Top 4 Fruit Trees To Grow In Your Garden

Do you have a garden and would like some tree ideas? If yes,  then you in are certainly reading the right article. The good thing about being a gardener is the limitless plant options you have, and when it comes to fruit trees, nature has blessed us with hundreds of species. But which one should you plant in your home garden?

Firstly, the fruit tree you plant should depend on the type of fruit you like to eat. If you have a large family, you may also want to consider their preferences. Secondly, you should plant fruit trees best suited for the climate in your region. Lastly, the soil in your area should be another factor to consider when deciding which fruit trees to plant.

Here are four fruit trees every garden should have. If your soil and climate are conducive to any of them, rest assured that you will enjoy harvesting them for many years to come.

4 Fruit Trees For Your Home Garden

Here are our top picks.

Valencia Orange Trees

Valencia Orange trees are heavy breeders because they bear a lot of fruit at maturity. The Valencia orange and is one of the best fruits for making cocktails, smoothies, juices or other drinks. Initially, they originated from mainland China but have spread to different parts of the world.

Their fruits are easy to peel, juicy, and seedless, and their juice can be extracted. The best spot to plant them is in an outdoor area like your backyard or a field. From the third year, they start bearing fruit and are not as vulnerable to pests as other citrus fruit species. A mature Valencia orange tree can grow up to 25ft and will bear 6 seeds per fruit. You can order Valencia Oranges at retailers like the Lemon Citrus Store.

Barbados Cherry

Barbados Cherries can be found in many tropical regions in Central and South America. Over the years, similar species have been found in other tropical regions of the globe. Barbados cherries are nutritious and cast an enchanting shape once they blossom in the spring season. If you live in a temperate region, this is one tree to consider for your garden, but why?

It will beautify your environment and provide you with a limitless source of tasty cherries for most of the year. They grow in dwarf rootstocks and don’t need too much space to spread their branches. Furthermore, they are one of the lowest-maintenance trees you will ever plant because they are highly resilient. However, Barbados cherries need fertile soil if they are to stand a chance of survival in their first year, so you need to water them regularly to increase their survival rate. But the good news is that once they mature, they can survive on their own.

Different species can be cultivated in 3-9 zones. The sweeter species will grow well in zones 5-7, while the sour species will grow well in 4-6 zones.

Lemon Tree

Another fruit tree option for your garden is the Lemon tree. Lemon trees are also resilient and can grow in enclosed or open spaces, but the best way to grow lemons is in pots. Best grown in colder climates, once they mature and begin to flower, their fragrance will permeate the entire area, making them the best house plants for winter.

Lemon trees are best cultivated in cold regions, but such freezing temperatures can stunt their growth for a time which is why they remain in pots for a little while longer. You should also note that they come in different varieties, so before you pick any, ensure that you do your findings. For instance, the Meyer species flowers all through the year and bears a lot of seedlings too.

If you must plant Lemon in your garden, ensure the soil is nourished with enough nutrients so the plant will survive infancy. Investing in quality citrus feed is a good idea to boost soil nutrients. Also, wait for the soil around the root to dry before watering the plant again. As the tree begins to produce fruit, always prune the branches to boost fruit production.

Banana Trees

Last but not least are Banana trees, and don’t we all love bananas. Bananas are a staple food in many countries and have existed on the planet for thousands of years. In many parts of the world, they hold religious significance and are a part of their cultural and religious practices. No one can say for sure where they first appeared, but the general consensus is that they probably originated from Africa, Central, or South America. By the 1500s, they began to spread to other parts of the world.

Bananas are known for their yellow or green color and hard skins with long and curved shapes. Their flesh is milky and starchy, which is why many prefer to add them to their milkshakes. This delicious fruit can be cooked or eaten raw and is known to boost immunity and vitality. Regarded as one of the most nutritious fruits known to man, it has tremendous economic value. Today, banana flesh and skins and feeds are used for feeds, snacks, food, beverages, industrial ethanol, and many other products.

Bananas can grow in different zones, and their leaves grow faster than their trunks in their younger years. As they mature, their leaves begin to spread out to capture more sunlight, so you need to prune them so new leaves will sprout. The first years are dicey, but if the tree survives, it can live for decades. If you decide to plant bananas, make sure you avoid chemical pesticides for pest control. Also, water and fertilize the plant regularly.

These are our top four fruit trees every garden should have. Do you agree with our picks, or do you have better options? Tell us in the comment section.


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