Reducing Employee Stress by Using a Work Time Tracker

people management strategies

It’s possible to reduce employee stress by using employee time clock software at work? We know, it sounds impossible. You would think that employees become more stressful when they know you’re watching their every computer activity.

The good news is that it doesn’t have to be that way, if you use the software correctly. So, let’s see what it is that you have to do with your work time tracker to make your workplace a stress-free environment.


Setting More Realistic Expectations

Nothing causes more stress than trying to achieve the unachievable. Getting a task with a short deadline, or a goal that is just impossible to reach can cause employees to spend more time thinking how it’s impossible than working. Such situations lower their motivation, engagement, therefore lowering their productivity as well.

By using a work time tracker you’ll know how much time each employee takes to finish a certain type of task, so you can set goals which are achievable to that employee. One person will definitely be better at one thing than the other, but it’s important you understand their limitations. While pushing your employees a bit further can help them improve, you must approach this carefully to avoid causing them stress, and that’s exactly where the tracking data comes in.


Keeping Workload Manageable

Another factor that causes stress in the workplace is too much work. Too many tasks can confuse your employees, they might not be sure what to prioritize, and this can cause them to feel like they’re being pressured.

On the other side, there’s you and your clients, and more work to be done. If you’re looking to avoid overwhelming your employees, you should definitely track their workload and tasks in the time tracker of your choice. 

Whenever there’s a new task, check the dashboard, see who is the best person for the job. You should base this decision on time it takes them to complete the task, and its quality, as well as their current workload.


Lowering Micromanagement

While your employees might think that the work time tracker is just another way for you to micromanager their every move, it’s purpose is to actually stop micromanagement. Most unhappy employees are those who have micromanagers, and they are usually the first to leave companies where they’re managed like this. 

Tracker will allow you to track progress on projects and tasks through time tracking data, app usage, and productivity reports, without asking too many questions on a daily basis.


Accurately Paid Overtime

If your employees feel like they aren’t compensated properly for the work they’re doing, they can become bitter, demotivated and disengaged from the work. Although they will usually say they feel like they’ve put in more hours than they were paid for, these situations are uncomfortable for everyone involved. 

Luckily, a work time tracker tracks time automatically and accurately. Additionally, you’re usually able to set up pay rate, as well as overtime rate for every employee. Therefore, the hours and payment amounts are calculated automatically, and your employees don’t have to worry about being paid less ever again.


Wrap Up

It’s your duty as a manager or a business owner to create a comfortable working environment for your employees. While fancy break rooms, stocked kitchens and pizza days can get you there, you shouldn’t overlook the most crucial part of employees’ happiness – working conditions. Make sure you’re optimizing workload, delegating properly, paying fairly, and that you’re not snooping around everyone’s daily business all the time. It’s a definitive recipe for success, and you can achieve it by using one simple tool.


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