Easier Ways you Can Dry Your Carpet After Cleaning

Of all the house chores cleaning the carpet remains the most tedious and hectic of all. This is the reason why most households wash their carpets once in a very long time. A clean carpet is however appealing both to your hygiene and aesthetics. Cleaning is just half the job however as carpets can take very long to dry. At crown cleaners, we combine different cleaning and drying techniques for the best customer experience and less inconveniences. Find out from the read below how dry a carpet after cleaning. 

Why is drying the carpet necessary? 

Water is only great for your carpet after you have washed it otherwise it could have a number of repercussions. Though the carpet will look normal from a surface view, chances are that the moisture creates a perfect environment for mildew and mould to grow. This accelerates the rate of deterioration of the carpet while also releasing a bad odour in your living room that causes discomfort. 

How to effectively dry a wet carpet 

Airflow through fans – this is the most common method home owners use for their carpet drying.After cleaning it, the ceiling fan can help distribute air across its fibres evenly which allows for drying. The trick is to have the source of the airflow directly above carpet which makes ceiling fans the right options. You can also use desk fans for the job even though the results achieved cannot be compared to ceiling fan. If you however use two desk fans on opposite sides of the carpet or rug, the results might be much better. 

Leave the window open – the best way to dry a carpet would be airing it out in the sun to dry however that is never possible with most households today. The simplest method close to air drying is using open windows to speed up the carpet drying process. The fresh air inflow into the room will rid the room of any odours and besides accelerate the drying process. Like with the desk fans case, windows on opposite sides of the carpet when left open will make the process much easier than anticipated. It works like magic when the weather is perfect unlike on a rainy, snowy, wet, or cold day. 

Expose the padding – You can also use carpet padding method which is also a reliable way of maintaining your carpet after washing. It only works under the condition that the base or surface of the carpet is dry. Once you wall to wall your carpet, use pliers for pulling its fibres around. You can also place a fan near the padding area for faster drying. Some households however prefer to use vacuum hoses as it is a faster process. 

Use your air conditioner- the HVAC unit of the house can also be instrumental in drying your carpet faster. When combined with ceiling fans, the heat from your air conditioner can be evenly distributed throughout the rooms. This extends the carpet’s drying time especially when you have set your thermostat higher than your normal setting. The only downside to using this method is the increased energy bills you will ultimately have to clear. 

What if the carpet does not dry?

In isolated cases the carpet might be heavily wet to be dried using the above methods. That calls for special techniques like using baking soda on the carpet. The powder is effective in not just absorbing the moisture but also the odour from the carpet. It however works best when combined with other methods of carpet drying described in the steps above. 


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