When generating a campaign of any sort for your business, it is important to look into how one can help the other to succeed and SEO and social media is no exception. Wither you are looking for an agency to help you with your search engine optimisation or you are taking on the challenge in house, social media can help to better your efforts and boost your brand over time. In this article, we will be giving you some insight into how you can combine both to help your campaign be the most successful one yet.
Boosts The Brand
One of the main reasons that SEO and social media work well together in SEO campaigns is through boosting your brand. By slowly building up a following online with engaging content, you are then able to target a broader target audience and boost the awareness of your brand. Though it can take time to gain a significant following, creating engaging content and adding relevant links can help to send significant traffic to the main site as well as maintain a strong relationship with the target audience.
Directs Traffic
Whether this is through a link in an Instagram bio or a hyperlink within the content or a video using a social media platform to your advantage can help you to direct your traffic to the main site or landing page. This is a tactic that would particularly benefit a smaller business as you are boosting brand awareness whilst increasing the traffic to your main site. There is no denying that this will take time, however this could also help to aid leads through the conversion funnel particularly in the awareness and consideration stages.
Influencer Marketing
Another way that a successful social media campaign can boost your SEO is through using influencers or industry experts to boost your authority. This is particularly beneficial for Google SERP results, as the higher the E.A.T rating the better chances you have of ranking higher in Google. By generating high-quality content with content written by an expert in their field, you are then generating content that will be favoured by Google.
By then sharing this content across multiple social media platforms, you are then generating authoritative backlinks that will help to boost the overall SEO efforts.
Build Relationships With Customers
Social media can also help your SEO as it is the perfect platform to boost engagement and increase communication between you and your customers. Whether this is through the use of a chatbot or replying to customers in the comments on your latest post, this can all help to aid customer relationships and build your brand over a prolonged period. Social media platforms such as LinkedIn are also beneficial from an SEO perspective as you can begin to network with industry leaders and collaborate to create content that is not only factual but holds a high E.A.T rating. This can then be linked a number of times to relevant sites to help generate a back-link profile with highly relevant websites.
Encourage Conversions
Conversion rate is one of the main smart goals for a number of companies, particularly if they are running an e-commerce site. Companies link JumpFactor can help you with exactly this. By using an array of social media accounts, you can create a platform for you to engage with your target audience and begin your inbound marketing strategy. By building a platform that provides a quick response, you are then able to nurture potential leads for the best possible outcome over time with an increase in business.
Whether you are looking to better the connection between existing social media and SEO strategies or you are looking to completely revamp all your existing social media platforms, this can help to build the reputation of your business over a prolonged period of time.