an easy fix, try to visit this site: to get a professional assistance. You can also get smart creative key points here for resume writing.

Tech Stack

The first thing a recruiter will want to see on your resume is your tech stack in a tech environment. In this context, the tech stack defines all the technologies, tools, and programming languages you are competent in. In summary, it highlights your entire skill set, that’s why it’s important to know how to choose a tech stack properly. This information is considered essential by most employers. Therefore, you will want to include appropriate keywords relating to each aspect of your previous employment. Adding this immediately tells recruiters you have an understanding of the fields and appropriate knowledge to contribute to the company. As such, if you are a front-end developer, an evaluator will want to see your proficiency in things like JavaScript, HTML, CSS, React, and much more. Firstly, you must present the skills that align with the job description you are applying for. Next, you can highlight other experiences and qualifications closely related to the job opening.

Communication Skills

Your resume is a document that tells people who you are as a professional. It must communicate your experience and skills in simple English, making it easy for everyone to read and comprehend. Thus, you may want to write your CV knowing that both tech-savvy and non-technical individuals will have a look at it.

Although it is a good idea to present keywords in your skills, it is equally beneficial to highlight the application of such skills when describing your experience. Your ability to do this is critical because you will want recruiters to fully understand your skill set and have a good impression of you before handing over your resume to a more tech-savvy specialist. Writing a CV using simple layman terms can be challenging for most techies. Just like a student, you can use professional writing services for your resume writing needs.


A portfolio is a selection of previous projects that will highlight how you execute tasks. Therefore, beyond experience and tech stack, having a quality collection will impress evaluators. In particular, having a portfolio is essential if you have previously worked as a freelancer. In addition, this collection of projects can distinguish you from other applicants by demonstrating your skills and experience.

As such, it will not be a bad idea to have a website or a blog to highlight what you do. Also, having a quality YouTube channel is great for dynamically presenting your skills. Likewise, you should have an up-to-date LinkedIn profile as it demonstrates how seriously you take your career.

Educational Background and Qualifications

A lot has changed since the proliferation of boot camps. Consequently, many people prefer to go into tech via this route. However, having a degree in tech will usually take you places other certificates will not. In addition, many recruiters will use the criteria of having a college degree to pick out applicants from a pool of potential candidates. Hence, placing your tech degree on the top of your list under education is quite useful. Likewise, you can include certificates and qualifications in other fields if they are relevant to the industry you are applying to. 

For example, if you are applying for a tech position in a financial institution, presenting a degree or qualification in finance will increase your chances of getting employed. Furthermore, many employers in the financial industry will prefer to hire a tech expert with a degree in finance and a boot camp certificate in programming or data science. The reason for this is that a programmer or data scientist proficient in finance will provide solutions that are more suitable for the industry. You will want to be strategic when presenting your certificates and qualifications.


As an applicant in the tech industry, there are 5 essential elements you will want to include in your resume. These basics are what recruiters look out for the most. Your ability to highlight these elements can improve your chances of being employed.


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