Are you thinking about hosting a team-building event? Or is your company launching a new product soon? Regardless of the occasion, you’ll want to host an iconic corporate event where everyone will socialize, have a good time and talk about it for weeks after. To plan a successful event, you’ll need a team of people to help you and make sure every step is completed on time. For more information, check out the following tips for planning a successful corporate event.
Know your objectives and goals
First, set the goals and objectives for the event. Are you hosting a team picnic for your Sydney branch? Do you want to celebrate the end of a financial year with your team? Will you be throwing a party for your clients and potential new clients? Are you launching a new product in Australia, and you’d like to invite all the media plus a larger audience than for an intimate company picnic? These are all the questions you need to answer before you start with more detailed planning. Moving on to the next step will be easier after you’ve set the objectives of your event.
Set the date
Now that you know what your event is about, it’s time for setting the date. How long do you think it’ll take for you to invite the guests, call the event planner and have them deal with décor and everything else? Hire an event planner and consult with them on the timeline to be sure you’ll manage everything in time and without any stress. Set the date, and start making invitations for the guests.
Find the right venue
Even though you’ve set the date, leave room for modifications because restaurants are often booked long in advance, and your initial date might already be unavailable at the venue you’ve got your eye on. High-class venues that can accommodate over 500 people should be the first on your list to look at. Italian restaurants can be a good choice, as they offer delectable food and guarantee unforgettable parties. When looking for an Italian restaurant, Western Sydney has some of the best venues you could ever find. To ensure the layout and seating arrangements are optimal, many event planners are turning to using CAD with OnePlan, allowing them to design the event space with precision.
Calculate the budget
Knowing how much money you can spend on an event is crucial. You need to be aware of the event planner’s fee, the venue cost, marketing materials you’re planning to make, and a full spectrum of other expenditures. Make a list of all the expenses and see whether you can afford everything you’ve envisioned.
Make a guest list
Who is coming to this corporate event? Are you inviting just the employees and their plus ones or will it be an event for a larger audience? After deciding on that, start making a guest list and send the invitations with enough time for everyone to RSVP and plan their steps.
Work on event branding
If you’re about to launch a new product and want as many people from the industry present, branding will be crucial. Advertise the event on social media and via email marketing. Content creation is another smart way to spread the word about your event and create the needed buzz quickly and successfully. Let all the Sydney know where and when you’ll be hosting a corporate by targeting the right audience online.
Hosting a corporate event is vital for the company’s image. You’ll need to have people mingle from time to time to show that you care about your employees and clients. When the time to plan an event comes, get ready to put in all your effort and creativity to make it the next best corporate event of the season.